From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Copy Control of Digital Broadcasting Content: An Economic Perspective

- Koji Domon and Eulmoon Joo
- Copy Europe or Go it Alone? , pp 85-109

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- Copying and the pricing of information goods , pp 207-224

- Richard Watt
- Copying technologies , pp 105-115

- Cliff Bekar
- Copyright

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- Copyright

- William M. Landes
- Copyright

- William M Landes
- Copyright 2010: The need for better negotiability/usability principles , pp 152-161

- Brian Fitzgerald
- Copyright and 'Market Power' in the Marketplace of Ideas , pp 149-179

- Neil Weinstock Netanel
- Copyright and antitrust issues , pp 118-147

- Giovanni Ramello
- Copyright and competition policy , pp 209-221

- Ariel Katz
- Copyright and corporate power

- Fiona Macmillan
- Copyright and freedom of expression: an economic analysis

- Michael Rushton
- Copyright and parallel trade , pp 287-310

- Frank Mueller-Langer
- Copyright and the cultural industries: the policy-maker's view

- Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- Copyright and the DMCA: Market Locks and Technological Contracts , pp 180-202

- Randal C. Picker
- Copyright and tort as mirror models: On not mistaking for the right hand what the left hand is doing , pp 311-335

- Wendy J. Gordon
- Copyright and trade in the digital music industry , pp 177-190

- Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås
- Copyright collectives: some basic economic theory , pp 167-178

- Richard Watt
- Copyright compulsory licensing and incentives

- Thomas Gallagher
- Copyright Default Rule: Reconciling Efficiency and Fairness

- Federico Morando
- Copyright exceptions and innovation , pp 206-220

- Patricia Aufderheide
- Copyright in China’s digital cultural industries , pp 339-359

- Lucy Montgomery and Eric Priest
- Copyright in the digital age: opportunities and drawbacks for scientific research

- Emanuela Reale
- Copyright in the digital age: the economic rationale re-examined

- Jacco Hakfoort
- Copyright in TRIPS and Beyond: The WIPO Internet Treaties

- Ruth L. Okediji
- Copyright in visual art markets: some economic theory concerning resale royalties and other options , pp 328-342

- Richard Watt
- Copyright law , pp 187-196

- Peter DiCola
- Copyright law and royalty contracts , pp 197-208

- Richard Watt
- Copyright law and the supply of creative work: Evidence from the movies , pp 407-441

- Ivan Png and Qiu-hong Wang
- Copyright levies , pp 235-246

- Joost Poort
- Copyright Management in the Digital Age: The Evolving Forms of Cooperation , pp 70-87

- Joëlle Farchy and Fabrice Rochelandet
- Copyright policy, cultural policy and support for artists , pp 66-80

- Ruth Towse
- Copyright protection, appropriability and new cultural behaviour

- Joelle Farchy and Fabrice Rohelandet
- Copyright reversion: Debates, data, and directions , pp 161-186

- Joshua Yuvaraj
- Copyright societies do not administer individual property rights: the incoherence of institutional traditions in Germany and the UK

- Martin Kretschmer
- Copyright, access to knowledge, and SDG 4 in Southern Africa , pp 142-174

- Desmond Oriakhogba and Lonias Ndlovu
- Copyright, borrowed images and appropriation art: am economic approach

- William Landes
- Copyright, Complexity, and Cultural Diversity: A Skeptic’s View

- Michal Shur-Ofry
- Copyright, Culture and the Cloud

- Daniel J. Gervais
- Core design features of an integrated cluster policy , pp 135-148

- Gerd Meier zu Köcker and Thomas Lämmer-Gamp
- Core Industries, Coercive Competition and the Structural Contradictions of Global Neoliberalism , pp 244-271

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- Core Labour Standards Conditionalities: A Means by Which to Achieve Sustainable Development?

- Tonia Novitz
- Core-Periphery Dynamics , pp 122-140

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- Core-Periphery Inequalities in European Integration, East and West , pp 237-271

- Andrew Tylecote
- Corn Model

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- Corner Solution Models of Recreation Demand: A Comparison of Competing Frameworks , pp 163-198

- Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine Kling and Daniel J. Phaneuf
- Cornerstones of Change: Revisiting and Challenging New Perspectives on Research in Entrepreneurship Education

- Jill Kickul and Alain Fayolle
- Coronavirus and sport crisis management: A knowledge spillover perspective , pp 159-167

- Vanessa Ratten and Alice Li
- Corporate accountability and the right to food and nutrition in the context of health and the Sustainable Development Goals , pp 373-385

- Busiso Moyo, Safura Abdool Karim, Petronell Kruger and Helen Walls
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