From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The market division of labor , pp 34-58

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- The Market Economy and the Scientific Commons

- Richard Nelson
- The market for 'lemons': quality uncertainty and the market mechanism

- Joseph Stiglitz
- The market for annuities in Italy: reality or chimera? , pp 262-290

- Margherita Borella, Elsa Fornero and Giacomo Ponzetto
- The market for intellectual property: The case of complementary oligopoly , pp 162-175

- Francesco Parisi and Ben Depoorter
- The market for labor in Post-Keynesian Institutionalism: a theoretical framework , pp 273-297

- Eduardo Fernández-Huerga
- The market for legal innovation: Law and economics in Europe and the United States , pp 78-111

- Nuno Garoupa and Thomas S. Ulen
- The market for oranges , pp 40-69

- Dave Furth
- The Market for Virtue: Jean-Baptiste Say on Women in the Economy and Society , pp 206-223

- Evelyn L. Forget
- The market in cereals in Mali , pp 75-93

- Oumar Idriss Berthe, Massa Coulibaly, Salifou B. Diarra and Martin Sidibe
- The market mechanisms of the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol: a legal comparison , pp 240-261

- Géraud de Lassus St-Geniès
- The Market Model of Crime: A Short Review and New Directions

- Isaac Ehrlich
- The market order , pp 117-156

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- The market premium of sustainability in health-care sector firms , pp 212-238

- Gang Nathan Dong
- The Market Structure of the Power Transmission and Distribution Industry in the Developed World

- Lullit Getachew
- The marketing of heritage venues or destinations , pp i-i

- François Colbert
- The Marketing of Organic Food Products: the Case of Swedish Dairy Co-operatives , pp 345-361

- Erik Fahlbeck and Jerker Nilsson
- The Markowitz Mean-variance Diagram

- Fiona Maclachlan
- The Marshallian industrial district as a socioeconomic notion , pp 18-33

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- The Marshallian Industrial Districts and Current Trends in Economic Theory

- Marco Dardi
- The Marshallian school of economics , pp 609-616

- Giacomo Becattini
- The Marx-Keynes-Schumpeter System, Part I: Long Waves and Short Cycles in the Capitalist Growth Record , pp 21-46

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- The Marx-Keynes-Schumpeter System, Part II: Explaining the Goodwin Pattern , pp 47-80

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- The Marxian Notion of a Monetary Economy and the Critique of Say's Law

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- The massification of higher education and labour market outcomes of university graduates in Russia , pp 125-156

- Victor Rudakov, Sergey Roshchin, Ksenia Rozhkova and Pavel Travkin
- The material maternal: feminist representations of motherhood by contemporary artist-mothers , pp 304-327

- Tawny Andersen
- The materials genome initiative , pp 179-197

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- The Matrix: Evolving Policies for Platform Knowledge Flows

- Philip Cooke and Carla De Laurentis
- The maturing of the Polish urban system

- Z. Rykiel and I. Ja_d_ewska
- The maturing of the Romanian urban system

- I. Iano_
- The meaning and limitations of public procurement for innovation: a supplier’s experience , pp 35-64

- Jakob Edler, Luke Georghiou, Elvira Uyarra and Jillian Yeow
- The Meaning and Measurement of Development

- Paul Streeten
- The meaning and role of power in economic theories

- David Young
- The Meaning of "Unfair" in United States Import Policy , pp 184-206

- Joseph Finger
- The meaning of job-required education , pp 233-256

- Michael J. Handel
- The meaning of market: comparing Austrian and Institutional economics , pp 41-70

- Philippe Dulbecco and Veronique Dutraive
- The Meaning of the Market: Comparing Austrian and Institutional Economics

- Philippe Dulbecco and Véronique Dutraive
- The Measure and Regulation of Competition in Telecommunications Markets

- Marcel Boyer
- The Measure of Regional Administrative Monopoly in China

- Liangchun Yu and Donghua Yu
- The Measure of Vice and Sin: A Review of the Uses, Limitations and Implications of Crime Data

- Alexander Tabarrok, Paul Heaton and Eric Helland
- The measurement of a priori voting power , pp 117-139

- Dan S. Felsenthal and Moshé Machover
- The measurement of agricultural productivity - an issue in environmental history , pp 219-240

- Juan Martinez-Alier
- The measurement of asset and wealth poverty , pp 410-419

- Francisco Azpitarte and Gaston Yalonetzky
- The Measures of Innovative Activity in Italy

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- The Mechanisms of Economic Evolution: Completing Schumpeter's Theory

- R.H. Day
- The mechanisms of information technology's contribution to economic growth

- Timothy Bresnahan
- The media politics of health, illness and healthcare , pp 257-273

- Alison Anderson
- The mediating role of export in the innovation–growth nexus: the case of eco-innovation , pp 51-66

- Serenella Caravella, Francesco Crespi, Mirko Menghini and Salvatore Monni
- The medieval university , pp 15-32

- Michael H. Shank
- The Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprise (1927–81)

- Fabio Lavista
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