From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- EMU, Political Union and Economic Performance: Lessons from the Stability and Growth Pact and the Lisbon Strategy

- Demosthenes Ioannou and Martin Heipertz
- EMU: monetary policy issues and challenges

- Juergen von Hagen
- EMU’s Fiscal Rules in a Historical Perspective

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- Enabling collaboration and building capacity through research networks , pp 146-153

- Phil Wallace, Heidi Hinder, Adam Luqmani and Lisa Hanselmann
- Enabling employees and breaking down barriers: behavioural infrastructure for pro-environmental behaviour , pp 313-346

- Simon Lockrey, Linda Brennan, Karli Verghese, Warren Staples and Wayne Binney
- Enabling Environmental Partnerships: The Role of Good Governance in Madagascar’s Forest Sector

- Derick W. Brinkerhoff
- Enabling health system resilience through resilient cities , pp 113-127

- Laura C. Rosella
- Enabling Information Infrastructures and Technologies

- Roula Michaelides and Dennis Kehoe
- Enabling Institutional Responses to Innovation in Latecomer Countries

- Padmashree Gehl Sampath
- Enabling pedagogies: engaging with students into and through higher education , pp 119-132

- Anna Bennett and Penny Jane Burke
- Enabling technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution , pp 35-61

- John G. Mooney and Michael L. Williams
- Enabling the Flexible Enterprise – RFID and Smart Devices

- Robert Laubacher
- Enacting performance measurement for control and decision making: relating performance measurement and managerial work , pp 264-278

- Christian Huber and Jan Mouritsen
- Enactive problem-solving: an alternative to the limits of decision making , pp 198-226

- Riccardo Viale
- Encountering accounting in society , pp 446-458

- Hendrik Vollmer, Michele Bigoni, James Brackley, Sara Closs-Davies, Thomas Cuckston, Mercy Denedo, Amanze Ejiogu and Jan van Helden
- Encouraging Cooperation Among the Academic, Government and Private Sectors in US Biomedical R&D

- Richard P. Rozek and Bridget A. Dickensheets
- Encouraging Mixed Use in Practice

- Jill Grant
- Encouraging not-for-profit accounting research that informs standard setting: a FASB-ulous opportunity , pp 248-267

- Jeffrey D. Mechanick and Tammy R. Waymire
- Encumbered behemoth: Wal-Mart, differential accumulation and international retail restructuring , pp 149-166

- Joseph Baines
- Endangered Species in Victoria , pp 26-32

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- Endemic Institutional Fragility in the Face of Dynamic Economic Integration in Asia: The Case of Transboundary Pollution in Hong Kong

- Miron Mushkat and Roda Mushkat
- Ending childhood obesity: Introducing the issues and the legal challenge , pp 1-28

- Amandine Garde, Joshua Curtis and Olivier De Schutter
- Endless wars , pp 240-263

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- Endogeneity and the family involvement–firm performance relationship: on the daunting search for instrumental variables , pp 229-246

- Wim Voordeckers, Alana Vandebeek and Ludo Peeters
- Endogeneity in attendance demand models , pp 117-134

- Roger Noll
- Endogeneity in discrete choice models , pp 668-692

- C. Angelo Guevara
- Endogenizing institutions and institutional changes , pp 267-297

- Masahiko Aoki
- Endogenous Age Structure in Descriptive Macroeconomic Growth Models: A General Framework and Some Steady State Analysis

- Luciano Fanti, Mimmo Iannelli and Piero Manfredi
- Endogenous Change - Causes and Contingencies , pp 354-366

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- Endogenous coalition formation in global pollution control: a partition function approach

- Michael Finus and Bianca Rundshagen
- Endogenous Demand in the Theory of Transformational Growth

- George Argyrous
- Endogenous education in India and the implications of universal peer teaching in the 19th century , pp 291-304

- Chris Counihan
- Endogenous Employment Growth and Decline in Australian Capital City Statistical Divisions

- Alistair Robson
- Endogenous Environmental Risk

- T.D. Crocker and Jason Shogren
- Endogenous Factors in Regional Performance: A Review of Research in Australia

- Robert J. Stimson
- Endogenous formation of economic coalitions: a survey of the partition function approach

- Sang-Seung Yi
- Endogenous Growth

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- Endogenous Growth and Income Distribution , pp 176-198

- Lex Meijdam
- Endogenous Growth Theory and the Environment

- S. Smulders
- Endogenous Growth Theory: A Partial Critique

- Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
- Endogenous Horizontal Mergers in Dynamic Markets

- Engelbert Dockner, Andrea Gaunersdorfer and Steffen Jørgensen
- Endogenous mergers and tariffs in an integrated market

- Rodney Falvey
- Endogenous Money, Banks and the Revival of Liquidity Preference , pp 18-40

- Virginie Monvoisin and Corinne Pastoret
- Endogenous Money, Central Banks and the Banking System: Basil Moore and the Supply of Credit

- Louis-Philippe Rochon
- Endogenous money, green finance and central bank power , pp 72-89

- Basil Oberholzer
- Endogenous Money: Accommodationist

- Marc Lavoie
- Endogenous Money: Structuralist

- Sheila Dow
- Endogenous Networks: Part 1 , pp 153-208

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- Endogenous Networks: Part 2 , pp 209-238

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- Endogenous Regional Development

- Robert Stimson, Roger Stough and Peter Nijkamp
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