From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Action research for diverse economies , pp 511-519

- Jenny Cameron and Katherine Gibson
- Action sports - Global issues for action sports and the case of SkatePal , pp 397-407

- Anna Farello
- Actions and reactions , pp 2-10

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- Activating and redirecting regional potentials through innovation and entrepreneurship: an explorative study of European regions , pp 14-36

- Andreas P. Cornett and Nils Karl Sørensen
- Activating labour market policy: 'flexicurity' through transitional labout markets

- Gunther Schmid
- Activation: a research topic in its own right? , pp 44-53

- Jochen Clasen and Clara Mascaró
- Active Ageing in Employment – Prospects and Policy Approaches in Germany

- Frerich Frerichs and Gerhard Naegele
- Active courts and menu contracts , pp 281-307

- Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli and Andrew Postlewaite
- Active Implementation Frameworks , pp 62-87

- Dean L. Fixsen and Karen A. Blase
- Active labour market policies and programmes in Japan and the USA: will East meet West? , pp 125-162

- Christopher T. King
- Active Labour Market Policies and Social Inclusion: The Case of Flemish Social Enterprises

- Ides Nicaise
- Active learning techniques to enhance understanding of complex stochastic modeling methods , pp 61-76

- Michal Horný
- Active learning, constructive alignment, and research methods: toward a programme level approach , pp 119-133

- Tom Clark and Liam Foster
- Active transport perspectives , pp 60-68

- Stephen Greaves and Christopher Standen
- Activism and accounting , pp 280-293

- Colin Dey
- Activism and resistance: activist dispositions and the hidden hierarchies of action , pp 92-106

- Charlotte Lee
- Activism and the ‘new’ politics of tax justice , pp 68-88

- Ainsley Elbra
- Activist anthropology "on the live edge" in Colombia: A conversation among collaborators , pp 38-55

- Viviane Weitzner and Marlin Mancilla
- Activists as allies of international courts: Assessing the impact of legal mobilization at international courts , pp 211-225

- Filiz Kahraman
- Activity and transportation decisions within households , pp 426-451

- André de Palma, Nathalie Picard and Robin Lindsey
- Activity-Based Budgeting at the University of Michigan , pp 137-160

- Paul N. Courant and Marilyn Knepp
- Activity-based Travel Demand Analysis

- Abdul Rawoof Pinjari and Chandra R. Bhat
- Actor, structure and inequality: an intersectional perspective of risk , pp 107-127

- Katarina Giritli Nygren, Anna Olofsson and Susanna Öhman
- Actors of university entrepreneurial ecosystems , pp 39-52

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- Acts of bias-related violence against LGBTQ+ persons and the LGBTQ+ community: prevalence, psychosocial consequences, interventions, and recommendations , pp 83-100

- Michael L. Dolezal, Heather Littleton, Stephanie Lim and Katie Edwards
- Actually existing neoliberalism , pp 14-30

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- Ad Hoc Project Procedures for the Development of Transport Infrastructures

- Eric Van Hooydonk
- Adam Smith

- Jan Peil
- Adam Smith (1723-1790) on money , pp 13-34

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- Adam Smith (1723–1790)

- Tony Aspromourgos
- Adam Smith (1723–90)

- Helge Peukert
- Adam Smith and American individualism , pp 37-56

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- Adam Smith and economic freedom , pp 74-84

- Maria Pia Paganelli
- Adam Smith and the Chicago School

- Steven Medema
- Adam Smith and the Crisis of Modem Economics , pp 157-177

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- Adam Smith and the System of Natural Liberty , pp 28-44

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- Adam Smith as a Monetary Economist , pp 1-16

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- Adam Smith on Failures of English Universities , pp 54-73

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- Adam Smith's Economic Case Against Usury

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- Adam Smith's Theory of Human Nature , pp 63-73

- Athol Fitzgibbons
- Adam Smith's Two Views of the Market , pp 95-110

- Jeffrey T. Young
- Adam Smith, Stage Theory and the Status of Women , pp 86-107

- Chris Nyland
- Adam Smith, the Philosopher and the Porter , pp 35-52

- Andrew Skinner
- Adams, Walter

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- Adaptation , pp 317-332

- M. Alexis Kirk
- Adaptation in Long-term Exchange Relations: Evidence from Electricity Marketing Contracts

- Dean V. Williamson
- Adaptation in long-term exchange relations: evidence of the complementarity and ancillarity of dimensions of electricity marketing contracts , pp 114-165

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- Adaptation policies and strategies as a response to ocean acidification and warming in the Mediterranean Sea , pp 339-352

- Patrizia Ziveri, Elisa Delpiazzo, Francesco Bosello, Fabio Eboli and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Adaptation, adaptability and regional economic resilience: a conceptual framework , pp 54-68

- Xiaohui Hu and Robert Hassink
- Adapting conjectural variations methods to banking competition , pp 46-51

- Bastiaan Overvest
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