From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Institutional Capacity and the Celtic Tiger Economy: Ireland in Comparative Perspective , pp 79-95

- Frank Barry and Frank Barry
- Institutional challenges of globalization and the developing countries

- Andrés Solimano
- Institutional change and economic performance , pp 69-114

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- Institutional Change and Empowerment under Globalisation: Some Lessons Learnt

- Kartik C. Roy and Jörn Sideras
- Institutional Change and European Air Transport, 1910-1985 , pp 168-185

- Peter J. Lyth
- Institutional change and the creative industries: the Colombian case , pp 283-301

- Jaime Alberto Ruiz-Gutiérrez and Mónica Muñoz-Vela
- Institutional Change and the Role of Government: Technology Policy in Japan and Korea

- Tim Goydke
- Institutional Change and the Stock Market , pp 1-23

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- Institutional change for sustainable land use: a participatory approach from Australia , pp 286-313

- Nick Abel, Art Langston, John Ive, Bill Tatnell, Mark Howden and Jacqui Stol
- Institutional change in Europe and the implications for climate control measures , pp 340-350

- Graham Bennett
- Institutional Change in Regulatory Policies: Regulation Through Independent Agencies and the Three New Institutionalisms

- Fabrizio Gilardi
- Institutional Change, Diversity and Competition: Foreign Banks in Shanghai, 1847-2004 , pp 21-41

- Jeroen Kuilman
- Institutional Change: The Why and the How

- Kenneth A. Shaw
- Institutional Changes in the Water Sector: A Cross-Country Review

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- Institutional Competition in the European Union: Causes and Consequences of the Drive to Harmonise

- Victoria Curzon Price
- Institutional Competition: International Environment, Levels and Consequences

- Peter Bernholz
- Institutional Completeness in the Chiang Mai Initiatives

- Paul Lejot
- Institutional context and innovation , pp 121-137

- Johannes Glückler and Harald Bathelt
- Institutional cryptoeconomics , pp 1-12

- Sinclair Davidson and Jason Potts
- Institutional Design and the Management of Regulatory Governance

- Steven J. Balla
- Institutional Design in Plural Societies: Mitigating Ethnic Conflict and Fostering Stable Democracy

- Bernard Grofman and Robert Stockwell
- Institutional determinants of public debt: a political economy perspective

- Bernd Süssmuth and Robert K. von Weizsäcker
- Institutional Deterrents to the Empowerment of Women: Kenya's Experience

- Tabitha W. Kiriti, Clement Tisdell and Kartik C. Roy
- Institutional distance and international strategy , pp 328-341

- Deeksha Singh and Ajai S. Gaur
- Institutional Economic Thought in Europe

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- Institutional economics , pp 316-328

- Élodie Bertrand
- Institutional Economics

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- Institutional Economics and the Specificity of Social Evolution: About the Contribution of J.R. Commons , pp 64-82

- Laure Bazzoli
- Institutional Economics in the Classroom: Increasing the Relevance of Economics Education , pp 157-174

- Janice Peterson
- Institutional Economics, Maryland School of

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- Institutional Economics, Wisconsin School of

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- Institutional economics: digging deeper into the interplay between institutions and individual behaviour , pp 679-687

- Jack Vromen
- Institutional Economics: From Menger and Veblen to Coase and North

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Institutional entrepreneurship and infrastructure PPPs: the role of social actors in Saudi Arabias Medina Airport , pp 185-243

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- Institutional entrepreneurship in Alzheimer’s disease treatment , pp 652-668

- Nina Geilinger, Stefan Haefliger, Georg von Krogh and Fotini Pachidou
- Institutional environments, cross-national distances, and MNEs’ corporate social irresponsibility in host countries , pp 187-204

- Raveendra Chittoor and Ye He
- Institutional evolution as punctuated equilibria

- Masahiko Aoki
- Institutional evolution in the land market of Guangzhou , pp 153-183

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- Institutional evolution, regulatory competition and path dependence , pp 191-222

- Wolfgang Kerber, Klaus Heine, Wolfgang Kerber and Klaus Heine
- Institutional experimentation and the challenges of platform labour , pp 339-349

- Maria Figueroa
- Institutional foundations of social capital , pp 173-186

- Maximilian Filsinger and Markus Freitag
- Institutional Framework for the Elaboration of Formal Standards , pp 76-86

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- Institutional governance of innovation adoption in residential developments: future research directions , pp 245-262

- Godwin Kavaarpuo
- Institutional heterogeneity in social dilemma games: a Bayesian examination , pp 67-88

- Klaus Moeltner, James Murphy, John K. Stranlund and Maria Vélez
- Institutional heteronormativity in Dutch sport clubs , pp 137-150

- Inge Claringbould and Pepijn Geldof
- Institutional Illusion and Financial Entrepreneurship in the European Debt Scheme

- Gabriel A. Giménez-Roche
- Institutional Impediments to Women's Empowerment in Rural India

- Kartik C. Roy
- Institutional infrastructure and economic games , pp 188-208

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- Institutional innovation and inclusive growth: lessons from the coffee and palm oil sectors in Costa Rica , pp 221-249

- Jeffrey Orozco
- Institutional investment in private equity , pp iii-iii

- Sofia Johan
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