From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Risk , pp i-ii

- Tracy Mott
- Risk analysis in procurement , pp 144-177

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- Risk analytics for project success , pp 133-157

- Ruchita Gupta, Karuna Jain and Charu Chandra Gupta
- Risk and (welfare state) politics , pp 53-69

- Philipp Rehm
- Risk and Ambiguity: Entrepreneurial Research from the Perspective of Economics

- Angela A. Stanton and Isabell M. Welpe
- Risk and Economic Costs of a Terrorist Attack on the Electric System

- Rae Zimmerman, Carlos E. Restrepo, Jeffrey S. Simonoff and Lester Lave
- Risk and health , pp 324-338

- Andy Alaszewski
- Risk and insurance , pp 52-73

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- Risk and new realities: social ontology, expertise and individualization in the risk society , pp 128-142

- Philip Walsh
- Risk and optimal interest margins: the case of commercial banks in Central Europe

- Daniel Goyeau, Alain Sauviat and Amine Tarazi
- Risk and protection for grains: analysis and quarantine

- Donald MacLaren
- Risk and the nature of crises , pp 15-34

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- Risk and the probability of insolvency: a regulatory perspective , pp 188-204

- Betsy Brown Faulk, Walter H. Faulk and Thomas Lutton
- Risk and the WTO

- Gary P. Sampson
- Risk and trust: ethnomethodological orientations to risk theorizing , pp 163-177

- Patrick G. Watson
- Risk and uncertainty

- Richard Langlois
- Risk and uncertainty in cooperative business , pp 209-229

- Frayne Olson and Matthew S. Elliott
- Risk assessment and risk management in policymaking

- Marion Wooldridge
- Risk averse or pro-social: sorting out why women are less corrupt than men with new experimental research , pp 116-123

- Ina Kubbe, Amy Alexander and Lena Wängnerud
- Risk capitalism, crisis of socialization and loss of civilization , pp 442-457

- Werner Seppmann
- Risk Communication and Attitude Change: Taiwan's National Debate Over Nuclear Power , pp 118-136

- Jin-Tan Liu and V. Kerry Smith
- Risk Communication and the Value of Information: Radon as a Case Study , pp 249-254

- V. Kerry Smith and William H. Desvousges
- Risk hedging in Korea’s financial markets: the impact of foreign investors , pp 285-304

- Changwoo Nam
- Risk management , pp 294-321

- Kristine W. Hankins and Gerard Hoberg
- Risk Management

- Rui Sousa Monteiro
- Risk management and derivatives in Islamic finance , pp 283-300

- Obiyathulla Bacha
- Risk management and risk assessment for brand protection , pp 37-58

- Sean O'Hearen
- Risk Management and the Commercialization of Human Genetic Testing in the UK

- Michael M. Hopkins and Paul Nightingale
- Risk management experience in WTO dispute settlement

- Thomas Cottier
- Risk Management in Islamic Banking

- Habib Ahmed and Tariqullah Khan
- Risk management in public procurement of innovation: a conceptualization , pp 87-109

- Jakob Edler, Max Rolfstam, Lena Tsipouri and Elvira Uyarra
- Risk perception, regulation and the management of agro-biotechnologies , pp 44-67

- Joanna Chataway and Gerald Assouline
- Risk perceptions of corporate directors: isomorphic influences and ethical implications , pp 224-242

- LouAnn Conner, Ralf Barkemeyer and Fanny Salignac
- Risk preferences and natural disasters: a review of theoretical and empirical themes , pp 86-114

- Laura Bakkensen and Marc N. Conte
- Risk Regulation

- Alessandra Arcuri
- Risk Regulation and Precaution

- Dieter Pesendorfer
- Risk Research and Health-related Behaviours

- Caroline Rudisill
- Risk seeking or risk averse? Phenomenology and perception , pp 220-235

- Caterina Lucarelli, Mario Maggi and Pierpaolo Uberti
- Risk sharing and the distribution of copyright collective income

- Arthur Snow and Richard Watt
- Risk Sharing for Next Generation Access Networks – Necessary Adjustments of the Present European Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communication Networks and Services

- Henning Never
- Risk society and epistemic inequality: rising voices from the Global South in global governance , pp 247-260

- Joy Y. Zhang
- Risk, Discounting and the Public Sector

- John Quiggin
- Risk, overconfidence and production in a competitive market , pp 138-171

- David Just and Ying Cao
- Risk, the environment and MEAs

- Neil Byron
- Risk-based Supervision of Pension Funds: A Review of International Experience and Preliminary Assessment of the First Outcomes

- Gregory Brunner, Richard Hinz and Roberto Rocha
- Risks and the regulatory issues arising from the use of DLT , pp 91-119

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- Risks of Wrongdoing in Public Companies and Ways to Cope with Them: The Case of Brazil

- Dante Aldrighi
- Risks, Ratings and Regulation: Toward a Reorganization of Credit via Basel II?

- Vanessa Redak
- Risky service experience? The role of risk in B2B customer journeys , pp 229-244

- Ekaterina Panina, Elina Jaakkola and Harri Terho
- Ritual: meaningful material for service design , pp 107-112

- Ted Matthews
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