From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Melvin L. Greenhut (b. 1921) , pp 51-73

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- Members: between individual and collective affiliation , pp 79-100

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- Membership-based strategies: Organizing and recruitment , pp 111-154

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- Memorial address , pp 11-13

- John Maloney
- Memory as a communication medium , pp 78-107

- Edmundo Balsemão Pires
- Memory of a dream: high-speed rail in the Netherlands , pp 83-135

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- Memory, history, reviviscence , pp 150-168

- Paulo Tunhas
- Memory, sacred landscapes and religious tourism: pilgrim perceptions in Ayodhya, India , pp 21-38

- Amita Sinha and Shubhada Kamalapurkar
- Memphis Medical District Collaborative , pp 40-45

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- Men and feminist research: what research? What feminism? , pp 405-418

- Scott Taylor and Janne Tienari
- Men and Women’s Agency and Capabilities to Create a Work Life Balance in Diverse and Changing Institutional Contexts

- Barbara Hobson, Ann-Zolfe Duvander and Karin Halldén
- Mending the financial safety net for savers , pp 82-88

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- Menger's Untersuchungen and the methodological development of the Austrian School , pp 21-41

- Norbert Slenzok
- Mental health and wellbeing under transformation of the transition process in Japan , pp 285-295

- Tomohiko Asano
- Mental health policy in Israels community-based mental health services , pp 223-242

- David Liron, Max Lachman, Hilla Hadas and Sylvia Tessler-Lozowick
- Mental illness in sport , pp 352-365

- Michael Atkinson
- Mentoring for Entrepreneurs as an Education Intervention

- Asko Miettinen
- Mentoring: ensuring all youth have the networks of support needed for healthy development , pp 319-332

- Grace Gowdy and Renée Spencer
- Mercantalilism

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- Mercantile Credit, Monetary Policy, and Size of Firms , pp 205-213

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- Mercantilism and the science of trade , pp 52-74

- Thierry Demals
- MERCOSUR, regulatory regionalism and contesting projects of higher education governance , pp 228-252

- Daniela Perrotta
- MERCOSUR: why does,onetary union make sense in the long term?

- Fabio Giambiagi
- Merger Analysis in the Post-Staggers Railroad Industry

- Curtis M. Grimm
- Merger Control and Cross-Border Transactions: A Pragmatic View on Cooperation, Convergence and What is in Between

- Ariel Ezrachi
- Merger Control and Enterprise Competitiveness: Empirical Analysis and Policy Recommendations

- Johan Stennek and Frank Verboven
- Merger control and sustainability in the energy sector , pp 254-277

- Tjarda van der Vijver
- Merger control in France , pp 462-485

- Étienne Chantrel
- Merger control in Japan: Select jurisdictional, procedural and substantive developments , pp 515-536

- Kozo Kawai and Madoka Shimada
- Merger control in Russia: Review and perspectives , pp 537-562

- Andrey Tsyganov, Lesya Davydova and Anastasia Dokukina
- Merger control: substantive issues , pp 516-560

- Ioannis Kokkoris
- Merger remedies , pp 121-134

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- Merger Remedies in the European Union: An Overview , pp 106-128

- Massimo Motta, Michele Polo and Helder Vasconcelos
- Merger review procedure , pp 79-120

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- Merger to Monopsony in Canada, Europe and the United States: A Selected International Comparison

- Margaret Sanderson
- Merger waves: a survey of the literature , pp 377-409

- Jarrad Harford
- Mergers and Acquisitions and Firm Performance

- John Hagedoorn and Myriam Cloodt
- Mergers and acquisitions in globalizing Europe , pp 101-124

- William Emmons and Frank A. Schmid
- Mergers and Acquisitions in the Shipping Industry: The Effect on Corporate Value

- Osvaldo Rodrigues de Araujo Rios and Heather Leggate McLaughlin
- Mergers and Alliances in Pharmaceuticals: Effects on Innovation and R&D Productivity

- Henry Grabowski and Margaret Kyle
- Mergers and Competition Policy in the Banking Industry

- Bernard Shull
- Mergers and Concentration Policy

- Hans Schenk
- Mergers and Efficiency: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Competition Policy in Japan

- Hiroyuki Odagiri
- Mergers and the market for corporate control

- Peter Klein
- Mergers Down Under , pp 403-426

- Deborah Healey and Rhonda L. Smith
- Mergers in Regulated Industries: Electricity

- Dennis Carlton
- Mergers in the US Electric Power Industry

- Richard J. Pierce
- Mergers that Eliminate Potential Competition

- John Kwoka
- Mergers with homogeneous products: A primer , pp 108-127

- Hans Zenger and Pierre Régibeau
- Mergers, antitrust and the China card , pp 367-382

- Eleanor M. Fox
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