From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Innovation and Other Components of Growth in Canadian Technology Firms

- Michael Bordt, Frances Anderson, Louise Earl and Tomas Bas
- Innovation and Performance Implications of Venture Capital Involvement in the Ventures they Fund

- Lowell W. Busenitz
- Innovation and Productivity: Local Competitiveness and the Role of Space

- Roberta Capello
- Innovation and public procurement in the United States , pp 147-178

- Nicholas S. Vonortas
- Innovation and R&D surveys in Norway , pp 178-195

- Frank Foyn
- Innovation and regulatory outcomes: evidence from the public-private contracts for water supply in France , pp 216-236

- Freddy Huet and Simon Porcher
- Innovation and Services: On Biases and Beyond

- Pascal Petit
- Innovation and Size at the Firm Level , pp 24-29

- David B. Audretsch and Zoltan Acs
- Innovation and Size of Finn

- Roy Rothwell and Mark Dodgson
- Innovation and Small and Midsize Enterprises: Innovation Dynamics and Policy Strategies

- Philip Shapira
- Innovation and smart service systems , pp 103-115

- Paul P. Maglio and Chiehyeon Lim
- Innovation and Social Capital: A Cross-Country Investigation , pp 442-463

- Soogwan Doh and Zoltan Acs
- Innovation and Space – From Externalities to Networks

- Corinne Autant-Bernard, Pascal Billand and Nadine Massard
- Innovation and stock markets: international evidence on manufacturing and services , pp 197-222

- Dariusz Wójcik
- Innovation and Technical Change in the U.S. Steel Industry , pp 65-80

- Zoltan Acs
- Innovation and Technological Catch-up in the Wine Industry: An Introduction

- Elisa Giuliani, Andrea Morrison and Roberta Rabellotti
- Innovation and the cultural economy , pp 230-243

- Andy C. Pratt
- Innovation and the East German Transformation , pp 169-186

- Frank Fleischer and Kurt Hornschild
- Innovation and the global eco-industry , pp 771-786

- Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné
- Innovation and the Law of Intellectual Property

- Uma Suthersanen and Graham Dutfield
- Innovation and the Learning Policy Maker – An Evolutionary Approach Based on Historical Experience

- Joachim Schwerin and Claudia Werker
- Innovation and trade , pp 236-243

- Claudio Fassio
- Innovation and Training

- Malcolm Warner
- Innovation and transformation in post-socialist Eastern Europe: introduction and overview , pp 1-4

- Michael Fritsch
- Innovation and transformation: the steep and narrow path , pp 83-98

- Silvio Goglio
- Innovation and value creation in Canadas ocean sector: a blue economy imperative , pp 225-240

- Fred Olayele
- Innovation and wealth creation , pp 251-263

- G.M. Peter Swann
- Innovation as a creative response , pp 25-50

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- Innovation as a means of market entry and survival for firms from former socialist countries: a simulation model , pp 64-82

- Claudia Werker
- Innovation as an emergent system property , pp 21-55

- Cristiano Antonelli and Gianluigi Ferraris
- Innovation as an emergent system property , pp 66-78

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- Innovation as outcome , pp 36-48

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- Innovation as process , pp 49-74

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- Innovation as science applied , pp 28-35

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- Innovation as system , pp 75-92

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- Innovation Behaviour of Spanish Fashion Manufacturing SMEs

- José L. Calvo and Angel L. Culebras de Mesa
- Innovation Benchmarking in the Telecom Industry , pp 149-169

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- Innovation Cases - ProViva, Oatly, Mona Carota , pp 102-158
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- Innovation Clusters Linking Regions

- Brigitte Preissl
- Innovation Direction and Persistence within an Industry: The Refining Processes Case

- François Bel and Bernard Bourgeois
- Innovation Dynamics in Hospitals: Applied Case Studies in French Hospitals

- Faridah Djellal and Faïz Gallouj
- Innovation in a Globalizing Industry: The Case of Automobiles

- Andrew Graves
- Innovation in a Shrinking World , pp 196-216

- Amy Jocelyn Glass
- Innovation in Construction

- Jan Brochner
- Innovation in East Asia: Diversity and Development

- Mike Hobday
- Innovation in Energy Supply: The Case of Electricity

- Gordon MacKerron
- Innovation in Enterprise Clusters: Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing

- Bert Diederen, Pierre Mohnen, Franz Palm and Sybrand Schim van der Loeff
- Innovation in EU CEE: The Role of Demand-based Policy

- Jakob Edler
- Innovation in global value chains , pp 370-384

- Rasmus Lema, Carlo Pietrobelli and Roberta Rabellotti
- Innovation in Human/Social Guise

- Susan A. McDaniel
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