From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- European agriculture and the CAP: retrospect and prospect , pp 240-248

- George P. Zanias
- European and Regional Disparities in Human Capital: The Case of Italy

- Paolo Emilio Signorini
- European Banking Authority , pp 11-22

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- European capital markets: Deficits and interest rates , pp 47-86

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- European Central Bank , pp 43-50

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- European Cohesion Policy and the Spanish Economy , pp 235-252

- Simon Sosvilla-Rivero and José A. Herce
- European Competition Policy and Regulation: Differences, Overlaps, and Constraints

- John Temple Lang
- European Contributions to Evolutionary Institutional Economics: The Cases 'Open-Systems Approach' (OSA) and 'Cumulative Circular Causation' (CCC) , pp 79-96

- Sebastian Berger and Wolfram Eisner
- European Convergence and the EU Social Model

- Kees Vos
- European differentiated integration and capitalism in a comparative perspective , pp 146-162

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- European diversity of work sharing as a crisis measure: The experiences of Austria, Belgium, France and the Netherlands , pp 72-98

- Jörg Flecker and Annika Schönauer
- European economic and monetary integration, prior to the creation of the European Communities , pp 5-32

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- European economic and monetary integration: the creation and development of the European Communities , pp 33-61

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- European economic integration

- Mark Baimbridge and Philip Whyman
- European Economic Integration and Network Industries

- Pierre-André Buigues and Roderick Meiklejohn
- European economic nationalism , pp 189-222

- Klaus Müller
- European economic policy and the problem of current account imbalances: the case of Germany and Spain , pp 207-225

- Jorge Uxó, Jesús Paúl and Eladio Febrero
- European Electricity Supply Security and Nuclear Power: An Overview

- William Nuttall and David M Newbery
- European energy liberalisation: progress and problems

- Jorge Vasconcelos
- European Environmental Security: Threats and Solutions , pp 417-452

- Kent Hughes Butts
- European Experiences of Currency Boards: Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Jean-Francois Ponsot
- European Financial Integration: Economic Aspects, the Existing Legal Framework and the Way Ahead

- Christos V. Gortsos
- European greenhouse gas emissions trading: A system in transition , pp 45-64

- John Reilly and Sergey Paltsev
- European Higher Education and the Process of Integration

- Jussi Välimaa
- European Industrial Policy

- Jacques Pelkmans
- European industrial policy from 2000 to 2020 , pp 173-209

- Franco Mosconi
- European Industrial Policy: Perspectives, Trends and a Sustainability-focused New Framework

- Christos Pitelis and Pellumb Kelmendi
- European information infrastructure , pp 121-152

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- European infrastructuring as co-operative territoriality , pp 153-167

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- European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority , pp 35-42

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- European Integration and Agricultural Protection: An Introduction

- Piet van den Noort
- European integration and industrial structure in Greece: prospects and possibilities for convergence , pp 247-259

- George C. Petrakos, Spyros E. Zikos, George C. Petrakos and Spyros E. Zikos
- European Integration and Japanese Direct Investment in the Central and East European Countries , pp 42-67

- Andrzej Cie_lik, Michael Ryan, Andrzej Cie_lik and Michael Ryan
- European Integration and Local Government Finance , pp 273-291

- Stephen Smith
- European integration and the landesbanks , pp 1-2

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- European Integration and the ‘Euro Project’

- Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
- European integration and the ‘euro project’ , pp 262-271

- Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
- European Integration: What Lessons for Northeast Asia?

- Gérard Roland
- European IPO markets: a post-issue performance study

- Benoît Leleux and Daniel Muzyka
- European Labour Law after Laval

- Catherine Barnard and Simon Deakin
- European labour markets and social policy: recent research and future directions , pp 187-201

- Jochen Clasen and Daniel Clegg
- European Labour Markets under Convergence Pressure , pp 171-194

- Alain Borghijs and André Van Poeck
- European Labour Standards’ Impacts on Accession Countries: The Hungarian Case

- László Neumann
- European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF) Regulation , pp 425-432

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- European macroeconomic policy interdependencies , pp 280-299

- Willem Thorbecke and Christian Eigen-Zucchi
- European management education and the proliferation of business school rankings

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- European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) , pp 309-329

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- European market: present and future , pp 138-155

- Volodymyr Bilotkach
- European media governance: the EU and the Council of Europe , pp 312-328

- Damian Tambini
- European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defence?

- Fabienne Ilzkovitz and Roderick Meiklejohn
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