From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Capital flows as a source of funding in a catching-up economy: lessons from the crisis, challenges for the future , pp 69-76

- Marek Belka
- Capital Flows to Emerging Markets under the Flexible Dollar Standard: A Critical View Based on the Brazilian Experience

- Carlos Medeiros and Franklin Serrano
- Capital flows, the role of non-financial corporations and their macroeconomic implications: an analysis of the case of Chile , pp 107-119

- Esteban Pérez-Caldentey and Nicole Favreau-Negront
- Capital Formation

- Robert J. Yetman
- Capital gains taxes—a comparative survey , pp 1-29

- Michael Littlewood
- Capital inflows and the real exchange rate: foreign direct investment versus short-term capital

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- Capital Inflows, Exports and Growth in the CESEE Region

- Jarko Fidrmuc and Reiner Martin
- Capital Input - It Need Not be Metaphysical , pp 184-213

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- Capital Intensity and Productivity , pp 227-254

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- Capital investment choice process , pp 108-136

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- Capital investment models , pp 137-151

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- Capital Management Techniques in Developing Countries , pp 301-333

- Gerald Epstein, Ilene Grabel and Sundaram Kwame Jomo
- Capital market development in emerging economies , pp 124-140

- Judith E. Tyson
- Capital market effects of climate-related disclosure , pp 250-269

- Christian Ott
- Capital market imperfections and investment: evidence from Belgian panel data , pp 59-82

- Marcel Gérard and Frédéric Verschueren
- Capital market inflation , pp i-ii

- Henryk Braun
- Capital market perspectives on sustainability accounting and reporting , pp 67-88

- Richard Slack
- Capital markets and control of enterprises in the global economy , pp 95-128

- Ingo Walter
- Capital markets and corporate governance standards , pp 371-385

- Iain G. MacNeil and Irene-marié Esser
- Capital Markets and Exchange Rate Stabilization in East Asia: Diversifying Risk Based on Currency Baskets

- Gunther Schnabl
- Capital Markets Union , pp 434-476

- Danny Busch
- Capital markets, investment and taxation , pp 148-186

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- Capital Mobility and the Threat to American Prosperity , pp 179-185

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- Capital mobilization, human capital development and shareholding , pp 161-189

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- Capital punishment as a contested human rights issue , pp 65-74

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- Capital Stock Estimates by Region and Sector

- Yanrui Wu
- Capital structure , pp 87-96

- Marc Jegers
- Capital structure and the issuance of corporate bonds in emerging Asia , pp 510-540

- Paul Mizen, Frank Packer, Eli Remolona and Serafeim Tsoukas
- Capital structure, firm liquidity and growth , pp 270-294

- Ronald Anderson
- Capital theory

- Peter Lewin
- Capital Theory

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- Capital theory , pp 40-69

- Fabio Petri
- Capital theory and macroeconomics. I: the theory of aggregate investment , pp 256-294

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- Capital theory and macroeconomics. II: the labour demand curve , pp 295-304

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- Capital theory and the theory of the firm , pp 238-256

- Nicolás Cachanosky and Peter Lewin
- Capital, Controveersies in the Theory of

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- Capital, saving and employment , pp 183-200

- George Reisman
- Capital, the wealth of nations, and inequality in the contemporary world , pp 139-155

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- Capital/natural resource substitution: the debate of Georgescu-Roegen (through Daly) with Solow/Stiglitz , pp 84-86

- Clement Tisdell
- Capitalising the future of higher education: investors in education technology and the case of Emerge Education , pp 207-221

- Janja Komljenovic and Ben Williamson
- Capitalism , pp 34-39

- Ellen Meiksins Wood
- Capitalism , pp 59-68

- Nicolò Bellanca
- Capitalism after Satoshi , pp 152-164

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- Capitalism and Development

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- Capitalism and India’s democratic revolution , pp 123-136

- Prabhat Patnaik
- Capitalism and the curse of external effects , pp 24-46

- Claude Henry
- Capitalism and the factory system

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- Capitalism and the Rule of Law

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- Capitalism in One Country? A Re-examination of Mercantilist Systems from the Financial Point of View

- Eric Kam and John Smithin
- Capitalism in peril , pp 92-101

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