From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Frutas y Verduras San Miguel: gambling with the future of the family firm , pp 200-211

- Pablo Álamo and Unai Arzubiaga
- Frédéric Bastiat (1801–1850)

- Alain Beraud
- Fuel Cells as Disruptive Innovation: The Power to Change Markets

- Paul Harborne, Chris Hendry and James Brown
- Fueling meltdown: nuclear tax and subsidy in Japan , pp 212-224

- Seung-Joon Park
- Full Cost Pricing

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- Full employment and economic growth as an objective of economic policy: some thoughts on the limits of capitalism , pp 149-167

- Hyman Minsky
- Full employment with liberty: John R. Commons's perspective and its continuing relevance , pp 134-143

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- Fumbling towards legal mobilization in the community college classroom , pp 168-181

- Jason M. Leggett
- Functional Finance and Fiscal Function

- Richard A. Musgrave
- Functional Finance and Full Employment: Lessons from Lerner for Today

- Mathew Forstater
- Functional Finance and US Government Budget Surpluses in the New Millennium

- L. Randall Wray
- Functional Finance, New Classical Economics and Great-Great Grandsons

- David Colander
- Functional Finance, Past and Present

- Perry Mehrling
- Functional markets of the EAEU: selected case studies , pp 59-78

- Viachaslau Yarashevich
- Functional, Overlapping and Competing Jurisdictions (FOCJ): A Complement and Alternative to Today's Federalism

- Reiner Eichenberger and Bruno Frey
- Functionalism

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- Functionalism, constitutionalism and the United Nations , pp 477-489

- Jan Klabbers
- Functionality of Innovation Systems as a Rationale for and Guide to Innovation Policy

- Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Marko Hekkert and Keith Smith
- Functions and market structure , pp 33-54

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- Functions of cross shareholding and its assessment , pp 37-52

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- Functions of international litigation , pp 16-57

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- Fundamental Analysis and Relative Efficiency of Maritime Firms: Dry Bulk vs Tanker Firms

- Photis Panayides and Neophytos Lambertides
- Fundamental determinants of interest rate differentials in the EMS , pp 129-173

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- Fundamental environment trends and innovation strategies , pp 30-40

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- Fundamental reform of the international monetary system: necessity, timing and future directions

- Enzo Grilli
- Fundamental rights broadening the scope of labour law? The example of trainees , pp 285-301

- Annika Rosin
- Fundamentally Lost? On the Role of Fundamentals in Exchange Rate Economics in History and Theory

- Peter Mooslechner
- Fundamentals of cost-effectiveness analysis , pp 149-179

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- Fundamentals of cost–utility analysis , pp 217-246

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- Fundamentals of economics , pp 26-62

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- Fundamentals of taking security interests in bank accounts , pp 326-354

- Marek Dubovec
- Fundamentals of the Concept of National Innovation Systems

- M. Balzat and H. Hanusch
- Funding , pp 238-265

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- Funding Basic Research: When is Public Finance Preferable to Attainable ‘Club Goods' Solutions?

- G.M. Peter Swann
- Funding European solidarity , pp 2-7

- Ewald Nowotny, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Helene Schuberth
- Funding Heritage: The Scottish Experience , pp 189-195

- Gerald Elliot
- Funding Higher Education

- Sir David Greenaway and Michelle Haynes
- Funding higher education in the great recession: an international perspective , pp 184-196

- David Bell
- Funding local government in Ukraine , pp 434-454

- Sergii Slukhai
- Funding of infrastructure , pp 279-296

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- Funding of protected areas: a purely public task? , pp 197-222

- Grazia Withalm
- Funding post-compulsory education , pp 357-380

- Nicholas Barr
- Funding Public Services in Europe: State Banks or Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs)?

- Patrick Artus
- Funding public transport in Turin with transit oriented development land value capture , pp 66-79

- Gualtiero Bonvino
- Funding the cost of universal service in a liberalized postal sector

- Claire Borsenberger, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram and Bernard Roy
- Funding Universal Service Obligations

- John C. Panzar
- Funds providers' role in venture capital firm monitoring

- Mike Wright, Ken Robbie and Brian Chiplin
- Further benefits of working together: sharing risk , pp 71-98

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- Further discussions and criticisms of Keynes’s General Theory , pp 114-138

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- Further Explorations into the Gold Price and its Purchasing Power , pp 221-243

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