From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The impact of genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia on genocide policy and genocide studies , pp 106-121

- David J. Simon
- The Impact of Geographic Differences in Human Capital on Service Firm Formation Rates , pp 244-278

- Zoltan Acs and Catherine Armington
- The impact of giving behaviours on a cohesive social environment , pp 137-158

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- The Impact of Globalisation of Accounting Standards on India , pp 238-260

- R. Narayanaswamy
- The impact of globalisation on the European Union shipping industry , pp 108-144

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- The Impact of Globalisation on the European Union Shipping Industry , pp 91-124

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- The Impact of Globalization on Economic Development in Myanmar

- Trevor Wilson, Leslie Teo and Masahiro Hori
- The impact of human resource factors on university patent technology transfer activities in China – based on the analysis of provincial panel data , pp 258-283

- Kai Rao, Andrea Piccaluga and Xian-fei Meng
- The impact of immigration on international trade: a meta-analysis , pp 301-337

- Murat Genc, Masood Gheasi, Peter Nijkamp and Jacques Poot
- The Impact of Immigration on the Ageing of Australia’s Population , pp 153-177

- Peter McDonald and Rebecca Kippen
- The Impact of Immigration on the Employment of Natives in Regional Labour Markets: A Meta-Analysis , pp 173-194

- Simonetta Longhi, Peter Nijkamp and Jacques Poot
- The impact of increased academic standards of Proposition 16 on the graduation rates of women and men in Division IA intercollegiate athletics , pp 233-250

- B. Erin Fairweather
- The impact of individual actors on corporate paths , pp 470-552

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- The impact of individual characteristics and regional agglomeration on the survival of self-employed firms , pp 202-225

- Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol and Sam Tavassoli
- The impact of industrial and technology policies , pp 139-172

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- The impact of inflation-reduction policies on female and male employment rates , pp 76-102

- Selin Secil Akin
- The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Economic Growth in Latin America in Comparative Perspective

- Nauro Campos
- The Impact of Information Technologies on Corporate Governance , pp 243-261

- Nikolai Ermochkine
- The impact of innovation inducement prizes , pp 403-422

- Abdullah Gök
- The impact of innovation networks , pp 279-317

- Paul Cunningham and Ronald Ramlogan
- The impact of innovation policy schemes for collaboration , pp 239-278

- Paul Cunningham and Abdullah Gök
- The Impact of Innovation – Comments on Uwe Cantner and Wolfgang Kerber

- Andreas Heinemann
- The Impact of Institutions on the Employment Threshold in European Labour Markets, 1979–2001

- Christian Dreger and Jens Rubart
- The Impact of Institutions on the Shadow Economy and Corruption: A Latent Variables Approach

- Axel Dreher, Christos Kotsogiannis and Steve McCorriston
- The impact of knowledge transfer on innovation: exploring the cross-fertilization of basic and applied research , pp 25-38

- Dennis Leyden and Matthias Menter
- The impact of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship on the growth and competitiveness of European traditional industries , pp 67-92

- Ioanna Kastelli and Yannis Caloghirou
- The Impact of M&A on Innovation: Empirical Results

- Massimo G. Colombo and Paola Garrone
- The impact of market structure and efficiency on bank profitability: an empirical analysis of banking industries in Central and Eastern Europe

- Celine Gondat-Larralde and Laetitia Lepetit
- The impact of migration on family left behind , pp 293-308

- Francisca Antman
- The Impact of Motivational and Cognitive Factors on Optimistic Earnings Forecasts

- Anna M. Cianci and Satoris S. Culbertson
- The impact of natural disasters on economic growth , pp 150-192

- Eduardo Cavallo, Oscar Becerra and Laura Acevedo
- The impact of nature, occurrences, institutions and actor collectives on corporate paths , pp 453-469

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- The Impact of New Technology on Leisure Networks

- Vincent Fitzsimons
- The Impact of Oil and Gas Dependency on Corruption

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- The impact of oil and gas dependency on corruption

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- The Impact of Open Trade and Investment Regimes on Environmental Outcomes in East Asia’s Capitalist Developmental States

- Michael T. Rock and David Angel
- The Impact of Opposing Governance Systems on Radical innovation: Insights from the Dynamic Capabilities View

- Michael Horn and Carsten Zimmermann
- The Impact of Outward FDI on Export Activities: Evidence from the Korean Case

- Siwook Lee
- The Impact of Outward FDI on Local Employment and Skill Upgrading: Preliminary Evidence from the Italian Case , pp 294-312

- Ilaria Mariotti and Lucia Piscitello
- The impact of paternalism on racial land rental differences in the USA

- Lee Alston and Kyle D. Kauffman
- The impact of policy measures to stimulate private demand for innovation , pp 318-354

- Jakob Edler
- The Impact of Policy Reforms on Rural Poverty in Brazil: Evidence from Three States in the 1990s

- Steven M. Helfand and Edward S. Levine
- The impact of post-industrialisation and neoliberal policies on education and youth employment , pp 30-39

- Jenny Chesters
- The impact of pre-commercial procurement on innovation , pp 382-402

- John Rigby
- The Impact of Privatization Funds on Corporate Governance in Mass Privatization Schemes: the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia , pp 137-136

- Saul Estrin, Domenico Mario Nuti and Milica Uvalic
- The Impact of Privatization on Brazil’s Regions

- Edmund Amann and Werner Baer
- The impact of public procurement of innovation , pp 355-381

- Elvira Uyarra
- The impact of quantitative easing on income inequality in the United States , pp 504-514

- Gerald Epstein
- The impact of regional cooperation and integration drivers on economic productivity and welfare, with particular attention to Southeast Asia , pp 7-24

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- The Impact of Regional Institutional Characteristics on the Location of MNCs – a European Perspective

- Knut Koschatzky and Elisabeth Baier
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