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- Long-run and shorter-run criminal cycles in the public economics of public bads , pp 503-542

- Michele Caputo, Francesco Forte and Michela Mantovani
- Long-run carbon dioxide emissions and environmental Kuznets curves: different pathways to development?

- Peter Pearson and Roger Fouquet
- Long-run Effects of Financial Policy in an Endogenously Growing Economy , pp 219-240

- Been-Lon Chen, Yeong-Yuh Chiang and Ping Wang
- Long-Run Growth , pp 113-128

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- Long-Run Implications for Developing Countries of Joint Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation , pp 314-326

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- Long-run performance , pp 306-337

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- Long-run Trends and Factors in Attendance Patterns in Sport: Australian Football League, 1945–2009

- Liam Lenten
- Long-term care , pp 191-207

- August Österle
- Long-term care policies meet austerity , pp 312-327

- Barbara Da Roit
- Long-term contracts across Member States: the problem of priority access rights to interconnectors , pp 109-140

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- Long-term Contracts and Competition Policy in European Energy Markets

- Adrien de Hauteclocque and Jean-Michel Glachant
- Long-term Contracts and Relational Contracts

- Nick van der Beek
- Long-term Contracts and State Aid: A New Application of the EU State Aid Regime or a Special Case?

- Leigh Hancher
- Long-term Contracts and Technology Choices in Electricity Markets

- Fabien Roques
- Long-term Contracts in Electricity Markets: Long-term Contracting and Risk Management from the Point of View of a Large Consumer

- Petter Longva
- Long-term contracts in the 2016 Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts , pp 151-164

- Ben Köhler
- Long-term Contracts in the Law and Economics Literature

- Mireia Artigot i Golobardes and Fernando Gómez Pomar
- Long-term Depression and New Markets: Economists and the 2008 Recession

- Davide Gualerzi
- Long-term developments in housing policy and research , pp 66-84

- Caroline Dewilde and Marietta Haffner
- Long-term energy supply contracts in the EU: where competition policy meets market design , pp 14-38

- Peter Alexiadis
- Long-term impacts of mega-projects: the discount rate , pp 313-332

- Carl Koopmans and Piet Rietveld
- Long-Term Interest Rates, Liquidity Preference and the Limits of Central Banking , pp 164-182

- Mario Seccareccia and Marc Lavoie
- Long-Term Locational Prices and Investment Incentives in the Transmission of Electricity

- Yves Smeers
- Long-term needs to achieve social inclusionary pathways for migrants , pp 60-76

- Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax and Lisa Bauchinger
- Long-term policy problems: definition, origins, and responses , pp 126-143

- Detlef F. Sprinz
- Long-term reflections of a former milk carton kid , pp 19-29

- Sarah Cecilie Finkelstein Waters
- Long-term residual effects , pp 35-57

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- Long-term responsible investment and corporate social responsibility , pp 91-114

- Paul Terna Gbahabo, Lwanga Elizabeth Nanziri and Tendayi Chapoto
- Long-Term Scenarios for the Strategic Energy Policy of the EU

- Pantelis Capros and Leonidas Mantzos
- Long-term Sustainability

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- Long-term upstream gas supply and purchase agreements and competition law considerations , pp 39-54

- Kim Talus and Aikaterini Florou
- Longer lives with long-term care needs: research needed to tackle the care gap , pp 183-202

- Giovanni Lamura and Henk Nies
- Longer-run Aspects of Kaleckian Macroeconomics

- Tracy Mott
- Longevity Expectations and Death: Can People Predict Their Own Demise? , pp 146-154

- V. Kerry Smith, Donald H. Taylor and Frank A. Sloan
- Longevity risk in living benefits , pp 132-167

- Ermanno Pitacco
- Longitudinal effects on individual influences in women's pursuit of computer science education , pp 386-397

- Jeria L. Quesenberry
- Look and feel: graphics , pp 126-147

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- Look and feel: language , pp 106-125

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- Look back in hope? Reassessing Fordism today , pp 192-210

- Radhika Desai
- Looking ahead , pp 272-276

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- Looking at the Crisis through Marx – Or Is It the Other Way About?

- Ben Fine
- Looking back on 30 years of transition - and looking 30 years ahead , pp 2-6

- Robert Holzmann
- Looking back while moving forward , pp 121-130

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- Looking back, redefining the future: an overview of the state of play of green structural transformation and the factors critical to its success , pp 1-24

- Elina Scheja and Kee Beom Kim
- Looking backwards in order to peer forwards , pp 435-458

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- Looking beyond conventional intergovernmental fiscal frameworks: principles, realities, and neglected issues , pp 64-100

- Paul Smoke
- Looking for evidence of landfill tax effectiveness in the European Union , pp 227-243

- Samuela Bassi and Emma Watkins
- Looking for the American dream? An intercultural management perspective on the business diaspora at the USA–Mexico border , pp 246-266

- Óscar Javier Montiel Méndez and Araceli Almaraz Alvarado
- Looking forward and back: building futures and encoding pasts in governance , pp 185-199

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- Looking Forward to Working Longer in Australia

- Sol Encel
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