From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Constraints in Reforming the Transfer System in China , pp 349-360

- Lou Jiwei
- Constraints to Effective Fiscal Decentralization in Peru

- Ehtisham Ahmad and Mercedes García-Escribano
- Constructing a New Research Agenda for Cultural Commons

- Charlotte Hess
- Constructing a status intermediary in science , pp 118-134

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- Constructing actionable insights: the missing link between data, artificial intelligence, and organizational decision-making , pp 195-213

- Arisa Shollo and Robert D. Galliers
- Constructing an economically democratic society in the former Soviet Union: Post-Keynesian Institutionalist insights in historical perspective , pp 194-215

- Anna Klimina
- Constructing and multilateralizing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: an Asian perspective , pp 239-268

- Shujiro Urata
- Constructing Brands from the Outside? Brand Channels, Cyclical Clusters and Global Circuits

- Dominic Power and Johan Jansson
- Constructing Cultural Identity for the ‘Good’ Life: The Case of Blin Culture Community in Stockholm

- Kiflemariam Hamde
- Constructing domains of corporate social responsibility: a politicization of corporations at the expense of a de-politicization of society? , pp 194-223

- Markus A. Höllerer, Renate E. Meyer and Michael Lounsbury
- Constructing Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Environmental Movements and the Transformation of Regional Regulatory Regimes

- Brendon Lee and Wesley Sine
- Constructing Green Accounts , pp 206-222

- Prashant Vaze
- Constructing Growth Theory , pp 3-37

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- Constructing Input-Output Tables: Theory , pp 23-37

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- Constructing Knowledge, Boosting Development and Escaping Debt: The Case of Jamaica

- Robert Forrant
- Constructing the boundaries of health sociology , pp 28-46

- Fran Collyer
- Constructing violence and resistance: the political economy of the construction industry and labour subcontracting system in post-socialist China , pp 125-147

- Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin
- Construction and demolition waste recycling and reuse clause in standard form of contracts: impact on project performance , pp 55-66

- Nurhaizan Mohd Zainudin, Ahmad Amir Hafiz Ahmad, Rahimi A. Rahman and Fadzida Ismail
- Construction and the green economy , pp 160-177

- Julia Affolderbach and Christian Schulz
- Construction economics in antiquity , pp 86-103

- Jan Bröchner
- Construction economics: its origins, significance, current status and need for development , pp 18-40

- George Ofori
- Construction financing in Taiwan: current state and policy regime , pp 180-207

- Chin-Oh Chang and Ming-Chi Chen
- Construction in the economy and in national development , pp 104-125

- Jorge Lopes
- Construction industry and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , pp 199-214

- Alex Opoku
- Construction of a global control regime , pp 81-97

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- Construction project economics , pp 126-152

- Nii A. Ankrah and Emmanuel Manu
- Constructions at sea: impacts and legal regime , pp 132-155

- Nguyen Thi Lan Anh
- Constructions of disability and technology and the shaping of future research , pp 1-18

- Jane Seale
- Constructive conceptual explanation , pp 43-66

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- Constructive Income Taxation: A Modern Interpretation , pp 113-138

- Clemens Fuest
- Constructive technology assessment: supporting the reflexive co-evolution of technology and society , pp 270-280

- Douglas K.R. Robinson
- Constructivism

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- Constructivism and global constitutionalism , pp 115-128

- Jan Wilkens
- Constructivism, norms, and the World Bank , pp 96-106

- Antje Vetterlein and Susan Park
- Constructivism: The Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge

- D. Wade Hands
- Consumer Behavior in a Service Context

- Rodoula H. Tsiotsou and Jochen Wirtz
- Consumer behavior in cryptocurrency adoption , pp 197-212

- Monika Sheoran, Devashish Das Gupta and Alpana Karanjule
- Consumer Behaviour

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- Consumer behaviour in the performing arts , pp 166-174

- Andrea Baldin
- Consumer Capitalism and Brand Fetishism: The Case of Fashion Brands in Bulgaria

- Ulrich Ermann
- Consumer cash-flow management and budgeting behavior , pp 59-72

- Rameshkumar Subramanian and Arjun Tp
- Consumer choice and its repercussions in tourism: models and specifications , pp 59-77

- Richard T. R. Qiu and SÃlvia de Almeida
- Consumer Choice of Health Plan: Connecting Insurers and Providers in Systems , pp 228-243

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- Consumer Communities, Self-organization and Beliefs

- Stéphane Ngo-Maï and Alain Raybaut
- Consumer cooperatives: purpose and possibilities , pp 454-473

- Zo' T. Plakias and Jason Entsminger
- Consumer credit Directive , pp 591-600

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- Consumer debt problems and the image of the consumer in Swedish consumer credit regulation , pp 240-259

- Ann-Sofie Henrikson
- Consumer demand and audience behavior , pp 59-76

- Angel Arrese, Mercedes Medina and Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero
- Consumer demand and producer responses , pp 42-61

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- Consumer estate planning behavior , pp 171-182

- Blain Pearson
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