From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Can Regulatory Ritualism be Transcended?

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- Can Shanghai Become the New Hong Kong of China?

- Yuan Zhigang
- Can Singapore Develop into a Global Media City?

- Sören Eriksson
- Can special drawing rights replace the dollar and other national currencies as a reserve asset? , pp 187-191

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- Can Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Boost Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Licensing in Developing Countries?

- Douglas Lippoldt
- Can Structural Models be Useful to Understand the Electricity Wholesale Markets? An Application to Spain

- Vítor Marques, Adelino Fortunato and Isabel Soares
- Can Sweden's ‘Rehn–Meidner' model be put back on its feet?

- Lars Behrenz, Lennart Delander and Harald Niklasson
- Can the Alma Ata principles of equity, governance and voice be used to balance the rising power of international corporations in global nutrition governance? , pp 163-182

- Regina Murphy Keith
- Can the corporation be reformed? Should it be? , pp 125-154

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- Can the European Union use agreements to even out the global imbalance in the protection of human rights? , pp 138-164

- Andreas Moberg
- Can the Free Rider Behaviour of Small Countries Offset the Profligacy Spending Bias of Large Countries in the Euro Zone?

- Patrick Artus
- Can the gains from Argentina's utilities reform offset credit shocks?

- Daniel Benitez, Omar Chisari and Antonio Estache
- Can the Ifo Business Climate Indicator Improve Short-Term GDP Forecasts

- Erich Langmantel
- Can the SDGs stem rising income inequality in the world? , pp 192-218

- Rolph van der Hoeven
- Can the United Nations system be mobilized to promote human rights-based approaches in preventing and ending childhood obesity? , pp 219-250

- Asbjørn Eide and Wenche Barth Eide
- Can we bet on big science? - science is only a necessary condition , pp 171-177

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- Can We Count On Count Models? , pp 271-284

- Daniel Hellerstein
- Can We Grow Our Way to an Environmentally Sustainable World?

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- Can we justify paying everyone a Basic Income? , pp 201-228

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- Can we Link Policy Practice with Research on ‘STIG Systems’? Toward Connecting the Analysis of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy with Realistic Programs for Economic Development and Growth

- Philippe Aghion, Paul David and Dominique Foray
- Can we Measure Institutions and Institutional Change?

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- Can we Rely on a New Development of the European Social Action?

- Jean Jacques Paris
- Can we tell a perverse subsidy if we see one?

- Jan H.M. Pieters and Helen Mountford
- Can we “grow the middle class?†, pp 97-136

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- Can work protect against age-related decline of cognitive skills?: An empirical test of the use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis , pp 161-176

- Mark Levels and Rolf Van der Velden
- Can you afford not to undertake externally funded research? , pp 231-232

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- Can You Teach Entrepreneurs to Write their Business Plan? An Empirical Evaluation of Business Plan Competitions

- Benoît Gailly
- Can you use few numbers in place of many to summarize your data? , pp 90-119

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- Can't see the tacking for the trees? Try a Coasian solution , pp 126-132

- Scott A. Beaulier, Franklin Mixon and Richard Cebula
- Canada , pp 86-108

- Maude Brunet, Nathalie Drouin, Leonard Mwesigwa and Matti Siemiatycki
- Canada , pp 141-167

- David G. Duff
- Canada and the United States: labour market policies and varieties of federalism in two liberal welfare states , pp 435-448

- Daniel Béland, Shannon Dinan and Alex Waddan
- Canada and USA: a tale of two ANSPs , pp 359-378

- Rui Neiva
- Canada – Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products

- Pedro Roffe and Christoph Spennemann
- Canada's Economic Development and Integration

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- Canada: national policies to support transnational diaspora entrepreneurship , pp 315-340

- Horatio Morgan
- Canada’s health care system: the promises and challenges of a federated system , pp 393-417

- Emmanuelle Arpin, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Sara Allin and Gregory P. Marchildon
- Canada’s Live-in Caregiver Program , pp 355-364

- Ivy Lynn Bourgeault and Jelena Atanackovic
- Canadian Banks and the North American Housing Crisis

- James Brox
- Canadian Fiscal Federalism: An Outsider’s View , pp 500-512

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- Canary Wharf's transformation from planning disaster to London's second business district , pp 382-406

- David Gordon and Patricia Warren
- Canines and the chemistry of coworking , pp 154-167

- Will Low and Eileen Davenport
- Cannan, Edwin, as an Interpreter of the Classical economists

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- Cantillon, Richard

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- Canvassing a realistic Cathedral with efficiency amongst its pillars , pp 5-17

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- Can’t We All Just Get Along? Fractionalization, Institutions and Economic Consequences

- Peter Leeson and Claudia R. Williamson
- Cap and Dividend: How to Curb Global Warming While Promoting Income Equity , pp 189-225

- James K. Boyce and Matthew Riddle
- Capabilities and Well-being

- Irene van Staveren
- Capabilities approach and social innovation , pp 117-131

- Rafael Ziegler
- Capability Approach

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