From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Intra-regional collaborative learning between cluster initiatives – a factor of cluster (policy) dynamics? , pp 95-114

- Martina Fromhold-Eisebith
- Intra-regional Geopolitical Dynamics in Northeast Asia

- Cheol Hee Park
- Intra-urban differentials and the urban management nexus , pp 33-51

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- Intra-urban mobility and changing density functions in Tel Aviv, 1995-2006 , pp 29-44

- Daniel Felsenstein and Shlomie Hazam
- Intracity and intercity networks of multinational firms, 2010-2019 , pp 511-556

- Céline Rozenblat
- Intraindustry trade and the choice of technology , pp 107-128

- Luca Lambertini and Gianpaolo Rossini
- Intrapreneurial intention , pp 86-103

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- Intrapreneurship in the Public Sector

- Roger R. Stough and Kingsley E. Haynes
- Intrapreneurship: Differences in Innovations is a Matter of Perspective and Understanding

- Hanne Westh Nicolajsen
- Intricate interactions: the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund , pp 178-189

- Matthias Kranke
- Introducing a critical practice of comparative law , pp 1-23

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- Introducing a systemic approach , pp 165-170

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- Introducing age into national accounts

- Andrew Mason and Ronald Lee
- Introducing carbon taxes – issues and barriers , pp 1-19

- Stefan E. Weishaar
- Introducing Class Actions in Finland: An Example of Law-making Without Economic Analysis

- Mikko Välimäki
- Introducing Competition in the French Electricity Supply Industry: Erosion of the Public Hierarchy by the European Institutional Integration

- Dominique Finon
- Introducing Geographical Distance in the Modelling of Technology Spillovers , pp 43-56

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- Introducing geographies of globalization: genealogies of the concept, existing views on globalization inside and outside geography , pp 2-16

- Robert C. Kloosterman, Virginie Mamadouh and Pieter Terhorst
- Introducing government failure , pp 1-5

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- Introducing Inverse Infrastructures

- Tineke M. Egyedi, Donna C. Mehos and Wim G. Vree
- Introducing More Features of Real Life into the Economists’ World of Theoretical Models – Comments on Justus Haucap, Bart Wilson and Christoph Engel

- Andreas Fuchs
- Introducing reform endurance: immovable objects and irresistible forces , pp 1-15

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- Introducing regional competitiveness and development: contemporary theories and perspectives , pp 1-32

- Robert Huggins and Piers Thompson
- Introducing spatial disaggregation and zoning in the Amsterdam model

- Erik Verhoef, Frans Bal and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Introducing the community of inquiry , pp 189-195

- Dara Cassidy
- Introducing The Economics of Environmental Risk , pp 2-28

- V. Kerry Smith
- Introducing the issues: meeting the challenges in evaluating homeland security policies , pp 3-25

- Carol Mansfield and V. Kerry Smith
- Introducing the systematic science mapping framework: an innovative and mixed approach for macro scale reviews , pp 381-393

- Heinz Herrmann
- Introduction , pp 1-16

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- Introduction , pp 1-12

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- Introduction , pp 1-10

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- Introduction , pp 1-14

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- Introduction , pp 1-10

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- Introduction , pp 1-9

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- Introduction , pp 564-564

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- Introduction , pp 1-10

- Marco A. Janssen
- Introduction

- Marie-Ange Moreau
- Introduction , pp 1-6

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- Introduction , pp 3-33

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- Introduction , pp 1-6

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- Introduction , pp 1-12

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- Introduction , pp 1-12

- Hans Siggaard Jensen, Lykke Margot Richter and Morten Thanning Vendelø
- Introduction , pp 1-12

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- Introduction , pp 1-4

- Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly
- Introduction

- Kenneth Button and Aura Reggiani
- Introduction

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- Introduction , pp i-ii

- Jan Toporowski and Jo Michell
- Introduction

- Carsten Greve and Graeme Hodge
- Introduction , pp 1-4

- Charles A.E. Goodhart and Dimitrios Tsomocos
- Introduction

- Peter Karl Kresl
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