From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Clinically Integrated Health Care in the English NHS , pp 214-216

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- Closing Books of Business: The Challenge of Fairness and Finality

- David Whear and Bob Haken
- Closing Remarks

- Floris O.W. Vogelaar
- Closing the gap: empirical evidence on firms’ innovation, productivity and exports , pp 281-309

- Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol and Sam Tavassoli
- Closing the gender gap: promoting labour market participation , pp 463-482

- Jorgen Harris and Eleonora Patacchini
- Closing the intention-realization gap: the impact of local embeddedness on effective progress toward SDG 17 , pp 255-268

- Luis Alfonso Dau and Elizabeth M. Moore
- Closing the loop: examining the case of the procurement of a sustainable innovation , pp 235-262

- Jillian Yeow, Elvira Uyarra and Sally Gee
- Closing thoughts , pp 243-246

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- Closing thoughts: to rank or not to rank? , pp 164-174

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- Closures and openings: the politics of place and space in resisting corporate restructuring , pp 226-254

- Michael Gillan and Rob Lambert
- Cloud and jurisdiction: mind the borders , pp 118-138

- Jean-Philippe Moiny
- Cloud computing and copyright , pp 160-179

- George Yijun Tian
- CLOUDTECH, how to grow a Born Global firm , pp 40-55

- Pierre-Louis Meuric, Véronique Favre-Bonté and Charles Aymard
- Club objectives , pp 13-22

- Peter Sloane
- Clubs and club goods

- Gary M. Anderson, William F. Shughart and Robert Tollison
- Clumps or Clusters: A Case Study of Biotechnology and Life Sciences in the Seattle Area

- Paul Sommers
- Cluster Analysis

- Liz Fredline
- Cluster development policy as a tool in regional development and competitiveness policy: theoretical concepts and empirical evidence , pp 213-234

- Andreas Cornett
- Cluster Development Programmes: Panacea or Placebo for Promoting SME Growth and Internationalization?

- Peter Brown and Rod McNaughton
- Cluster Dynamics: Insights from Broadcasting in Three UK City-Regions , pp 323-348

- Gary A.S. Cook and Naresh R. Pandit
- Cluster Evolution

- Arne Isaksen
- Cluster identification , pp 245-261

- Edward Helderop and Tony H. Grubesic
- Cluster policies and entrepreneurial states in East Asia , pp 1-20

- Alexander Ebner
- Cluster policy adjustments in the context of smart specialization? Impressions from Germany , pp 173-200

- Knut Koschatzky, Henning Kroll, Esther Schnabl and Thomas Stahlecker
- Cluster Policy Implementation and Evaluation in Slovenia: Lessons From a Transition Economy , pp 321-340

- Anja Cotič Svetina, Marko Jaklič and Hugo Zagorsek
- Cluster policy in an evolutionary world? Rationales, instruments and policy learning , pp 35-55

- Elvira Uyarra and Ronald Ramlogan
- Cluster policy: Renewal through the integration of institutional variety , pp 76-94

- Markus Grillitsch and Bjørn Asheim
- Cluster trajectories in developing countries: a stage and eclectic approach applied to survival clusters in Central America

- Mario Davide Parrilli
- Clustering and specialization in European regions , pp 54-102

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- Clustering and the Location of Multinational Enterprises: An Exploration of Financial Services in London

- Gary A.S. Cook and Naresh R. Pandit
- Clustering and upgrading in global value chains: the Taiwanese personal computer industry

- Chikashi Kishimoto
- Clustering in the Biotechnology Industry

- Stuart O. Schweitzer, Judith Connell and Fredrick P. Schoenberg
- Clustering of productive activities: a terrain for employment relations

- Miriam Quintana and Valeria Pulignano
- Clusters and Cluster Development in the Knowledge Economy

- Andreas Cornett
- Clusters and conglomerates in the media industry , pp 252-266

- Agostino Manduchi and Lucia Naldi
- Clusters and Industrial Districts: Common Roots, Different Perspectives

- Michael Porter and Christian Ketels
- Clusters and regional transformation: establishing actionable forward agendas , pp 186-202

- Ifor Ffowcs-Williams
- Clusters as a take-off for glocal strategies: the role of social capital , pp 469-491

- Bengt Johannisson, Marcela Ramírez Pasillas and Malin Lindberg
- Clusters initiatives, open innovation and knowledge bases , pp 155-168

- Heidi Wiig and Arne Isaksen
- Clusters of Innovation: final thoughts , pp 378-390

- Jerome S. Engel
- Clusters of Innovation: lessons learned and final thoughts , pp 420-430

- Jerome S. Engel
- Clusters, Chains and Complexes: Three Approaches to Innovationwith a Public Policy Perspective

- Jane Marceau
- Clusters, governance and the development of local economies: a framework for case studies*

- Roger Sugden, Ping Wei and James Wilson
- Clusters, Networks and Creativity

- Charlie Karlsson
- Clusters, Networks and Economic Development: An Evolutionary Economics Perspective

- Elisa Giuliani
- Clément Colson (1853-1939): A Liberal Serving the Public Interest , pp 29-45

- Michel Zouboulakis
- Clément Juglar (1819–1905)

- Muriel Dal Pont Legrand
- Co-creating cities: future challenges , pp 159-168

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- Co-creating important actors and factors in Indigenous entrepreneurship ecosystems: developing the Ruruku Canvas , pp 166-187

- Jesse Pirini and Stephen Cummings
- Co-creating services at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): the role of bricolage , pp 128-142

- Karla Cabrera and Javier Reynoso
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