From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Charging networks and the grid , pp 361-396

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- Charles Babbage , pp 124-129

- Simon Cook
- Charles Beard, the Progressives, and Roosevelt’s New Deal , pp 126-143

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- Charles Darwin on Human Nature , pp 96-113

- John Laurent
- Charles Goodhart's contributions to the history of monetary institutions

- Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz
- Charles-Louis de Montesquieu and Adam Smith , pp 57-77

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- Charles-Louis de Secondat de Montesquieu (1689–1755)

- Arnaud Orain
- Chartalism and the Tax-Driven Approach to Money

- Pavlina Tcherneva
- Chartering the disciplinary boundaries surrounding taxation, citizenship, and democracy , pp 1-6

- Yvette Lind
- Charting the indefatigable rise of public regulation of the investment management industry , pp 301-317

- Iris H.-Y. Chiu
- Chasing a runaway train: disability policy grapples with accelerated prenatal genetic technologies , pp 600-614

- Kara B. Ayers and Monica C. Schneider
- Chasing Ghosts: Researching Illegality in Migrant Labour Markets

- Bridget Anderson, Ben Rogaly and Martin Ruhs
- Chasing the Black Swan in cryptocurrency markets by modeling cascading dynamics in communication networks , pp 48-73

- Christian Schwendner, Vanessa Kremer, Julian Gierenz, Hasbi Sevim, Jan-Marc Siebenlist and Dilber Güclü
- Chasing the Elusive Salary Cap

- Daniel R. Marburger
- Chasing the phantom of a ‘global endgame’: the role of management consultancy in the narratives of pre-failure ABN AMRO , pp 170-191

- Michiel van Meeteren and David Bassens
- Cheap Environmental Services in Hungary: How Attractive Are They for Foreign Investors? , pp 69-89

- Péter Kaderják
- Checklist of an employment guarantee programme: the Plan Jefes de Hogar from Argentina revisited 20 years later , pp 226-252

- Daniel Kostzer
- Chester Barnard

- Joseph T. Mahoney
- Chicago and Economic History

- David Mitch
- Chicago and the Development of Twentieth-Century Labor Economics

- Bruce Kaufman
- Chicago Economics and Institutionalism

- Malcolm Rutherford
- Chicago Law and Economics

- Steven Medema
- Chicago Monetary Traditions

- David Laidler
- Chicago School , pp 368-374

- Ross Emmett
- Chicago: A Story of Diversity

- Richard C. Longworth
- Chief digital officers: a framework for guiding research on a new strategic leader , pp 435-456

- Markus Menz, Sven Kunisch and Robert Langan
- Child Benefit Packages in 15 Countries in 2004

- Jonathan Bradshaw
- Child Labour

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- Child labour, 'working daughters' and population theory , pp 142-156

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- Child malnutrition , pp 273-282

- Mohamad Khaled, Paul Makdissi and Myra Yazbeck
- Child medical tourism: a new phenomenon , pp 360-369

- Charlotte Hamlyn-Williams, Monica Lakhanpaul and Logan Manikam
- Child Mortality Decline, Inequality and Economic Growth

- Tamara Fioroni
- Child participation and the child objection exception , pp 115-130

- Rhona Schuz
- Child Poverty

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- Child support and the problem of economic incentives

- Robert J. Willis
- Child support guidelines and equal living standards

- Sanford L. Braver and David Stockburger
- Child support guidelines: underlying methodologies, assumptions, and the impact on standards of living

- R.Mark Rogers and Donald J. Bieniewicz
- Child support payments: a review of current policies

- William S. Comanor
- Child support policy and the unintended consequences of good intentions

- Ronald K. Henry
- Child workers , pp 213-224

- Ben White
- Childcare in a Changing World: Policy Responses to Working Time Flexibility in France

- Marie-Thérèse Letablier
- Childhood experiences and personality meet opportunity: the formative development of a megaproject innovator , pp 150-165

- John Steen
- Childhood in Stockholm , pp 19-30

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- Children and Development

- Paul Glewwe and Amy Damon
- Children vs adults: negotiating UNCRC General comment No. 25 on childrens rights in the digital environment , pp 414-428

- Sonia Livingstone, Amanda Third and Gerison Lansdown
- Children’s participation in decision-making: when schools and local governments work together in participatory budgeting , pp 77-98

- Andrés Falck and Marta Barros
- Chile

- Sebastián Herreros
- Chile

- Ramon Lopez and Gustavo Anríquez
- Chile - between Pinochets neoliberal counter-revolution and the 2019-20 anti-neoliberal revolt , pp 642-659

- Miguel Urrutia and Fernando Durán-Palma
- Chile as an Example of the Augmented Diamond

- Robert Grosse
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