From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Hard and soft law approaches to protecting worker rights , pp 326-338

- Kimberly Ann Elliott
- Hard-to-assess research-impact nexuses in the humanities, arts, and social sciences , pp 55-61

- Alis Oancea
- Hardening the soft budget constraint in professional team sports: why is it so hard? , pp 33-76

- Wladimir Andreff
- Hardly Green

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- Hardship - the toll of rising prices , pp 26-37

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- Harmful addiction , pp 158-167

- David Weimer
- Harmful subsidies on fossil fuels: ETS windfall profits and coal protection for electricity in Spain , pp 132-145

- Ana Yábar Sterling and Diana C. Perez Bustamante
- Harmonisation of private law in Europe , pp 30-54

- Michael Faure
- Harmonization of higher education in Southeast Asia regionalism: politics first, and then education , pp 103-123

- Morshidi Sirat, Norzaini Azman and Aishah Abu Bakar
- Harmonization of substantive norms in preventive AML policy , pp iii-iii

- Melissa van den Broek
- Harmonization, Differentiation, and Development: The Case of Intellectual Property in the Global Trading Regime

- Kenneth C. Shadlen
- Harmonizing an Effective Regulation in Europe

- Einar Hope and Balbir Singh
- Harmonizing emission allocation. What are the equity consequences for the sectors in and outside the EU-trading scheme , pp 65-78

- Tim Hoffmann, Andreas Löschel and Ulf Moslener
- Harmonizing Tort Law: A Comparative Tort Law and Economics Analysis

- Willem H. Van Boom
- Harmonizing with the Common Agriculture Policy , pp 99-156

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- Harnessing diversity in teams , pp 278-313

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- Harnessing foreign direct investment to boost economic growth , pp 7-13

- Beata Javorcik
- Harnessing sovereign money for development finance and solving the debt conundrum: the case of China , pp 329-341

- Yan Liang
- Harnessing the collective power of retail investors , pp 207-227

- Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci and Christina M. Sautter
- Harnessing the power of integration to achieve universal electricity access: the case for the Integrated Distribution Framework , pp 540-567

- Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga, Divyam Nagpal, Grégoire Jacquot and Robert Stoner
- Harold Demsetz , pp 74-86

- Mark F. Grady
- Harriet Martineau , pp 14-29

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- Harrod and instability , pp 88-103

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- Harrod's Dynamics in the Making

- Daniele Besomi
- Has Capital been Utilized Efficiently in China?

- Yanrui Wu
- Has Columbia Finally Found an Agrarian Reform that Works?

- Albert Berry
- Has decentralization worked? , pp 36-70

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- Has digitization delivered? Fact and fiction in digital TV broadcasting , pp 134-152

- Reza Tadayoni and Anders Henten
- Has Macroeconomic Stability Since 1992 Been Due to Keynesianism, Monetarism or What?

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- Has There Been a Shift in Japanese Policy Toward China?

- Alexander K. Young
- Hate and hate crimes in society , pp 1-13

- James Hawdon and Matthew Costello
- Hate at school: how often it occurs and how to prevent it , pp 162-178

- Janice Iwama, Jazmine Talley and Jack McDevitt
- Hate crime investigations without identified victims , pp 198-214

- Lisa M. Jones, Kimberly J. Mitchell, Heather A. Turner, Gina Zwerling Kahn and Leanne Gast
- Hate-motivated behavior: measurement, antecedents, and future considerations , pp 36-58

- Andre Kehn, Mariah L. Sorby, Madison Adrian and Lauren Stornelli
- Have central banks forgotten about money? The case of the European Central Bank, 1999–2014 , pp 101-130

- Juan E. Castañeda and Tim Congdon
- Have governments designed provisions for lone mothers, long-term unemployed and working poor to be multidimensional and integrated? , pp 109-132

- Anna Angelin, Hayley Bennett and Marianna Zieleńska
- Have Large Scale Asset Purchases Increased Bank Profits? , pp 454-478

- Juan Antonio Montecino and Gerald Epstein
- Have the cheek to ask difficult questions , pp 175-176

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- Have you cleaned your data and found the mistakes you made? , pp 42-58

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- Having your cake and eating it: Arden Universitys responses to the COVID-19 lockdowns , pp 132-144

- Helen Scott and Carmen Miles
- Having Your Cake: How to Preserve Universal-Service Cross Subsidies While Facilitating Competitive Entry , pp 204-220

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- Hawtrey, Harvard, and the Origins of the Chicago Tradition , pp 213-248

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- Hayek and economic policy (the Austrian road to the third way) , pp 343-363

- Enrico Colombatto
- Hayek and Economic Policy (The Austrian Road to the Third Way)

- Enrico Colombatto
- Hayek and economic theory in the 1930s , pp 47-70

- Martin Ricketts
- Hayek and Friedman , pp 116-137

- Roger W. Garrison
- Hayek and Keynes , pp 94-115

- Roger Backhouse
- Hayek and Lachmann , pp 165-194

- Peter Lewin
- Hayek and Mises , pp 138-164

- Richard M. Ebeling
- Hayek and Oakeshott: Making a New Case for Liberty , pp 176-194

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