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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Discrete choice analysis and experimental design Downloads
Clive Morley
Discrete choice decision-making with multiple decision-makers within the household , pp 363-382 Downloads
André de Palma, Nathalie Picard and Ignacio Inoa
Discrete choice models and continuous demand systems in the scanner data age , pp 215-234 Downloads
Beatrice Biondi, Sara Capacci and Mario Mazzocchi
Discrimination Downloads
Deborah M. Figart
Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation: A Review of the Literature in Economics and Beyond Downloads
M.V. Lee Badgett
Discrimination in gay and lesbian lives , pp 236-254 Downloads
Doris Weichselbaumer
Discrimination in the Credit and Housing Markets: Findings and Challenges Downloads
Gary Dymski
Discrimination, Economic Policies to Counter Downloads
Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from Psychology and Economics Downloads
Lisa R. Anderson, Roland G. Fryer and Charles Holt
Discursive institutionalism , pp 50-60 Downloads
Sarah Anne Ganter and Maria Löblich
Discursive power in ethical value networks: an analysis of the South African wine industry , pp 94-111 Downloads
Kelle Howson
Discursive strategies in economic texts , pp 94-111 Downloads
Jan Svensson
Discussing the entrepreneurial mindset among students of historically black colleges and universities , pp 416-420 Downloads
Dayo Oyeleye
Discussion , pp 184-201 Downloads
Discussion and conclusion , pp 179-183 Downloads
Discussion and Outlook , pp 157-166 Downloads
Discussion Modules , pp 57-58 Downloads
Discussion of findings , pp 166-169 Downloads
Discussion of Manuel Trajtenberg’s ‘Innovation Policy for Development: An Overview’ Downloads
Richard R. Nelson
Discussion of the Necessity of Accessibility Standards: The German ‘Guidelines for Integrated Network Design’ (RIN) Downloads
Regine Gerike, Andreas Rau and Jürgen Gerlach
Discussion section , pp 99-108 Downloads
Discussion, conclusion, and recommendations , pp 173-191 Downloads
Disease-based Limitations on Compulsory Licenses Under Articles 31 and 31bis Downloads
Kevin Outterson
Disentangling voluntary pro-environmental behaviour of employees (VPBE) – fostering research through an integrated theoretical model , pp 83-105 Downloads
Regina Hahn and Felix Ostertag
Disingenuous narratives, cognitive myopia: a neuroscientist’s view , pp 352-365 Downloads
Paul Laurienti
Dismantling the machine: rethinking the role of technology in critical development theory , pp 57-70 Downloads
Alf Hornborg
Disorderly coordination: the limited capacities of states and markets , pp 53-72 Downloads
Fred Block
Display your contribution fully, but dont over-egg it , pp 162-163 Downloads
Dispute Resolution Downloads
Thomas J. Miceli
Dispute resolution and remedies , pp 343-374 Downloads
Dispute resolution when rationalities conflict: cost and choice in a mixed economy , pp 209-230 Downloads
Richard E. Wagner
Dispute Settlement Under the TRIPS Agreement: The United States–Brazil (2000) and United States–Argentina (2002) Patent Disputes Downloads
Viviana Munoz Tellez
Dispute Settlement, Compensation and Retaliation under the WTO Downloads
Robert Read
Disruptions in interorganizational relationships: A taxonomy and a research agenda , pp 64-90 Downloads
Arne Keller, Nuno Oliveira and Fabrice Lumineau
Disruptions in local and regional development and the way forward for a more humanitarian world , pp 169-186 Downloads
Disruptions in sport management from COVID-19: Lessons from entrepreneurship and innovation , pp 9-21 Downloads
Vanessa Ratten and Geoff Dickson
Disruptive and sustaining innovations: the case of rural tourism , pp 56-83 Downloads
Anne-Mette Hjalager
Disruptive Inverse Infrastructures: Conclusions and Policy Recommendations Downloads
Tineke M. Egyedi
Disruptive low-carbon innovations , pp 137-150 Downloads
Shu Zheng
Disruptive Technologies in Communications: Observations from an Entrepreneur Downloads
Malcolm Matson
Disruptive technologies or disruptive debates? On a disrupted discussion about the future of jobs , pp 9-22 Downloads
Tanya Bondarouk and Huub Ruёl
Dissembling nature, elusive economy , pp 44-61 Downloads
Philip Mirowski
Disseminating your research for impact , pp 185-190 Downloads
Dissemination and implementation of mental health services: the problem, the response, the new science , pp 73-89 Downloads
Russell K. Schutt
Dissent and continuity: John Maynard Keynes , pp 135-152 Downloads
Victoria Chick
Dissent-Driven Capitalism, Flexicurity Growth and Environmental Rehabilitation Downloads
Peter Flaschel and Alfred Greiner
Distance Education: Course Development and Strategies for Success Downloads
Mary Mathewes Kassis
Distance in the Existence of Political Pathologies: Rationalized Transport Policies and Trade Downloads
Nihan Akyelken
Distance marketing of financial services Directive , pp 507-514 Downloads
Distinctive ethical challenges of cyberweapons , pp 307-325 Downloads
Neil C. Rowe
Page updated 2025-03-28
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