From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- A life-long search for freedom. From Budapest to America and back: a journey through Karl Polanyis life , pp 22-34

- Kari Polanyi-Levitt, interviewed by Michael Brie and Claus Thomasberger
- A literature survey on COVID-19 and the energy nexus , pp 359-376

- Cosimo Magazzino
- A livelihood resilience perspective on generations in transition , pp 272-284

- Johanna Wyn and Jun Fu
- A Living Model of Managed Competition: A Conversation with Dutch Health Minister Ab Klink , pp 220-227

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- A local master plan for biospheric conservation and development: concept, methodology and application , pp 295-310

- Eliahu Stern and Burrell E. Montz
- A local perspective on entrepreneurship and informal institutions , pp 135-164

- Sabrina Fredin and Marina Jogmark
- A Long and Winding Road? Precaution from Principle to Practice in Biodiversity Conservation

- Rosie Cooney
- A Longitudinal Perspective and the Major Findings , pp 112-138

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- A look ahead , pp 458-461

- Ralf Müller, Shankar Sankaran and Nathalie Drouin
- A look ahead for federalism scholarship , pp 89-102

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- A Macro Model with a Micro Foundation , pp 135-158

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- A Macroeconomic Analysis of Economies inTransition

- Max Gillman
- A macroeconomic model of East-West interaction: trade, technology, economic welfare, government policies and perestroika , pp 184-218

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- A macroeconomic perspective on the challenges of taxing multinationals , pp 73-84

- Shafik Hebous
- A Major Challenge for the EU’s External Action: The European Neighbourhood Policy , pp 167-177

- Christian Franck
- A Management Perspective

- Laurie Hunter
- A Managerial Perspective on Telework Adoption: Parameters Affecting the Employer's View , pp 54-92

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- A Managerial Perspective on Telework Adoption: Target Group Implementation , pp 28-53

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- A Managerial Perspective on Telework: Parameters Affecting the Employee's View , pp 93-135

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- A Map of Human Capital in European Cities

- Andrea Caragliu, Chiara Del Bo and Peter Nijkamp
- A marine nexus approach for healthy ecosystems at sea , pp 178-192

- Pietro Goglio and Sander van den Burg
- A maritime research agenda in transport policy , pp 79-88

- Michael Bell
- A Market Study of Packets and Parcels Services

- Stephen Gibson and Nancy Race
- A mask that eats the face: neurotypicality and autistic doctoral researchers , pp 64-77

- Bobbie Jay White, Claire O’Neill and C.J. Griffin
- A material-discursive approach to the ‘Asian Crisis': the breaking and remaking of the production and financial orders

- Sum Ngai-Ling
- A mayors perspective on tackling air pollution , pp 413-437

- Shihe Fu and V. Viard
- A meta-analysis of stock market reaction to foreign divestment: the role of divestment motives , pp 109-135

- Pratik Arte, Roman Filenko and Jorma Larimo
- A meta-model of income distribution , pp 164-183

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- A Meta-paradigm for Revitalizing Industrial Relations

- John Budd
- A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Investment–Uncertainty Relationship

- Mark Koetse, Henri de Groot and Raymond Florax
- A metatheoretical framework for understanding interactions among culture, ecology, art and economics in late modernity , pp 144-165

- Thomas J. Burns, Tom W. Boyd and Carrie M. Leslie
- A methodological guide to advance family business innovation research , pp 61-78

- Alfredo De Massis, Emanuela Rondi and Paola Rovelli
- A Methodology for Evaluating Regional Political Economy

- Paul Plummer and Eric Sheppard
- A Methodology to Identify Local Industrial Clusters and its Application to Germany

- Thomas Brenner
- A metrics for digital development

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- A Microeconometric Analysis of Household Saving in Estonia: Income, Wealth and Financial Exposure , pp 190-241

- Dmitry Kulikov, Annika Paabut and Karsten Staehr
- A Millennium of Economics in Twenty Minutes: In Pursuit of Useful Knowledge , pp 287-296

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- A Million Years of Waiting: Competing Accounts and Comparative Experiences of Hospital Waiting Time Policy

- Alec Morton and R. Gwyn Bevan
- A minimum de-commodification of labour and global justice , pp 98-131

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- A Minsky Moment? The Subprime Crisis and the ‘New’ Capitalism

- Riccardo Bellofiore and Joseph Halevi
- A Minsky perspective on the global recession of 2009 , pp 263-283

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- A minting mold for the eFranc , pp 127-146

- Hans Gersbach and Roger Wattenhofer
- A mixed methods research notation system for complex designs , pp 348-364

- Roslyn Cameron
- A mixed-integer linear programming approach for an optimal-economic design of renewable district heating systems: a case study for a German grid , pp 340-363

- Maximilian Sporleder, Michael Rath, Markus Jansen and Robin Mann
- A mixed-methods comparison of the performance of Dutch PPP and non-PPP infrastructure projects , pp 131-155

- Ingmar van Meerkerk, Mike Duijn, Rianne Warsen, Stefan Verweij, Erik-Hans Klijn, Joop Koppenjan and Samantha Metselaar
- A mobile methodology for the study of environmental change and human mobility , pp 258-265

- Ingrid Boas
- A model for renewable hydrogen export contracts: towards international best practice , pp 147-185

- Cameron Kelly and Jordie Pettit
- A Model of Competitive Advantage for Education Services , pp 107-127

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- A Model of Destructive Entrepreneurship: Insight for Conflict and Postconflict Recovery , pp 3-23

- Sameeksah Desai, Zoltan Acs and Utz Weitzel
- A Model of Disequilibrium Dynamics

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