From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The WTO and the Doha Round

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- The WTO and the Transfer of Policy Knowledge: The Case of Trade and Competition

- Oliver Morrissey and Doug Nelson
- The WTO Dispute on Trademarks and Geographical Indications: Some Implications for Trade Policy-Making and Negotiations

- David Vivas-Eugui and María Julia Oliva
- The WTO system and foreign direct investment: a policy challenge

- Vudayagiri Balasubramanyam and David Sapsford
- The WTO – Tilting Trade Rules Further Against the South

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- The WTO, Services and the Environment

- Robert K. Stumberg
- The WTO–TRIPS Patent Regime after Doha: Promises and Realities

- Sigrid Sterckx
- The young Marshall’s University , pp 99-104

- Christopher Stray
- The young Rudolf Hilferding , pp 22-39

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- The “internationalization†of the renminbi: toward an “RMBRI†? , pp 139-154

- Jean-François Di Meglio
- The “Phillips Curve†and inflation , pp 116-149

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- The “supermarket revolution†in the South , pp 113-144

- Reena Das Nair
- The ‘secret loans affair’ and political corruption in Mozambique , pp 116-134

- Adriano Nuvunga and Aslak Orre
- The ‘Boom’ Heard Round the Campus: How the Retirement of the Baby Boomers Will Affect Colleges and Universities

- Karen Steinberg, Phyllis Snyder and Rebecca Klein-Collins
- The ‘China opportunity’: false promises (and premises) , pp 108-128

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- The ‘China threat’ and the political economy of fear , pp 66-83

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- The ‘China threat’: a self-fulfilling prophecy , pp 84-107

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- The ‘cultural turn’ in urban design , pp 31-42

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- The ‘deconstruction’ of part-time work , pp 184-208

- Jon C. Messenger and Nikhil Ray
- The ‘European Research Area’ Idea in the History of Community Policy-making

- Luca Guzzetti
- The ‘form’ of ‘reform’. The postwar university in Britain, 1945–1992 , pp 17-31

- Keith Tribe
- The ‘Funding Gap’: Financial Markets and Investment in Innovation

- Bronwyn H. Hall
- The ‘Gibson Paradox’, The General Theory and beyond , pp 145-159

- Gerhard Michael Ambrosi
- The ‘hoc’ of international macroeconomics after the crisis , pp 68-89

- Giancarlo Corsetti
- The ‘Institutional Turn' in the Social Sciences: A Review of Approaches and a Future Research Agenda

- Klaus Nielsen
- The ‘Mad Max Puzzle’: Positioning and the Lone Inventor

- Jerome Davis and Lee N. Davis
- The ‘Making of’ National Giants: The International Expansion of Oil Companies from Brazil and China

- Flavia Carvalho and Andrea Goldstein
- The ‘New Europe’ Household Lending Market

- Fabrizio Coricelli, Fabio Mucci and Debora Revoltella
- The ‘new new deal’ as a response to the euro-crisis , pp 151-172

- Bengt-Åke Lundvall
- The ‘New Normal’: Prospects for Postsecondary Education in the Twenty-first Century

- Bobby Fong
- The ‘not quite so golden’ years 1970–1995 , pp 35-46

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- The ‘other’ in academia: the mental health of women in masculinized institutions in Central and Eastern Europe , pp 195-210

- Anna M. Górska
- The ‘Technology of Happiness’ and the Tradition of Economic Science

- Luigino Bruni
- The ‘White Revolution’ and dual dairy economy structures , pp 461-482

- Bruce A. Scholten
- The ‘why’ of Islamic economics , pp 26-39

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- The ‘increasing returns and competition’ dilemma: from Marshall to Pigou , pp 617-624

- Roberto Marchionatti
- The “make or buy” decision and supply-chain governance , pp 51-73

- Tomoo Marukawa
- The √-resund Food Cluster , pp 84-101
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- Theatre

- Daniel Urrutiaguer
- Thematic bonds to diversify fiscal sources , pp 409-425

- Farah Imrana Hussain
- Theme 1: the social complexity imagination , pp 1-15

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- Theme 2: cognition, emotion and consciousness , pp 62-68

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- Theme 3: dynamics of human psychology , pp 141-148

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- Theme 4: living in global-ecological social systems , pp 207-222

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- Theme 5: charting a new methods territory , pp 387-388

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- Theme 6: the unfinished space , pp 455-476

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- Theme parks , pp 44-62

- Harry W. Richardson, JiYoung Park, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore and Qisheng Pan
- Themes and issues in the study of mobility and inequality across different populations and contexts: A commentary on Part II , pp 277-285

- Lucinda Platt
- Themes in the development of transport planning models

- Huw C. W. L. Williams
- Theodor Herzl (1860–1904)

- Peter R. Senn
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