From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Public-private partnerships: a policy for all seasons?

- Graeme Hodge and Carsten Greve
- Public-private partnerships: a public policy perspective

- Carsten Greve
- Public-private partnerships: implications for public expenditure management , pp 48-77

- A. Premchand
- Public-private partnerships: the Australasian experience with physical infrastructure

- Graeme Hodge
- Public-sector accountability: a journey from performance measurement to performance governance , pp 258-280

- Mariannunziata Liguori and Martin Kelly
- Public/private technology partnerships: evaluating SBIR-supported research , pp 91-104

- David Audretsch, Albert Link and John T. Scott
- Publications

- Ronald Coase
- Publicise your findings , pp 249-250

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- Publicly funded small business research programs , pp 98-113

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- Publicness and intellectual work: rethinking academic freedom in the age of impact , pp 37-51

- Mark Murphy
- Publicness and teaching: public knowledge as collective process of repoliticization of daily life , pp 350-366

- Vincenza Pellegrino
- Public–private partnerships in global value chains , pp 537-554

- Ajmal Abdulsamad and Hernan Manson
- Public–private innovation networks in services (ServPPINs) , pp 1-18

- Faïz Gallouj, Luis Rubalcaba and Paul Windrum
- Public–private innovation networks in services: the crucial role of entrepreneurial fit , pp 349-383

- Jon Sundbo
- Public–Private Partnership and Mega-Projects

- Joop Koppenjan
- Public–private partnership in developing and governing mega-projects , pp 182-208

- Graeme Hodge and Carsten Greve
- Public–private partnerships for infrastructure delivery , pp 19-34

- Ashby H.B. Monk, Raymond E. Levitt, Michael J. Garvin, Andrew J. South and George Carollo
- Public–private partnerships for regional infrastructure: lessons from the European Union , pp 432-483

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- Public–private partnerships in hospital innovation: what lessons for hospital management? , pp 265-302

- Faïz Gallouj, Céline Merlin-Brogniart and Anne-Catherine Moursli-Provost
- Public–private partnerships in mega-projects: successes and tensions , pp 133-157

- Matti Siemiatycki
- Public–Private Partnerships in Transport

- Antonio Estache, Ellis Juan and Lourdes Trujillo
- Public–Private Partnerships: Deciphering Meaning, Message and Phenomenon

- Erik-Hans Klijn
- Public–Private Partnerships: The Scandinavian Experience

- Carsten Greve and Ulrika Mörth
- Public–Private Partnerships: The United Nations Experience

- Benedicte Bull
- Publish a book (or two) , pp 125-134

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- Publish or perish: ideological foundations and perceived benefits , pp 20-36

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- Publish or perish: Origin and perceived benefits , pp 1-17

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- Publish or perish: origin, evolution and conceptual issues , pp 1-19

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- Publish papers , pp 112-124

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- Publishing , pp 344-352

- Patrik Wikström and Anette Johansson
- Publishing

- Christian Hjorth-Andersen
- Publishing

- Chr. Hjorth-Andersen
- Publishing in Journals , pp 89-105

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- Publishing in special issues , pp 122-131

- Dallen J. Timothy
- Publishing in tourism , pp 2-5

- Chris Cooper and C. Michael Hall
- Publishing lessons, futures and emerging issues , pp 240-243

- Chris Cooper and C. Michael Hall
- Pulling up the Early Retirement Anchor in France

- Anne-Marie Guillemard and Annie Jolivet
- Punishment, social norms, and cooperation , pp 155-173

- Erte Xiao
- Punitive Damages

- A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
- Punitive Damages and Class Actions

- Francesco Parisi and Marta Silvia Cenini
- Purchase intention and purchase decision , pp 385-398

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- Purchasing loyalty: Greece and the EU , pp 285-298

- Dimitris Bourantonis, Constantine Tsoutsoplides, Dimitris Bourantonis and Constantine Tsoutsoplides
- Purchasing Power Parities and their Policy Relevance , pp 301-333

- Michael Ward
- Purchasing Power Parities for International Comparisons of Output and Productivity in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States

- Marcel Timmer and Gerard Ypma
- Purchasing Power Parity

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- Purchasing Power Parity Adjustments for Productivity Level Comparisons , pp 334-366

- Bart van Ark and Marcel Timmer
- Pure Economic Loss

- Jef De Mot
- Purpose-driven funds , pp 325-347

- Homi Kharas Ⓡ and John McArthur
- Pursuing sustainable urbanization with the decoupled urbanization-emission nexus: evidence from Chinese provinces , pp 221-244

- Li He
- Pursuit of Security and the Stability of a Keynesian System , pp 117-134

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