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- Determinants of Monopoly in Theory and Practice , pp 24-31

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- Determinants of policy reforms in the fields of R&D, education and innovation: EU-27 evidence during the Lisbon Decade , pp 122-146

- Andrea Conte
- Determinants of Shadow Economy in Tunisia and Algeria: A Firm-Level Analysis , pp 188-209

- Clara Delavallade and Clara Delavallade
- Determinants of smoking cessation: an analysis of young adult men and women , pp 337-364

- John A. Tauras and Frank J. Chaloupka
- Determinants of Successful Bidding for Mega Events: The Case of the Olympic Winter Games

- Arne Feddersen and Wolfgang Maennig
- Determinants of supplier dependence: an empirical study

- Hans Berger, Niels Noorderhaven and Bart Nooteboom
- Determinants of the distribution of wealth , pp 89-103

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- Determinants of willingness to pay for emissions reduction: a comparative study of Japan and South Korea , pp 201-219

- Tae-Yeoun Lee
- Determining the drivers of player valuation and compensation in professional sport: traditional economic approaches and emerging advances , pp 73-87

- Christian Deutscher
- Determining the exchange rate , pp 104-110

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- Determining the impact of shape and weight of mail items on manual processing costs: an experimental approach

- Stéphane Bernard, Caroline Gomez, Lise Martin and Bernard Roy
- Determining the value of brand protection programs: identifying and assessing performance metrics in brand protection , pp 188-207

- Jeremy M. Wilson, Clifford A. Grammich, B. William Demeré and Karen L. Sedatole
- Determinism and Free Will

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- Deterrence and Incapacitation Models of Criminal Punishment: Can the Twain Meet?

- Thomas J. Miceli
- Deterrence measures , pp iii-iii

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- Deterrence Policy and the Size of the Shadow Economy in Germany: An Institutional and Empirical Analysis

- Lars Feld, Andreas J. Schmidt and Friedrich Schneider
- Deterrence-based regulatory enforcement , pp 15-47

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- Deterring participation in the informal economy , pp 181-206

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- Deterritorializing intersectionality , pp 250-266

- Elena Gambino
- Detroit: A history of financial challenges for the motor city government , pp 16-31

- Eric A. Scorsone
- Devaluation, demand and supply disturbances in a macroeconomic model of a mineral exporting LDC , pp 152-183

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- Developing a capital market under weak enforcement , pp 164-193

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- Developing a green industrial policy for the European Green Deal , pp 36-50

- Simone Tagliapietra and Reinhilde Veugelers
- Developing a GTAP-based multi-region, input–output framework for supply chain analysis , pp 16-80

- Terrie Walmsley, Thomas Hertel and David Hummels
- Developing a participatory indicators-based framework for monitoring disability rights , pp 67-84

- Paula Campos Pinto and Maria Engrácia Cardim
- Developing a partnership in the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere megaproject , pp 84-100

- Alfons van Marrewijk
- Developing a scientific and policy research agenda for workplace innovation: an invitation for conversation and collaboration , pp 271-290

- Peter R.A. Oeij, Steven Dhondt and Adela J. McMurray
- Developing a Sustainable Competitive Advantage , pp 70-84

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- Developing African exports: the case of Nigeria , pp 222-243

- John T Thoburn
- Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit Among Engineering College Students: What are the Educational Factors?

- Caroline Verzat and Rémi Bachelet
- Developing an entrepreneurship ecosystem at Strathmore University , pp 296-304

- Ruth N. Kiraka and Vincent Ogutu
- Developing and delivering university consortia , pp 83-93

- Annette Bramley
- Developing and Maintaining Expertise

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- Developing and using indicators of emerging and enabling technologies , pp 349-380

- Leonid Gokhberg, Konstantin Fursov, Ian Miles and Giulio Perani
- Developing appropriate and effective care for people with chronic disease , pp 191-202

- Bert Vrijhoef and Arianne Elissen
- Developing Asia in the global dynamics of catching up and falling behind , pp 24-64

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- Developing Asian Local Currency Bond Markets: Why and How?

- Mark Spiegel
- Developing authoritarian capitalism: the global capitalist fantasy of authoritarian modernization , pp 65-90

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- Developing authoritarian capitalism: the global capitalist fantasy of authoritarian modernization , pp 71-98

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- Developing Brazil's sustainable finance entrepreneurship ecosystem: the role of keystone actors and institutional logics , pp 190-207

- Patrick Elf and Robyn Owen
- Developing carbon trading in Europe: does grandfathering distort competition and lead to state aid? , pp 108-127

- Edwin Woerdman
- Developing Co-operative Approaches to Agri-environmental Policy: a Transactions Cost Perspective on Farmer Participation in Voluntary Schemes , pp 239-259

- Katherine Falconer
- Developing Countries and International Competition Law and Policy

- Kathryn McMahon
- Developing countries and telecommunications

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- Developing countries and the GATS 2000 Round

- Pierre Sauvé
- Developing Countries in the Global IP System Before TRIPS: The Political Context for the TRIPS Negotiations

- Carolyn Deere-Birkbeck
- Developing countries in the world trading system: an overview

- Ramesh Adhikari and Prema-chandra Athukorala
- Developing countries' anti-cyclical policies in a globalized world

- Jose Antonio Ocampo
- Developing Countries' Primary Exports and the Internalization of Environmental Externalities , pp 359-383

- Henk Kox
- Developing Country Consumers’ Demand for Food Safety and Quality: Is Mumbai Ready for Certified and Organic Fruits?

- Devesh Roy, Ekin Birol, Katharina Deffner and Bhushana Karandikar
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