From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Exploring the virtuous interdependencies existing between climate action and sustainability in the context of low-carbon development , pp 281-308

- Georg Pallaske, Andrea Marcello Bassi, Leonardo Garrido and Marco Guzzetti
- Exploring University Alliances and Comparable Academic Cooperation Structures

- Enrico Deiaco, Ana M. Gren and Göran Melin
- Exploring waqf practices in Southeast Asia , pp 57-75

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- Exploring Western and Chinese Business Relationship Paradigms

- Dorothy A. Yen and Bradley R. Barnes
- Explosion of Trade Disputes?

- Jason Z. Yin and Doowan Lee
- Exponential random graph models: explaining strategic patterns of collaboration between artists in the music industry with data from Spotify , pp 12-26

- Claudia Zucca
- Export competition in Asia and the role of China

- Yongzheng Yang
- Export Competition Issues in the Doha Round , pp 252-284

- Philip Abbott and Linda M. Young
- Export dynamics of Japan, Korea and China , pp 79-96

- Kyu-Chul Jung
- Export exit: literature review and a research agenda , pp 11-35

- Jonas Strømfeldt Eduardsen, Svetla T. Marinova and Marin A. Marinov
- Export Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises: Sectoral 135 and Regional Dimensions in NSW Australia , pp 135-162

- Ann Hodgkinson and Paul McPhee
- Export Prices and Increasing World Competition: Evidence from French, German, and Italian Pricing Behaviour

- Sarah Guillou and Stefano Schiavo
- Export Processing Zones and the WTO SCM Agreement

- Motoyoshi Suzuki
- Export Promotion Policies

- James B. Gerber
- Export reorientation and transfer of know-how and technology - the case of Hungarian manufactured exports , pp 123-141

- Andrea Szalavetz and Matthias Lücke
- Export similarity and the pattern of East Asian development

- Xinpeng Xu and Ligang Song
- Export Taxes: How They Work and Why They Are Used

- Ryan Scholefield and James Gaisford
- Export-led Growth, Real Exchange Rates and the Fallacy of Composition

- Robert Blecker and Arslan Razmi
- Export-led growth: evidence of developing country crowding out , pp 175-197

- Thomas Palley
- Exports and Economic Performance: Evidence from a Panel of Chinese Enterprises

- Aart Kraay
- Exports and Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Corporate Reforms: Evidence from Japanese Micro Data , pp 221-262

- Fukunari Kimura and Kozo Kiyota
- Exports and regional resilience: evidence from Greece , pp 226-241

- Yannis Psycharis, Maria Tsiapa and Vassilis Tselios
- Exports of Knowledge-intensive Services and Manufactures: The Role of ICTs and Intersectoral Linkages

- Valentina Meliciani
- Exposure to Environmental Urban Noise Pollution in Birmingham, UK

- Julii S. Brainard, Andrew P. Jones and Ian Bateman
- Expressive dimensions of design: a question of incentive? , pp 104-132

- Dana Beldiman
- Expressive voting , pp 111-126

- Geoffrey Brennan and Michael Brooks
- Expressive Voting: How Special Interests Enlist their Victims as Political Allies

- J.R. Clark and Dwight R. Lee
- Expropriation , pp 247-257

- Björn Hoops
- Expropriation of Minority Shareholders or Social Dividend? Beware of Good Corporate Citizens

- Wladimir M. Sachs and Marleen Dieleman
- Extended input-output tables to analyze the benefits of renewable energy deployment , pp 101-117

- Santacruz Banacloche Sánchez, Ana Rosa Gamarra, Natàlia Caldés and Yolanda Lechón
- Extending internalisation theory: integrating international business strategy with international management , pp 209-240

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- Extending Kaleckian models I: saving out of wages and open economy issues , pp 272-311

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- Extending Kaleckian models II: technical progress , pp 312-336

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- Extending Kaleckian models III: interest and credit , pp 337-374

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- Extending Kaleckian models IV: finance-dominated capitalism , pp 375-440

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- Extending private uniform law to outer space: The Space Protocol to the Cape Town Convention , pp 300-315

- Souichirou Kozuka
- Extending social security to trainees in Spain, France and Germany: A tale of segmentation , pp 269-283

- Alexandre de le Court
- Extending the experiencescape: insights from Macao for the Greater Bay Area , pp 24-38

- Zhaoyu Chen
- Extending the Theory of the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization and Strategic Management Perspectives , pp 91-103

- Alan Rugman and Alain Verbeke
- Extension of the Panama Canal , pp 252-269

- JiYoung Park, ChangKeun Park and Harry W. Richardson
- Extensions and Sensitivity Analyses , pp 255-272

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- Extensive and Intensive Rent

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- Extensive Form Implementation of Weak Fine Core Allocations through Penalties , pp 55-75

- David W. Bernotas, Dionysius Glycopantis and Nicholas C. Yannelis
- External accident costs and the relationship between road accidents and traffic flows

- Andrew Dickerson, John Peirson and Roger Vickerman
- External and Internal Economies

- Neil Hart
- External and internal knowledge in the knowledge generation function , pp 82-108

- Cristiano Antonelli and Alessandra Colombelli
- External Arrangements: Exchange Rate Regimes and Capital Controls

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- External audit institutions: the European Court of Auditors and its relationship with the national audit institutions of the Member States

- Antoni Castells
- External collaboration for innovation: firms, industry, regions and policy , pp 182-199

- Mariachiara Barzotto, Carlo Corradini, Felicia Fai, Sandrine Labory and Philip R. Tomlinson
- External Costs

- Luke Brander, El Hadji Fall, Rainer Friedrich, Onno Kuik, Kristin Magnussen and Stefan Hirschberg
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