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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Introduction: A New Financial Market Structure for East Asia Downloads
Takatoshi Ito, Yung Chul Park and Yunjong Wang
Introduction: a policy perspective on the implementation of the Community environmental legislation , pp 1-11 Downloads
Matthieu Glachant
Introduction: A Quick Reference to Growth Theory , pp 1-18 Downloads
Michele Boldrin, Been-Lon Chen and Ping Wang
Introduction: A Relational Urban Studies Downloads
Ben Derudder, Michael Hoyler, Peter J. Taylor and Frank Witlox
Introduction: A Research Agenda for Comparative Law , pp 1-14 Downloads
Jaakko Husa
Introduction: A Research Agenda for Food Systems , pp 3-37 Downloads
Colin L. Sage
Introduction: Accounting and Development Downloads
Trevor Hopper, Mathew Tsamenyi, Shahzad Uddin and Danture Wickramasinghe
Introduction: accounting for risk in trade agreements Downloads
David Robertson
Introduction: Africa and industrial development , pp 1-10 Downloads
John Weiss
Introduction: an important industry? , pp 1-9 Downloads
Introduction: Applications of Evolutionary Economic Geography Downloads
Ron A. Boschma and Koen Frenken
Introduction: approaching recent transformations of intergovernmental relations from multiple profiles , pp iii-iii Downloads
Giorgio Brosio and Juan Pablo Jiménez
Introduction: architecture and modern cities , pp 1-16 Downloads
Introduction: Asia-Pacific resource politics between boom and crisis , pp 3-18 Downloads
Introduction: Big Questions for Small Technologies Downloads
Graeme Hodge, Diana Bowman and Karinne Ludlow
Introduction: Brands and Branding Geographies Downloads
Andy Pike
Introduction: case study research in the social sciences , pp 1-14 Downloads
Peter Rule
Introduction: Children in the Context of Changing Families and Welfare States Downloads
Jane Lewis
Introduction: climate change and environmental governance in China , pp 3-18 Downloads
Introduction: Clusters of Innovation in the Age of Disruption , pp 1-11 Downloads
Jerome S. Engel
Introduction: comparative economic history and the trajectory of economic institutions , pp 1-23 Downloads
Introduction: conceptualising research into the green economy , pp 1-11 Downloads
Andrew Jones and Patrik Ström
Introduction: conceptualizing social policy for the twenty-first-century demography , pp 1-10 Downloads
Sarah Harper
Introduction: connecting social capital with studies of social inequality , pp 1-8 Downloads
Rochelle Côté, Steve McDonald and Jing Shen
Introduction: continuity, change, and contestation in urban deathscapes , pp 1-19 Downloads
Mariske Westendorp and Danielle House
Introduction: Convergence of experience science in tourism, hospitality, and leisure , pp 2-11 Downloads
Joseph S. Chen, Nina K. Prebensen and Muzaffer S. Uysal
Introduction: corporate social responsibility and sustainable development , pp 1-8 Downloads
Samuel O. Idowu and Liangrong Zu
Introduction: Crisis? What Crisis? For Whom? Downloads
Peter Bergeijk, Arjan de Haan and Rolph van der Hoeven
Introduction: cultural intelligence in perspective , pp 2-11 Downloads
Chris Earley and Elaine Mosakowski
Introduction: decentralization and parties , pp 1-21 Downloads
Introduction: Democracy and Exchange Downloads
Introduction: diversity, innovation and clusters – spatial perspectives , pp 1-10 Downloads
Iréne Bernhard, Urban Gråsjö and Charlie Karlsson
Introduction: Ecology, Technology and Institutions , pp 1-12 Downloads
Andrew Tylecote and Jan van der Straaten
Introduction: economic decentralization, issues of theory and policy , pp 1-24 Downloads
Maureen Mackintosh and Rathin Roy
Introduction: Economists On (and In) the Stock Market , pp 1-14 Downloads
Introduction: educations liminal space , pp 1-10 Downloads
Matt Smith and John Traxler
Introduction: energy culture in an age of transformation , pp 1-33 Downloads
Introduction: entrepreneurial finance in context in the twenty-first century , pp 1-10 Downloads
Jonathan M. Scott and Javed G. Hussain
Introduction: Environmental disputes at odds with international judicial procedures , pp 1-15 Downloads
Introduction: Evolutionary Perspectives , pp 1-14 Downloads
John Foster and Wolfgang Blaas
Introduction: evolutionary thinking on economic policy , pp 1-14 Downloads
Gerhard Wegner, Pavel Pelikan, Gerhard Wegner and Pavel Pelikan
Introduction: financial inclusion - an overview of key issues , pp 1-12 Downloads
David T. Llewellyn
Introduction: Forms of Enterprise in 20th Century Italy Downloads
Andrea Colli and Michelangelo Vasta
Introduction: from the managerial capitalism of the society of organizations to the investor capitalism of the ownership society , pp 1-16 Downloads
Introduction: Gender and health - a future research agenda , pp 1-20 Downloads
Jasmine Gideon and Sarah Hawkes
Introduction: geography, open innovation and entrepreneurship , pp 1-18 Downloads
Urban Gråsjö, Charlie Karlsson and Iréne Bernhard
Introduction: globalisation and the manufacturing revolution , pp 1-14 Downloads
Introduction: grounding governance and social marginality in the Arab world - a theoretical prologue , pp 2-21 Downloads
Anis Ben Brik
Introduction: growth, crisis and regime change , pp 1-30 Downloads
Hideko Magara
Introduction: Handbook on Public–Private Partnerships in International Infrastructure Development , pp 1-6 Downloads
Stewart R. Clegg, Yongjian Ke, Ganesh Devkar, Vince Mangioni and Shankar Sankaran
Page updated 2025-03-28
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