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- Which Factors Underlie Public Selection of R&D Cooperative Projects?

- Lluís Santamaría Sánchez, Andrés Barge-Gil and Aurelia Modrego Rico
- Which Level of Government Should Be Responsible for Environmental Regulation? The Federalists Versus Calhoun , pp 132-146

- Perry Shapiro
- Which norms do CSR help to respect? , pp 108-125

- Federica Nieri, Elisa Giuliani and Davide Fiaschi
- Which tool should I use? Neuroscience technologies for braindriven entrepreneurship researchers , pp 259-284

- VÃctor Pérez-Centeno
- Whistleblowers as information sources , pp 18-29

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- Whistleblowers as information sources , pp 123-134

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- Whistleblowing and investigative journalism: reputational damage and the private governance of aggressive tax planning , pp 269-291

- Lachlan Johnson
- White gaze in fashion markets , pp 86-101

- Lena Cavusoglu and Deniz Atik
- White-collar crime motivation , pp 1-18

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- White-collar crime opportunity , pp 19-40

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- White-collar crime willingness , pp 41-56

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- Whiteness masquerading as academic freedom , pp 178-190

- Georgina Tuari Stewart
- Whither Economics? , pp 243-250

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- Whither Global Cities: The Analytics and the Debates

- Saskia Sassen
- Whither religious tourism research? Conclusion and final remarks , pp 147-156

- Joseph M. Cheer
- Whither rural China? , pp 278-296

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- Whither Stability Pact? An Assessment of Reform Proposals , pp 32-56

- Paola Monperrus-Veroni and Francesco Saraceno
- Whither the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention? , pp 387-402

- Nigel Lowe KC (Hon)
- Who am I in the age of AI? Exploring dimensions that shape occupational identity in the context of AI for decision-making , pp 305-321

- Anne-Sophie Mayer and Franz Strich
- Who are the shareholders? , pp 37-67

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- Who benefits from new transportation infrastructure? Using accessibility measures to evaluate social equity in public transport provision , pp 211-227

- Kevin Manaugh and Ahmed El- Geneidy
- Who Cares? The Maintenance of a Wi-Fi Community Infrastructure

- Stefan Verhaegh and Ellen van Oost
- Who counts in intra-household sharing? Children as active agents in the household economy , pp 161-176

- Gill Main
- Who decides? , pp 97-100

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- Who determines patent policy: judges, lobbyists or legislatures? , pp 37-61

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- Who engages in dependent self-employment? , pp 101-117

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- Who gets the rights to trade across borders? , pp 25-47

- Leonardo Meeus and with Tim Schittekatte
- Who Governs? Economic Governance Mechanisms and Financial Market Regulation

- Brigitte Unger
- Who has the responsibility to cover needs? , pp 84-91

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- Who is in charge here? Brooklyn Bridge Park , pp 454-475

- John D. Landis
- Who is More Important – a Leading Power or a Close Neighbor?

- Yi Zheng and Heng Chen
- Who is poor? Linking perceptions of poor people and political responses to poverty , pp 25-45

- Bjørn Hvinden and Rune Halvorsen
- Who is responsible for balancing the system? , pp 84-110

- Leonardo Meeus, with Tim Schittekatte and Valerie Reif
- Who is the cheapest-cost avoider in the sovereign debt market? Restating the case for the SDRM and greater restraint in IMF lending1

- Curzio Giannini
- Who is the individual and collective actor in service experience? , pp 54-65

- Anu Helkkula
- Who is the knowledge gatekeeper in the creative cluster? A case study of Guangdong Industrial Design City , pp 506-518

- Juncheng Dai and Michael Keane
- Who is the “Master of the Treaties”? On the dysfunctional interplay between the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament , pp 147-158

- Hélène Gaudin
- Who is Working Illicitly and Why? Insights from Representative Survey Data in Germany

- Dominik Enste
- Who lives in flood prone areas? , pp 315-330

- V. Kerry Smith and Ben Whitmore
- Who matters most? The salience sampling method for identifying and reporting key informants for qualitative components of MMR designs , pp 260-274

- Ryan Gould, Matthew J. Xerri and Anneke Fitzgerald
- Who Needs Foreign Banks? , pp 133-157

- Daniel Gros
- Who Owns Whom? Economic Nationalism and Family Controlled Pyramidal Groups in Canada

- Randall Morck, Gloria Tian and Bernard Yeung
- Who owns, runs and pays for city infrastructure? , pp 1-30

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- Who participates in the different types of informal work and why? , pp 128-158

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- Who pays development fees? , pp 218-233
- John Yinger
- Who pays for the network when trade is international? , pp 68-82

- Leonardo Meeus and with Tim Schittekatte
- Who Predicted the Crisis and What Can We Learn from Them?

- Dirk J. Bezemer
- Who reacts to food taxes? How a multiple-selves model can help to explain the effects of food taxes , pp 270-296

- Sinne Smed, Chiara Lombardini and Leena Lankoski
- Who Shall Keep the Keepers Themselves? On the Moral Foundations of the Separation of Powers

- Giuseppe Eusepi
- Who Shared in the Growth of Wealth in the 1990s? Subpopulation Trends in US Household Wealth Holdings

- John L. Czajka, Scott Cody and Daniel Kasprzyk
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