From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Introduction to the Field Guide to Family Business Research , pp 1-5

- Keith H. Brigham and G. Tyge Payne
- Introduction to the future of intellectual property , pp 1-7

- Daniel J. Gervais
- Introduction to The Global Challenge , pp 1-36

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- Introduction to the handbook , pp 1-11

- Albert Link and Nicholas S. Vonortas
- Introduction to the Handbook of Accounting and Public Governance , pp 1-9

- Giuseppe Grossi and Jarmo Vakkuri
- Introduction to the Handbook of African Economic Development , pp 2-13

- Pádraig Carmody and James T. Murphy
- Introduction to the Handbook of Aid and Development , pp 1-15

- Raj M. Desai, Shantayanan Devarajan and Jennifer L. Tobin
- Introduction to the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence at Work: Interconnections and Policy Implications , pp 1-14

- Martha Garcia-Murillo and Ian MacInnes
- Introduction to the Handbook of Big Data Research Methods , pp 1-10

- Shahriar Akter, Samuel Fosso Wamba, Shahriar Sajib and Sahadat Hossain
- Introduction to the Handbook of Choice Modelling , pp 1-4

- Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly
- Introduction to The Handbook of Diverse Economies: inventory as ethical intervention , pp 1-24

- J.K. Gibson-Graham and Kelly Dombroski
- Introduction to the Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment , pp 2-27

- Alberto Fonseca
- Introduction to the Handbook of Feminist Governance , pp 1-13

- Marian Sawer, Lee Ann Banaszak, Jacqui True and Johanna Kantola
- Introduction to the Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies , pp 1-23

- Saija Katila, Susan Meriläinen and Emma Bell
- Introduction to the Handbook of Financial Integration: new research developments , pp 2-9

- Guglielmo Maria Caporale
- Introduction to the Handbook of Gender and Technology , pp 1-21

- Eileen M. Trauth and Jeria L. Quesenberry
- Introduction to the Handbook of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights , pp 1-11

- Walter Park
- Introduction to the Handbook of Public Funding of Research: understanding vertical and horizontal complexities , pp 1-19

- Benedetto Lepori, Ben Jongbloed and Diana Hicks
- Introduction to the Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems , pp 1-8

- Robert M. Davison
- Introduction to the Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth

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- Introduction to the Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Macroeconomic Forecasting , pp 1-14

- Michael Clements and Ana Beatriz Galvão
- Introduction to the Handbook of Research Methods in Behavioural Economics , pp 1-12

- Morris Altman
- Introduction to the Handbook of Research on Economic Freedom , pp 1-14

- Niclas Berggren
- Introduction to the Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists , pp 1-12

- Ioana Negru, Craig Duckworth and Imko Meyenburg
- Introduction to the Handbook of Technology Assessment , pp 1-10

- Armin Grunwald
- Introduction to the Handbook of Travel Behaviour , pp 1-14

- Dimitris Potoglou and Justin Spinney
- Introduction to the Handbook on Adaptive Governance , pp 1-13

- Sirkku Juhola
- Introduction to the Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State , pp 2-9

- Bent Greve
- Introduction to the Handbook on Digital Corporate Communication , pp 1-16

- Mark Badham and Vilma Luoma-aho
- Introduction to the Handbook on Electricity Markets , pp 1-11

- Jean-Michel Glachant, Paul Joskow and Michael Pollitt
- Introduction to the Handbook on Gender and Corruption in Democracies , pp 1-15

- Tiffany D. Barnes and Emily Beaulieu
- Introduction to the Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment , pp 1-8

- Hazel Conley and Paula Koskinen Sandberg
- Introduction to the Handbook on Global Constitutionalism: protecting rights and democracy while binding power , pp 1-21

- Anthony F. Lang, Jr. and Antje Wiener
- Introduction to the Handbook on Governance in International Organizations , pp 1-5

- Alistair D. Edgar
- Introduction to the Handbook on Ministerial and Political Advisers , pp 2-12

- Richard Shaw and Chris Eichbaum
- Introduction to the Handbook on Regional Economic Resilience , pp 1-8

- Gillian Bristow and Adrian Healy
- Introduction to the Handbook on Risk and Inequality , pp 1-15

- Dean Curran
- Introduction to the Handbook on the Economics of Disasters , pp 1-12

- Mark Skidmore
- Introduction to the Handbook on the Economics of Renewable Energy , pp 1-9

- Pablo del Río and Mario Ragwitz
- Introduction to the Handbook on the Politics of Taxation , pp 1-15

- Lukas Hakelberg and Laura Seelkopf
- Introduction to the Handbook on the Social Determinants of Health , pp 2-11

- Toba Bryant
- Introduction to the Handbook on the Sociology of Health and Medicine , pp 1-26

- Alan Petersen
- Introduction to the Handbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change , pp 1-10

- Michael Jakob
- Introduction to the handbook: putting pedagogic models to work in research methods education , pp 1-13

- Melanie Nind
- Introduction to the history, contours, and frontiers of Post-Keynesian Institutional economics , pp 2-34

- Charles J. Whalen
- Introduction to the informal economy , pp 1-22

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- Introduction to The Institutional Context of Public–Private Partnerships , pp 1-20

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- Introduction to The Law and Economics of International Trade Agreements , pp 1-4

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- Introduction to The Logic of Human Rights , pp 1-7

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- Introduction to the Pioneers in North America

- William G. Sheherd
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