From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Deinstitutionalization and the development of community mental health , pp 161-171

- John R. Belcher
- Deirdre N. McCloskey

- Stephen Ziliak
- Delaware Corporate Law: Failing Law, Failing Markets

- William J. Carney, George B. Shepherd and Joanna M. Shepherd
- Delaying declarations of constitutional invalidity , pp 299-321

- Anthony Niblett
- Delegation theories and a neoliberal paradox , pp 215-231

- Alberto Amaral
- Deleuze, Guattari and power , pp 74-89

- Jean Hillier
- Deliberate trust-building by autonomous government agencies: evidence from responses to the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic , pp 205-223

- Erik Baekkeskov
- Deliberative mini-publics , pp 294-309

- Kimmo Grönlund and Maija Setälä
- Delivering education: a pragmatic framework for improving education in low-income countries , pp 85-130

- Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Ijaz Khwaja
- Delivering innovation in public infrastructure through Public Private Partnerships , pp 81-107

- Nunzia Carbonara and Roberta Pellegrino
- Delivering public employment services: which model works best? , pp 163-193

- Donna Koeltz
- Delivering the goods to households: would further regulation help or hinder? , pp 146-160

- John Hearn
- Delivering Utility Services to the Poor Using Output-Based Aid Approaches

- Patricia Veevers-Carter and Cathy Russell
- Delusion, Deception and Corruption in Major Infrastructure Projects: Causes, Consequences and Cures

- Bent Flyvbjerg and Eamonn Molloy
- Demand

- Louis Lévy-Garboua and Claude Montmarquette
- Demand , pp 293-300

- Marco Dardi
- Demand

- Louis Lévy-Garboua and Claude Montmarquette
- Demand and Supply as Factors Determining Economic Growth , pp 157-175

- Ton van Schaik
- Demand and supply in the new economy , pp 198-219

- John Cornwall and Wendy Cornwall
- Demand factors: demography, economy and innovation , pp 27-41

- Anne Green
- Demand for cultural goods: Key concepts and a hypothetical case study , pp 149-156

- Bruce A. Seaman
- Demand for cultural heritage , pp i-i

- Victoria Ateca-Amestoy
- Demand for Money and Expected Inflation , pp 34-38

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- Demand for supplemental health insurance and health care utilization in Taiwan , pp 177-190

- Shou-Hsia Cheng and Jung- Der Wang
- Demand Management and the Monetary System: Do Currency Boards and Currency Unions Spell the End for Keynesian Policy?

- Stephanie A. Bell
- Demand Modeling and Forecasting

- Grace Bo Peng, Haiyan Song and Stephen F. Witt
- Demand saturation – creation and economic growth

- Masanao Aoki and Hiroshi Yoshikawa
- Demand Theory and TCM

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- Demand, supply and market prices , pp 183-205

- Paolo Giussani
- Demand-Based Innovation Policy

- Jakob Edler
- Demand-constrained systems and the supermultiplier in the history of economic thought , pp 6-22

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- Demand-led growth and macroeconomic policy regimes in the Eurozone: implications for post-pandemic economic policies , pp 108-123

- Eckhard Hein
- Demand-led growth and the classical approach to value and distribution: are they compatible? , pp 148-178

- Graham White
- Demand-side incentives , pp iii-iii

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- Demanding accountability through grass roots activism: the case of service charging in English social housing , pp 294-309

- Amanze Ejiogu and Mercy Denedo
- Demands for, and motivations of, technology assessment , pp 42-51

- Michael Decker and Armin Grunwald
- Demarcation

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- Democracy and Accountability: The Challenge for Cross-sectoral Partnerships

- James Meadowcroft
- Democracy and Development

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- Democracy and economic freedom , pp 133-143

- Abishek Choutagunta and Jerg Gutmann
- Democracy and Electoral Processes

- Samuel Issacharoff and Laura Miller
- Democracy and environmental inequality , pp 346-364

- Liam Downey and Brigid Mark
- Democracy and Happiness: What Causes What?

- Ronald Inglehart
- Democracy as an evolutionary method , pp 96-127

- Michael Wohlgemuth and Michael Wohlgemuth
- Democracy at bay , pp 161-181

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- Democracy beyond the state in the age of cities: explaining crisis dynamics in national democracy , pp 246-266

- Hans Agné
- Democracy demands wisdom , pp 136-146

- J. A. Scott Kelso
- Democracy in Low-Income Countries

- Arye L. Hillman
- Democracy, Citizen Sovereignty and Constitutional Economics

- Viktor J. Vanberg
- Democracy, citizens and judicial power: do judges contribute to democracy?

- Sophie Harnay
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