From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- A Difficulty with the Travel Cost Method , pp 153-162

- Alan Randall
- A digital lean world: from digital lean manufacturing to Lean 4.0 , pp 215-226

- Daryl Powell, David Romero, Jiju Antony and Paolo Gaiardelli
- A direct test of the 'lemons' model: the market for used pickup trucks

- John Cawley and Tomas Philipson
- A disaggregated SM in an input–output setting: application to the decarbonisation process , pp 175-186

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- A Distributed System of Innovation: The Italian Evidence in the Second Part of the Twentieth Century

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- A Dominant Firm’s Duty to Deal: EC and US Antitrust Law Compared

- Alison Jones
- A Dominant Node of Service Innovation: London’s Financial, Professional and Consultancy Services

- Peter Wood and Dariusz Wójcik
- A double-edged metaphor: Simon and the scissors of bounded rationality , pp 131-147

- Enrico Petracca
- A Dual European Social Citizenship?

- Claire Marzo
- A dual labour market for international migrants in a tourism-driven economy , pp 338-361

- Haime Croes and Pieter Hooimeijer
- A dynamic AGE model from a classical-Keynesian-Schumpeterian approach , pp 271-290

- Oscar De-Juan
- A Dynamic Analysis of the Marketable Permits Approach to Global Warming Policy: A Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Flexibility , pp 249-274

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- A Dynamic and Endogenous Approach to Financing the USO in a Liberalized Environment

- François Boldron, Claire Borsenberger, Denis Joram, Bernard Roy and Sebastien Lecou
- A Dynamic Capability Framework: Generic Types of Dynamic Capabilities and their Relationship to Entrepreneurship

- Einar Lier Madsen
- A Dynamic CGE Analysis of the EU-Jordan FTA: Welfare and Policy Implications , pp 163-176

- Omar Feraboli
- A Dynamic Framework for Keynesian Theories of the Business Cycle and Growth

- Pedro Leão
- A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of the Chinese Economy , pp 153-180

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- A Dynamic Input–Output Simulation Analysis of the Impact of ICT Diffusion in the Brazilian Economy

- Fabio Freitas, David Kupfer and Esther Dweck
- A Dynamic Model of the Division of Labor and the Extent of the Market

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- A Dynamic Stages Model of Structural Upgrading, Industrial Transplantation, and Knowledge Diffusion

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- A Dynamic Structural Model for Stock Return Volatility and Trading Volume , pp 166-198

- William A. Brock and Blake D. LeBaron
- A Dynamic Theory of Collective Persuasion , pp 43-62

- Athanassios Pitsoulis and Athanassios Pitsoulis
- A Euro Peg System as an Alternative for the Chinese Exchange Rate Regime?

- Kang-Soek Lee
- A European business school field in the making

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- A European Perspective

- Mireille Oud
- A European Research Area Built by the Member States?

- Christian Svanfeldt
- A European single market without tax harmonization , pp 145-162

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- A failure to communicate: the fact-value divide and the Putnam-Dasgupta debate , pp 80-102

- Huei-Chun Su and David Colander
- A feminist critique on gender based violence in a changing climate: Seeing, listening and responding , pp 68-89

- Rowena Maguire
- A Feminist Economic Perspective , pp 1-18

- Graham Dawson
- A feminist praxis to disrupt the white male supremacy of business management curricula , pp 435-450

- Sadhvi Dar and Joshua Kalemba
- A few good models for economic analysis of disasters: can your model handle the truth? , pp 30-49

- Yasuhide Okuyama
- A few more general conclusions , pp 553-561

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- A few words about entrepreneurial learning, training, and brain plasticity , pp 241-245

- Aparna Sud
- A few words about neuroexperimental designs for the study of emotions and cognitions in entrepreneurship , pp 246-258

- Theresa Treffers
- A few words about what neuroentrepreneurship can and cannot help us with , pp 285-292

- Sean Guillory, Mary C. Boardman and Mellani Day
- A field of practical relevance: evolving trends in how the transport and land-use relationship has been conceptualized and operationalized , pp 31-53

- Bert van Wee
- A Fighting Chance Against Corruption in Public Procurement?

- Gustavo Piga
- A Final Word on Edith Penrose , pp 61-74

- Alan Rugman and Alain Verbeke
- A firm does not pay taxes , pp 120-130

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- A Flexible Assurance Bonding System for Improved Environmental Management , pp 398-416

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- A foot-and-mouth epidemic , pp 128-151

- Bumsoo Lee, Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson, JiYoung Park, James E. Moore and Qisheng Pan
- A formal Joplin model , pp 256-270

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- A Forward-looking View on Catching-up Strategies from an Austrian Angle

- Ewald Nowotny
- A foundational perspective of digital business strategy for strategic leaders , pp 235-249

- Varun Grover and Gabriele Piccoli
- A founding moment: how members of religious congregations became AIDS activists , pp 295-308

- Philippe Denis
- A Framework for Analysing Dollarization

- Paul Davidson
- A Framework for Considering Infrastructure for Regional Co-operation

- John Weiss
- A framework for entrepreneurship within an ecology of practices , pp 133-164

- Carlos Machado and Munira Aminova
- A Framework for Independent Monetary Policy in China

- Marvin Goodfriend and Eswar Prasad
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