From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Poverty Persistence , pp 235-256

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- Poverty policy - food policy versus incomes policy , pp 91-96

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- Poverty reduction and the national policy process

- David Booth
- Poverty Strategies in Asia: Growth Plus

- Haider Khan and John Weiss
- Poverty Targeting in India

- Pradeep Srivastava
- Poverty Targeting in Indonesia

- Ari A. Perdana and John Maxwell
- Poverty Targeting in Pakistan: The Role of Zakat and the Lady Health Worker Program

- Ghulam Arif
- Poverty Targeting in Thailand

- Peter Warr and Isra Sarntisart
- Poverty Targeting in the People’s Republic of China

- Wang Sangui
- Poverty Targeting in the Philippines

- Arsenio Balisacan and Rosemarie Edillon
- Poverty Transitions, Shocks and Consumption in Rural Bangladesh, 1996–97 to 2006–07

- Agnes Quisumbing
- Poverty Traps and Structural Poverty in South Africa: Reassessing the Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, 1993 to 2004

- Julian May, Ingrid Woolard and Bob Baulch
- Poverty, Characteristics of

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- Poverty, employment and inequality in the SDGs: heterodox discourse, orthodox policies? , pp 141-168

- Malte Luebker
- Poverty, environment and development

- Anil Markandya
- Poverty, finance and institutions: evidence from OIC countries , pp 109-134

- Muhammad Majeed
- Poverty, social inequality and rural studies , pp 76-94

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- Poverty, social mobility, and the middle class: evidence from South Africa , pp 186-204

- Simone Schotte
- Poverty, social policy and the welfare state: A research agenda , pp 101-119

- Bea Cantillon
- Poverty, the battle against stigmatization and the role of public sociology , pp 310-322

- Enrica Morlicchio and Dario Tuorto
- Poverty, Vulnerability and Family Size: Evidence from the Philippines

- Aniceto Orbeta
- Poverty: all people being equal versus getting people out of poverty , pp 115-127

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- Power (I)

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- Power (II)

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- Power and conflict in social innovation: a field-based perspective , pp 169-186

- Simon Teasdale, Michael J. Roy and Lars Hulgård
- Power and cooperation in international environmental law

- Richard H. Steinberg
- Power and intergovernmental organizations , pp 25-41

- Kendall W. Stiles
- Power and knowledge in governance: enabling, structuring and hindering transitions , pp 108-122

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- Power and Packets: A Spatial Network Comparison of the US Electric Power Grid and the Internet Network

- Laurie A. Schintler, Rajendra G. Kulkarni and Sean P. Gorman
- Power and politics in sports , pp 157-174

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- Power and resistance in the global fight against tax evasion , pp 293-308

- Loriana Crasnic and Lukas Hakelberg
- Power and Wealth: Quesnay Betrayed by the Tableau Économique?

- Jean Cartelier
- Power as a Prize

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- Power as Influence

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- Power asymmetries and integration process: challenges ahead for the EAEU , pp 208-226

- Federico Salvati
- Power concentration and power diffusion: a new typology of political-institutional patterns of democracy , pp 410-428

- Julian Bernauer and Adrian Vatter
- Power disruptions: power system reconfigurations reassembling the state , pp 65-78

- Costanza Concetti
- Power Distribution in Argentina: Are the Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid Actually BOP Strategies?

- Miguel Ángel Gardetti
- Power in planning from a Southern perspective , pp 258-272

- James Duminy and Vanessa Watson
- Power in regulatory planning processes: searching for the third face of power , pp 339-353

- Yvonne Rydin
- Power of the Firm and New Mercantilism: An Analysis Based on Joan Robinson's Thought

- Dimitri Uzunidis and Blandine Laperche
- Power of, on and in planning , pp 354-366

- Kristof Van Assche, Raoul Beunen and Martijn Duineveld
- Power relations within multinational corporations , pp 262-278

- Glenn Morgan
- Power Sector Deregulation and the Environment: Evidence from the Philippines and Thailand

- Jessie L. Todoc
- Power structure fluctuations in the “longue durée” of the world system: the shadow of the past upon the future , pp 299-310

- David Wilkinson
- Power Utility Re-regulation , pp 171-194

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- Power, and the Destruction of Value in Mergers and Acquisitions

- Claire E. Ashton-James, Killian McCarthy and Anca Dranca-Iacoban
- Power, Resistance and ‘Anti-Globalisation’ Movements in the Context of the ‘War on Terror’

- Michael S. Drake
- Power, technology and institutions in the process of capital formation , pp 13-39

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- Powering the future - five clean energy megaprojects , pp 476-502

- Oscar Serpell and John D. Landis
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