From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- A Slow Food commons: cultivating conviviality across a range of property forms , pp 308-315

- Melissa Kennedy
- A slow-moving crisis: the challenges of local democratic governance in Peru , pp 137-150

- Jami Nelson-Nuñez and Fiorella Vera-Adrianzén
- A small country in Europe's integration –generalizing the political economy of the Danish case

- Martin Paldam
- A smart specialization strategy: locational and network determinants of international competitiveness , pp 150-173

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- A Smithian theory of governance - Adam Smith on corporations and governance , pp 278-292

- Michael S. Aßländer
- A Smithian-growth Model and Malthus’s Optimum Propensity to Save , pp 35-47

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- A Snapshot Depicting Mixed Signals on the State of the Art of Evaluating Sustainable Development in the USA

- Gerlinde Struhkamp
- A social contract approach to social protection: its potential and limitations , pp 28-43

- Sophie Plagerson
- A social investment perspective on public sector spending , pp 128-140

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- A social justice perspective on disability in higher education , pp 297-309

- Ellen M. Broido, Nancy J. Evans and Kirsten R. Brown
- A social provisioning approach to gender and economic life , pp 7-17

- Marilyn Power
- A Social-Evolutionary Perspective on Regional Clusters

- Udo Staber
- A Societal Perspective on Telework , pp 5-27

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- A Societal Perspective on Telework: the Alleviation of Road Transport Externalities , pp 136-186

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- A socio-ecological approach to corporate governance , pp 359-370

- Jan Bebbington, Carlos Larrinaga and Giovanna Michelon
- A socio-economic evaluation of the SOx charge in Japan , pp 194-214

- Yu Matsuno and Kazuhiro Ueta
- A socio-economic framework for integrating multi-use offshore platforms in sustainable blue growth management: theory and applications , pp 25-43

- Phoebe Koundouri, Osiel González Dávila, Amerissa Giannouli, José Hernández Brito, Erasmia Kotoroni, Katja Mintenbeck Evdokia Mailli, Chrysoula Papagianni and Ioannis Souliotis
- A socio-economic impact analysis of urban cultural diversity: pathways and horizons , pp 175-202

- Tüzin Baycan and Peter Nijkamp
- A socio-economic profile of Muslim countries , pp iii-iii

- Mohamed Ariff and Meysam Safari
- A socio-motivational perspective on energy conservation in the workplace: the potential of motivational interviewing , pp 287-312

- Amelie V. Güntner, Florian E. Klonek and Simone Kauffeld
- A sociotechnical perspective on integrated urban water systems , pp 181-199

- Janice A. Beecher and James F. Burton
- A spanner in the works': exploring the relationship between provision of welfare and integration in rural areas , pp 201-217

- Susanne Stenbacka and Tina Mathisen
- A Spatial Perspective on Global Energy Productivity Trends

- Peter Mulder, Raymond Florax and Henri de Groot
- A spatial perspective to leadership in knowledge-intensive projects , pp 71-86

- Anne Live Vaagaasar
- A Spatialized Approach to Asset Bubbles and Minsky Crises

- Gary Dymski
- A spatially integrated approach to social science research , pp 13-25

- Robert J. Stimson
- A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down: why good content is never enough , pp 1-20

- Wayne Geerling and G. Dirk Mateer
- A stadium attack , pp 78-97

- Bumsoo Lee, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore and Harry W. Richardson
- A stakeholder-oriented approach to managing cluster relationships , pp 145-164

- Murat Akpinar
- A Statement of the Problem

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- A Statistical Relation Between Employment and Price Changes in the United States and Germany, 1960-1995: Fisher's Discovery of the 'Phillips Curve' Reconsidered , pp 210-220

- Horst Entorf
- A step ahead for smart growth: creating walkable neighborhoods , pp 168-187

- Kelly J. Clifton
- A stimulus for affirmative action? The impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on women and minority workers in construction

- Jeannette Wicks-Lim
- A Stochastic Network Approach for Integrating Pension and Corporate Financial Planning , pp 67-83

- John M. Mulvey, Koray D. Simsek and Bill Pauling
- A Stock-taking of the Impact of the Crisis

- Jörg Guido Hülsmann
- A story of the successful application of a co-management fishing regime in Suruga Bay, Japan , pp 278-295

- Makoto Omori, Ayumi Onuma and Nami Okubo
- A Strategic Approach to Improving Corporate Governance , pp 147-168

- Ruth C. May
- A Strategic Approach to Post-Crisis Regulation - The Need for Pillar 4

- David T. Llewellyn
- A strategic approach to the economic regulation of spectrum, telecoms and broadcasting

- Ed Richards
- A Structural Equations Model for Assessing the Economic Performance of High-tech Ethnic Entrepreneurs

- Mediha Sahin, Alina Todiras, Peter Nijkamp, Bart Neuts and Christiaan Behrens
- A structural monetary reform to reduce global imbalances: Keynes’s plan revisited to avert international payment deficits , pp 134-150

- Sergio Rossi
- A Student’s Perspective , pp 54-69

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- A study of the impact of energy transition on sustainable economic and environmental development: a global case , pp 146-169

- Yang Liu, Congyu Zhao, Kangyin Dong and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
- A Summarization of Results

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- A summary , pp 139-146

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- A Supply Chain Network Economy: Modeling and Qualitative Analysis , pp 197-213

- Ding Zhang, June Dong and Anna Nagurney
- A Survey of Corporate Governance in Banking: Characteristics of the Top 100 World Banks

- Rowan Trayler
- A Survey of Economic Theories on Pro-social Behaviour , pp 9-50

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- A Survey of Empirical Analysis in Tourism Demand

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- A survey of energy-environmental Kuznets curve studies , pp 173-198

- María del P. Pablo-Romero, Antonio Sánchez-Braza and Javier Sánchez-Rivas
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