From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Power’s Promise: Electricity Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

- J.A. Lampietti, S.G. Banerjee, J. Ebinger, G. Sargsyan, I. Klytchnikova and M Shkaratan
- Poznan Approach, The

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- PPP hospitals in Portugal: what does benchmarking tell us about their relative performance? , pp 75-101

- Diogo Cunha Ferreira, Rc Marques, Maria Isabel Pedro and Gonçalo Santos
- PPPs and the Price Competitiveness of International Tourism Destinations , pp 367-388

- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and D.S. Prasada Rao
- PPPs in Developed and Developing Economies: What Lessons can be Learned?

- David Parker and Catarina Figueira
- PPPs in regulation , pp 12-44

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- PPPs on a global stage: regional projects , pp 144-169

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- PPRPs: The benefits and risks of the bargain , pp 81-104

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- Practical applications of participation income , pp 109-138

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- Practical aspects of licensing in the cloud , pp 261-290

- Alan Chiu and Geofrey Master
- Practical Considerations and Comparison of Instruments of Environmental Policy

- C.S.l Russel and Philip Powell
- Practical Experience, International Agreements and the Prospects for Emission Trading in CEE , pp 90-109

- Ger Klaassen
- Practical implementation of the proposed networked market , pp 136-157

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- Practical models for well-being-oriented policy , pp 321-344

- Juliet Michaelson
- Practical obstacles to efficient criminal law enforcement , pp 76-116

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- Practical suggestions for the inclusion of social class in social psychology , pp 123-134

- Ryan M. Pickering
- Practice of interest-based finance among Muslims , pp 216-226

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- Practice of Islamic banking and finance , pp 289-336

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- Practices of microfinance and poverty reduction in Bangladesh , pp 408-421

- Mohammad Shahjahan Chowdhury
- Practices of Takaful , pp 179-232

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- Practicing law at NATO headquarters , pp 337-350

- Steven Hill
- Practising the science of business: Habitual entrepreneurs , pp 137-149

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- Practising the science of business: Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger at Berkshire Hathaway , pp 120-136

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- Practitioner Hybrids , pp 199-208

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- Pragmatism, Ideology or Politics? Unions’ and Workers’ Responses to the Imposition of Neo-liberalism in Argentina

- Maurizio Atzeni and Pablo Ghigliani
- Praxeology , pp 6-16

- Roderick T. Long
- Praxeology

- David L. Prychitko
- Pre- and perinatal influences on intergenerational transmission of inequality , pp 307-327

- Falk A.C. Voit, Sakari Lemola and Daniel D. Schnitzlein
- Pre-colonial African economies , pp 42-55

- Erik Green
- Pre-contract bargaining , pp 115-131

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- Pre-contractual Information Duties: The Insured’s Pre-Contractual Duty of Disclosure – Convergence Across the Jurisdictional Divide

- John Lowry
- Pre-Depression South , pp 187-220

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- Pre-empting NIS Introductions: Targeting Policy

- Christopher Costello, Chad Lawley and Carol McAusland
- Pre-Keynes macroeconomics

- Leland B. Yeager
- Pre-Keynesian themes at Brookings , pp 182-201

- Gérard Duménil, Dominiqueé Lévy, Gérard Duménil and Dominiqueé Lévy
- Pre-market approval systems and the SPS Agreement , pp 304-331

- Tracey Epps
- Pre-pandemic mobility: uncoupling gendered return migration and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe , pp 213-224

- Rose Jaji
- Pre-trip and En-route Route Choice in a Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model

- Adam J. Pel, Michiel Bliemer and Serge P. Hoogendoorn
- Prebisch, Raul (1901-1986)

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- Prebisch: Infusing Dynamism into Development Processes via Raising Investment and Technological Densities, and IS and EP Industrialisation

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- Precarious labour: Russias other transition , pp 129-136

- Marianna Pavlovskaya
- Precariousness and push-back: capital circuits, labour markets and working-class politics in South Africa , pp 603-613

- Bridget Kenny
- Precautionary monetary policy and democratic legitimacy: tensions and openings , pp 172-194

- Rob Macquarie
- Precautionary Only in Name? Tensions between Precaution and Risk Assessment in the Australian GMO Regulatory Framework

- Jacqueline Peel
- Precautionary Policy Assessment for Sustainability

- Stephen Dovers
- Precedent and procedure in international adjudication , pp 73-96

- Niccolò Ridi
- Preclusion

- Robert G. Bone
- Preconditions for a Successful Euro Adoption

- Paul De Grauwe
- Precontractual Liability

- Eleonora C. Melato
- Predation and the Logic of the Average Variable Cost Test , pp 180-203

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