From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Co-creation and the city , pp 1-12

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- Co-designing sustainable product–service systems , pp 217-227

- Yusuke Kishita, Kentaro Watanabe and Koji Kimita
- Co-evolution as the secret of urban complexity , pp 136-153

- Denise Pumain
- Co-evolution of Intellectual Property Protections and Innovation: The Case of ‘Continuation’ Patents in the United States

- Stuart Graham
- Co-evolution of population and natural resources: a simple Ricardian model , pp 54-78

- Simone D'Alessandro
- Co-evolution: applications and implications for governance research in communication studies , pp 88-99

- Johannes M. Bauer and Michael Latzer
- Co-management contested: the controversy on the role of SEA in authorisation , pp 183-213

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- Co-operative Conflict Resolution in a Nature Conservation Area in Brandenburg, Germany: a Case Study , pp 299-314

- Andrea Knierim
- Co-operativeagreements to improve efficiency and effectiveness of policy targets

- Ingo Heinz
- Co-operatives (1951–2001)

- Patrizia Battilani and Vera Zamagni
- Co-ordination, commercial and stabilization policies under alternative wage-setting regimes in a two-country model with a flexible exchange rate , pp 70-114

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- Co-producing policy relevant research , pp 73-82

- Clementine Hill O'Connor, Lucy Gavens, Dan Chedgzoy and Mary Gogarty
- Co-production or counter-production? The struggle of Dutch community enterprises with local institutions , pp 249-269

- Reinout Kleinhans
- Co-therapy services to enhance patient experience design , pp 130-146

- Maria Francesca Renzi, Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion, Laura Di Pietro and Veronica Ungaro
- Coaching women and women coaching: pay differentials in the Title IX era , pp 269-290

- Peter von Allmen
- Coal and environmental inequality , pp 506-530

- Ryan Wishart and Pierce Greenberg
- Coal ash: sources and possible uses , pp 259-272

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- Coalitions and networks in oligopolies , pp 373-391

- Francis Bloch
- Coase and Demsetz on property rights: the case of radio spectrum , pp 235-248

- Thomas W. Hazlett
- Coase and the departure from property , pp 305-319

- Benito Arruñada
- Coase and the London School of Economics in the 1920s–1940s , pp 18-33

- Jim Thomas
- Coase and the regulation of public utilities , pp 249-261

- John Groenewegen and Piet de Vries
- Coase and the transaction cost approach to regulation , pp 262-275

- Marian Moszoro and Pablo T. Spiller
- Coase on property rights , pp 83-96

- John N. Drobak
- Coase on the nature and assessment of social institutions , pp 110-128

- Stephen Pratten
- Coase Theorem and Transaction Cost Economics in the Law

- Francesco Parisi
- Coase, Posner, and Austrian law and economics , pp 46-62

- Peter Leeson
- Coase, R. H

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- Coasean bargaining to address environmental externalities , pp 97-109

- Gary D. Libecap
- Coase’s contribution to contract theory , pp 68-82

- Douglas W. Allen and Yoram Barzel
- Coase’s empirical studies: the case of the lighthouse , pp 320-332

- Elodie Bertrand
- Coase’s theory of the firm: the next steps , pp 45-50

- Kenneth Arrow
- Coastal Impacts

- James Neumann and Daniel Hudgens
- Cobweb Diagrams

- Marc Nerlove
- Coda: future directions and challenges for research into the green economy , pp 299-300

- Andrew Jones and Patrik Ström
- Coda: The conclusion of the matter , pp 208-211

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- Code of Ethics for Economists

- Robin L. Bartlett
- Codes as Hybrid Regulation

- Mirjan Oude Vrielink, Cor van Montfort and Meike Bokhorst
- Codes of governance , pp 49-70

- Francesca Cuomo and Alessandro Zattoni
- Coding urban metabolism: infrastructuring metabolic pathways , pp 353-365

- Pierre Desvaux
- Coercive control and the family courts: Comparative perspectives from Australia and England/Wales , pp 269-285

- Anna Carline, Patricia Easteal and Lisa Young
- Coevolution, agricultural practices and sustainability: some major social and ecological issues , pp 254-264

- Clement Tisdell
- Coevolution, Emergence and Economic Development: Some Lessons from the Israeli and Mexican Experience

- Gabriela Dutrénit and Morris Teubal
- Coffee and conflict in Timor Leste: a role for ethical certification , pp 207-218

- Kelle Howson
- Cognition and governance: a research agenda for the New Institutional Economics , pp 80-87

- Kyle J. Mayer
- Cognition and governance: why inventices have to take a back seat

- Siegwart Lindenberg
- Cognition, Cultural and Institutional Influences on

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- Cognitive agility for improved understanding and self-governance: a human-centric AI enabler , pp 152-172

- Benjamin James Knox, Stefan Sütterlin and Ricardo Lugo
- Cognitive and socio-emotional abilities , pp 21-42

- Fernando Saltiel, Miguel Sarzosa and Sergio Urzúa
- Cognitive Coordination, Institutions and Clusters: An Exploratory Discussion , pp 82-104

- Mark Lorenzen and Nicolai J. Foss
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