From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Surviving on the island: linking firm survival and contextual factors in a peripheral region , pp 12-31

- Youssouf Merouani, Marcus Box, Tommy Larsson Segerlind and Paulina Rytkönen
- Surviving the jungle or driving the change: international entrepreneurs as agents in institutional change , pp 195-216

- Eini Haaja, Anna Karhu and Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki
- Surviving the maze: exploring elite migrant experiences of diversity, hierarchy and status in the global diaspora , pp 54-68

- Kathleen Marshall Park
- SUS: the Brazilian health care system , pp 418-478

- Vera Schattan P. Coelho and Felipe Szabzon
- Sustain collegiality , pp 196-198

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- Sustainabilising Europe in times of crisis? The meta-policy role of the European Green Deal in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the negotiations on the EUs Multiannual Financial Framework , pp 144-171

- Basil Bornemann
- Sustainability , pp 333-366

- Laura Lennox
- Sustainability

- J.B. (Hans) Opschoor
- Sustainability accounting via databases: current work and future possibilities , pp 300-317

- James Hazelton, Shane Leong and John Dumay
- Sustainability agreements and Article 101(3) TFEU , pp 144-158

- Ronny Gjendemsjø
- Sustainability and development , pp 52-101

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- Sustainability and digital learning , pp 305-314

- Nick Baker
- Sustainability and intergenerational justice in age-related transfers , pp 205-216

- Kenneth Howse
- Sustainability and internationalization in emerging market firms: two sides of the same coin , pp 354-375

- Ana Maria Gomez-Trujillo and Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez
- Sustainability and prudential banking regulation , pp 302-322

- Seraina Grünewald
- Sustainability and Rangeland Management , pp 270-290

- Jaap Arntzen
- Sustainability and securities market regulation , pp 287-301

- Youcef Rahmani
- Sustainability and sustainable communities , pp 233-249

- David Barkin
- Sustainability and sustainable development: are these concepts a help or a hindrance to economics? , pp 66-83

- Clement Tisdell
- Sustainability and uncertainty in governing European employment law – the community method as instrument of governance: The case of the EU Working Time Directive , pp 153-178

- Ralf Rogowski
- Sustainability as a megatrend in business , pp 30-40

- Agnieszka Kowalska and Joanna Syrda
- Sustainability assessments of chemical products , pp 279-289

- Peter Saling
- Sustainability business practices and reporting in Africa , pp 57-72

- Galila Khougali and Catalina Spataru
- Sustainability disclosure and capital markets: a review of the literature , pp 201-215

- Michela Cordazzo, Laura Bini and Lorenzo Simoni
- Sustainability economics and the construction industry , pp 215-237

- Obas John Ebohon
- Sustainability ethics and team production: implications for value-creating boards in SMEs , pp 48-67

- Jonas Gabrielsson and Morten Huse
- Sustainability from the top: Revisiting the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors , pp 175-190

- Olivier Boiral and Alexander Yuriev
- Sustainability impacts: multicriteria decision-making and weighting factors , pp 232-251

- Maurizio Cellura, Anna Irene De Luca, Nathalie Iofrida and Marina Mistretta
- Sustainability in a digital world: geopolitics, values and international business policy , pp 327-345

- Václav Ocelík and Ans Kolk
- Sustainability in alternative consumer networks: understandings and expectations , pp 82-97

- Birgit Teufer
- Sustainability in EU trade law and policy , pp 121-204

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- Sustainability in Practice: A Case-Study on the Reorientation of Common Agricultural Policy in Austria

- Erwin Schmid, Franz Sinabell and Markus F. Hofreither
- Sustainability in the second half of the career , pp 287-303

- René Schalk, Marloes L. Van Engen and Dorien Kooij
- Sustainability metrics and their use , pp 59-82

- Peter Bartelmus
- Sustainability of Foreign Aid: Evaluating Governance-Related Technical Assistance Projects for Civil Servants in Central and Eastern Europe

- György Hajnal
- Sustainability of Government Debt in the EMU

- Arjan Lejour, Jasper Lukkezen and Paul Veenendaal
- Sustainability product declarations for communicating LCSA results in sustainable procurement , pp 252-260

- Sven-Olof Ryding, Claudia Peña and Sonia Valdivia
- Sustainability reporting and communication in new media , pp 474-486

- Charles H. Cho, Dorota Dobija, Chaoyuan She and Ewelina Zarzycka
- Sustainability reporting in Central and Eastern European countries , pp 400-417

- Cătălin-Nicolae Albu, Nadia Albu, Mădălina Dumitru, Maria-Silvia Fota and Raluca Gina Guşe
- Sustainability reporting in light of the European Union regulations: integrating theory and policy , pp 487-504

- Maria Aluchna
- Sustainability reporting model in the Malaysian palm oil industry: practices, limitations and challenges , pp 368-383

- Maizatulakma Abdullah and Gunnar Rimmel
- Sustainability reporting regulation: current situation and future developments , pp 121-137

- Soledad Moya
- Sustainability through Partnering: Conceptualizing Partnerships between Businesses and NGOs

- James E. Austin
- Sustainability transitions by ecosystem innovation , pp 48-67

- Joel Wolff, Maria Jakubik, Jaakko Siltaloppi, Lili-Ann Wolff and Esko Hakanen
- Sustainability, Ecological Economics and Green Accounting , pp 52-68

- Sandrine Simon
- Sustainability, environmental citizenship rights and the ongoing challenges of reshaping supranational environmental governance , pp 200-218

- Karen Morrow
- Sustainability, global value chains and green capital accumulation , pp 228-238

- Stefano Ponte
- Sustainability: a new order of justification , pp 77-94

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- Sustainability: the core challenge facing public utilities , pp 402-432

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- Sustainable (economic) development: what is it? Is it desirable? Can it be achieved and if so, how? , pp 32-50

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