From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The Knowledge Base, Research and Development and Regional Economic Policy: The US and UK Experience

- William F. Lever
- The Knowledge Based Economy: Better Living or Bigger Profits? , pp 111-119

- Donald McL. Lamberton
- The knowledge economy in European regions: a strategic goal for competitiveness , pp 77-106

- Roberta Capello
- The Knowledge Economy: Fritz Machlup’s Construction of a Synthetic Concept

- Benoît Godin
- The Knowledge Problem in Firms

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- The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship , pp 317-324

- David B. Audretsch and Erik E. Lehmann
- The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship , pp 129-144

- Zoltan Acs, Pontus Braunerhjelm, David B. Audretsch and Bo Carlsson
- The Knowledge, Learning and Innovation Process: A Poultry Cluster in the Western Region of the State of Parana, Brazil

- Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto, Knut Ingar Westeren and Clarissa Pereira Junqueira
- The Knowledge-Based Economy and the Triple Helix Model

- Loet Leydesdorff
- The Knowledge-based Perspective on Dynamic Capabilities

- Aino Kianto and Paavo Ritala
- The knowledge-seeking transition: decentralising innovation and R&D , pp 67-102

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- The knowledge–Rationality Connection in Herbert Simon

- Salvatore Rizzello and Anna Spada
- The Korea Employers’ Federation and the development of Korean industrial relations , pp 63-82

- In Jun, Peter Sheldon and Kang-Sung Lee
- The Korean Corporate Sector: Crisis and Reform , pp 116-132

- Sung Wook Joh
- The Korean economy before and after the crisis

- Un-Chan Chung
- The Korean Economy in the New Millennium: Reform or Revival? , pp 39-59

- Dong-Se Cha
- The Korean Economy: Transition to a Knowledge-based Economy

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- The Korean Financial Crisis and Fiscal Policy , pp 99-115

- Kwang Choi
- The Korean financial crisis of 1997/98 and its implications for the global financial system

- Irma Adelman and Song Byung Nak
- The Korean Financial Crisis: Evaluation and Lessons , pp 73-98

- Sung Hee Jwa and Insill Yi
- The Korean Financial Sector: Its Transition and Future Agenda

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- The Korean management system in transition , pp 184-202

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- The Korean Market: A Political Economy Perspective , pp 252-271

- You-il Lee
- The Korean online game wave – development within the experience economy , pp 316-334

- Patrik Ström and Mirko Ernkvist
- The Korean Political System and its Effects on the Economy

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- The Kuzbass Regional Council of Workers’ Committees , pp 81-132

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- The Kyoto mechanisms and the economics of their design , pp 25-44

- Luke Brander
- The Kyoto University Economic Review (1926–44) as Importer and Exporter of Economic Ideas: Bringing Lausanne, Cambridge, Vienna and Marx to Japan

- Robert Dimand and Masazumi Wakatabe
- The Labor Market Impact of Obesity

- John Cawley
- The labor market in transition , pp 39-65

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- The labor productivity costs of smoking in the United States , pp 181-202

- John A. Rizzo
- The laboratory and the market - on the production and interpretation of knowledge , pp 209-220

- Hans Siggaard Jensen and Lykke Margot Richter
- The labour force transitions of first-time mothers in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden

- Siv Gustafsson, Eiko Kenjoh and Cécile Wetzels
- The Labour Market for Teachers

- Paulo Santiago
- The Labour Market in Post-Unification Eastern Germany , pp 92-110

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- The labour market myth , pp 1-24

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- The ladder of economic development revisited – and elaborated , pp 24-70

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- The ladder of Indigenous governance , pp 272-283

- Paul Kalyta
- The Laffer Curve

- Roger Middleton
- The Laffer curve muddle , pp 104-115

- Vito Tanzi
- The landscape of mental health in higher education: the current state and where to next? , pp 493-515

- Lauren E. Cox, Angela J. Martin, Jo Bishop, Olav Muurlink and Allison Mandrusiak
- The language of Citizens Basic Income , pp 7-27

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- The Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Growth, Reform and Prospects

- Kotaro Ishi
- The Large Combustion Plant Directive (88/609/EEC): an effective instrument for SO2 pollution abatement? , pp 59-98

- Malcolm Eames
- The Large Leader Firm: Good or Bad? A Case Study of a Leader Firm–Supplier Relationship

- Helen McGrath and David Jacobson
- The Last Years , pp 312-338

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- The late scholastics

- Alejandro A. Chafuen
- The Latin Arc

- Antonio Affuso and Ugo Fratesi
- The Law and Economics of Class Action Litigation: Setting the Research Agenda

- Jürgen G. Backhaus, Alberto Cassone and Giovanni Ramello
- The law and economics of contracting , pp 57-94

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