From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Participation in Physical Activity and Health Outcomes: Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey

- Jane Ruseski and Brad Humphreys
- Participation in transition: youth and the reinvention of politics , pp 40-53

- Luca Raffini
- Participation in women’s sport in Australia , pp 40-55

- Ross Booth and Michael Leeds
- Participation Incentives and Technological Change: From Top-Down to Bottom-Up Climate Agreements

- Barbara Buchner and Carlo Carraro
- Participation, Spectatorship and Media Coverage in Sport: Some Initial Insights

- Peter Dawson and Paul Downward
- Participatory action research - Innovating research using visual and digital methods in sport for development and peace , pp 231-239

- Mitchell McSweeney
- Participatory and collaborative governance , pp 166-177

- Aphra Kerr
- Participatory budgeting in reshaping public budgeting: evidence from Finland,1 Poland,2 and the US , pp 141-161

- Lotta-Maria Sinervo, Pauliina Lehtonen, Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak and Carol Ebdon
- Participatory budgeting in schools as a tool for racial justice , pp 37-57

- Jonathan E. Collins, Pamela Jennings, Matthew Lioe, Camila Olander Echavarria, Janelle Haire and Emma Britton Miller
- Participatory decision making , pp 100-123

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- Participatory decision-support tools for stakeholder engagement in urban freight transport policy making , pp 327-345

- Michela Le Pira, Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Matteo Ignaccolo and Giuseppe Inturri
- Participatory ex ante evaluation of long-term infrastructure plans as a policy-learning process , pp 267-278

- Eckhard Störmer and Bernhard Truffer
- Participatory livelihoods system appraisal: a learning-oriented methodology for impact assessment , pp 173-190

- Martin Strele
- Participatory mapping as a research tool in migration studies , pp 204-212

- Luis Sánchez-Ayala
- Participatory modelling in adaptive environmental management: a case study in semi-arid northern Nicaragua , pp 231-248

- Federica Ravera, David Tarrasón, Klaus Hubacek, Roberto Molowny-Horas and Jan Sendzimir
- Participatory Planning of Economic Development: The Co-evolution of Economic Theory and Policy

- Martina Pignatti Morano
- Participatory technology assessment: TA and the public , pp 64-76

- Lars Klüver
- Partitioning the Mailstream: Analysis of an Innovative Approach to USO , pp 19-36

- Leon A. Pintsov, Andrei Obrea and Theresa Biasi
- Partner in the ‘Chip Gold Rush': Applied Materials Taiwan

- Tsung-yu Wu
- Partner selection and assessing credibility , pp 88-108

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- Partner, master, or servant? How older adults experience their relationship with socially assistive robots , pp 162-175

- Bente Peusen, Kars Mennens and Dominik Mahr
- Partnering and Incentive Structures

- Antony Dnes
- Partnering to address financial exclusion in Australia , pp 260-278

- Jordan Grace
- Partnership and policy in Britain’s New Corporate State , pp 117-146

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- Partnership as a Means to Good Governance: Towards an Evaluation Framework

- Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff
- Partnership as Governance Mechanism in Development Cooperation: Intersectoral North–South Partnerships for Marine Biodiversity

- Ingrid J. Visseren-Hamakers, Bas Arts and Pieter Glasbergen
- Partnership goals in sponsoring , pp 41-56

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- Partnership Networks and Knowledge Networks in Five Sectors

- Koichiro Okamura and Nicholas S. Vonortas
- Partnership-based equity instruments , pp 143-166

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- Partnerships for Sustainability: An Analysis of Transnational Environmental Regimes

- Philipp Pattberg
- Partnerships for Sustainable Development in a Globalised World: A Reflection on Market-Oriented and Policy-Oriented Partnerships

- Pieter Glasbergen
- Partnerships in emerging markets , pp 80-98

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- Partnerships in Europe , pp 60-79

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- Partnerships in US cities , pp 52-59

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- Partnerships, company, contracts and risk management in overseas trade , pp 128-160

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- Party (system) institutionalization and the institutions of democratic polities , pp 154-173

- Herbert P. Kitschelt and Philipp Rehm
- Party competition and electoral turnout: Downs’s calculus in a multiparty system , pp 160-176

- Juha Helin and Hannu Nurmi
- Party politics and the changing labour market in Japan , pp 126-147

- Masanobu Ido
- Pasinetti's structural dynamics and demand theory , pp 18-31

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- Pasinetti, Luigi L

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- Passage probability , pp 105-123

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- Passenger transport in Australia: Injury compensation, public policy and the health pandemic , pp 323-337

- David Peetz
- Passing export hurdles with a little help from my friends , pp 188-203

- Arjan Lejour
- Passing on Privilege: Resources Provided by Self-employed Parents to Their Self-employed Children , pp 463-489

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- Passive and active resistance to performance pressures among academics in UK universities , pp 351-365

- Liudvika Leišytė
- Past and future reform challenges for CESEE and Europe at large , pp 2-6

- Ewald Nowotny, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Helene Schuberth
- Past and present of energy security in Mediterranean countries , pp 44-66

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- Past health crises and resilience in tourism: looking to a post-COVID-19 future , pp 252-266

- Andreia Pereira, Cláudia Seabra and Ana Caldeira
- Past Product Experiences as Determinants of Happiness with Target Product Experiences: Implications for Subjective Well-being

- Rajagopal Raghunathan and Julie R. Irwin
- Past Trends in International Migration and their Implications for Future Prospects , pp 227-261

- Hania Zlotnik
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