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- Efficiency analysis and poverty measurement , pp 501-510

- Gordon Anderson
- Efficiency analysis in uncertain operating environments: the problem with outliers , pp 80-97

- Kevin Fox and Lisa Y.T. Lee
- Efficiency Analysis of Delivery Offices in the Postal Sector Using Stochastic Frontier and Data Envelopment Analyses , pp 149-164

- Alan Horncastle, David Jevons, Paul Dudley and Emmanuel Thanassoulis
- Efficiency analysis postal operators: comparison between the United States and Europe , pp 261-276

- Maria Rita Pierleoni and Stefano Gori
- Efficiency and economic growth: A panel analysis of Colombian regions , pp 356-372

- Luis Alberto Gutiérrez-Arango, Victor Giménez, Daniel Osorio-Barreto and Diego Prior
- Efficiency and equity effects of healthcare decentralization: evidence from Italy , pp 85-111

- Caterina Ferrario, Rosella Levaggi and Massimiliano Piacenza
- Efficiency and Equity in Externalities , pp 139-162

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- Efficiency and equity indicators to evaluate different patterns of accessibility to public services: an application to Huambo, Angola , pp 108-122

- César Pakissi and Tomaz Dentinho
- Efficiency and fairness: the Norwegian experience with agri-environmental taxation , pp 111-128

- Arild Vatn
- Efficiency and Justice

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- Efficiency and performance in the gas industry

- David Hawdon
- Efficiency and Productivity in European Universities: Exploring Trade-offs in the Strategic Profile

- Andrea Bonaccorsi, Cinzia Daraio and Leopold Simar
- Efficiency and Sustainability of Network Neutrality Proposals

- Toshiya Jitsuzumi
- Efficiency Gains from Mergers

- Lars-Hendrik Röller, Johan Stennek and Frank Verboven
- Efficiency in Merger Law: Appropriateness of Efficiency Analysis in Ex-ante Assessment?

- Daniel Zimmer
- Efficiency in the Enforcement Policy of the French Conseil de la Concurrence

- Bruno Lasserre
- Efficiency in the Provision of Local Public Goods in Norway , pp 135-146

- Gunnar Rongen
- Efficiency in urban systems , pp 264-283

- J. Ernst Drewes
- Efficiency Measurement

- Jill Johnes
- Efficiency Measurement in the Electricity and Gas Distribution Sectors

- Mehdi Farsi and Massimo Filippini
- Efficiency Measurement Theory and its Application to Airport Benchmarking

- Tae Hoon Oum, Katsuhiro Yamaguchi and Yuichiro Yoshida
- Efficiency of Commodity Money Equilibrium

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- Efficiency of Competition Law in Economies of Transition

- Lubo Tich
- Efficiency of marketing systems , pp 96-119

- Colin G. Brown, Enkh-Orchlon Lkhagvadorj, Zhang Jing, Lkhagvadorj Dorjburegdaa, Qiao Guanghua and Zhang Bao
- Efficiency of public health spending , pp 291-312

- Pedro Barros and Eduardo Costa
- Efficiency of public investment and implications for the optimal level of public investment , pp 337-354

- Jean-Marc Fournier and Fabien Gonguet
- Efficiency versus accountability , pp 403-418

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- Efficiency versus Market Power through Mergers

- Dennis C. Mueller
- Efficiency versus market power through mergers , pp 57-87

- Dennis C. Mueller and Burcin Yurtoglu
- Efficiency wage models of unemployment: one view

- Harold Demsetz
- Efficiency wages, mark-up pricing and effective demand , pp 138-151

- Peter Skott
- Efficiency, Competition and Long-term Contracts in Electricity Markets: Summary and Conclusions of the Workshop Organized by the GIS LARSEN and the Loyola de Palacio Program of the European University Institute, Florence, 15–16 January 2009

- Adrien de Hauteclocque
- Efficiency-Friendly Institutional Change within the Structure of Tradition

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- Efficiency: democratic planning, humane work, liberated life , pp 136-160

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- Efficient and/or Effective Enforcement

- Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
- Efficient distribution of copyright income , pp 81-103

- Jorge Alonso and Richard Watt
- Efficient Structure of Exchange

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- Efficient verification of firm data under the EU emissions trading system , pp 109-126

- Frauke Eckermann
- Efficient Worksharing Discounts with Mail Heterogeneity , pp 121-134

- John C. Panzar
- Efforts of reform in countries suffering from the crisis , pp 151-186

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- Efforts of the UN to find out about major routes of drugs and drug money , pp 194-206

- Thomas Pietschmann
- EFRAG roadmap for new developments in ERS reporting , pp 138-155

- Luz Parrondo
- Egoism

- John O’Neill
- Egotism: making sense of social preferences , pp 121-133

- Elias Khalil
- Egyptian Case Studies , pp 87-124

- Azza El-Shinnawy and Heba Handoussa
- EIA best practice in Africa , pp 320-336

- Luke Sandham, Francois Retief and Reece Alberts
- EIA in Canada: strengthening follow-up, monitoring and evaluation , pp 352-365

- Patricia Fitzpatrick and J. Byron Williams
- EIA in China: evolution and challenges , pp 404-421

- He Xu, Yiting Yang, Huanzhi Wang and Xueyan Guo
- EIA in Finland: the influence of international norms on the founding and evolution of national impact assessment systems , pp 337-351

- Timo Koivurova, Katri-Maaria Kyllönen and Krittika Singh
- EIA in Japan: the benefits of early public participation , pp 366-382

- Tetsuya Kamijo
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