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- The impact of regulation and monitoring on nonprofit organizations , pp 214-230

- Daniel G. Neely, Gregory D. Saxton and Gajindra Maharaj
- The impact of regulation on innovation , pp 450-482

- Knut Blind
- The impact of renewable and nonrenewable energy on carbon dioxide emissions for OECD countries , pp 199-211

- Prathibha Joshi and Kris Aaron Beck
- The impact of sanitary and phytosanitary measures on India’s exports and the challenges/opportunities of the SPS Agreement , pp 761-824

- Kasturi Das
- The Impact of Scientific Knowledge on the Performance of Multinational Corporations , pp 121-150

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- The Impact of Shareholder Structure on Large Listed Companies in France: Time Horizons and Control

- Jean-Louis Beffa and Xavier Ragot
- The impact of skill formation policies on innovation , pp 108-128

- Barbara Jones and Damian Grimshaw
- The impact of solar PV installation on household electricity demand in Australia , pp 5-27

- Kenta Tanaka, Clevo Wilson and Shunsuke Managi
- The impact of standardisation and standards on innovation , pp 423-449

- Knut Blind
- The impact of stigma on the well-being of people diagnosed with mental illness: why stigma persists and why it remains consequential , pp 366-381

- Jason Schnittker
- The Impact of Stock Markets , pp 25-57

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- The impact of Taiwan’s TPP accession on the United States , pp 161-176

- Dan Ciuriak and Jingliang Xiao
- The impact of tariff reduction on the growth of the Chinese economy , pp 151-177

- Xiao-guang Zhang
- The impact of taxation on gross private non-residential fixed investment , pp 110-129

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- The Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on Argentine Exports and Labor Markets

- Gabriel Sánchez, María Laura Alzúa and Inés Butler
- The Impact of Technical Standards on Foreign Trade , pp 219-305

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- The impact of technology and innovation advisory services , pp 161-195

- Philip Shapira and Jan Youtie
- The impact of technology foresight on innovation and innovation policy , pp 483-504

- Jennifer Cassingena Harper
- The impact of technology on work: enabling workplace innovation by technological and organisational choice , pp 67-90

- Peter R.A. Oeij, Gerben Hulsegge and Wouter van der Torre
- The Impact of Tertiary Education Courses on Entrepreneurial Goals and Intentions

- Michael T. Schaper and Gian Casimir
- The Impact of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area on China’s Economy and Regional Agricultural Development

- Jun Yang, Huanguang Qiu and Chunlai Chen
- The impact of the audit committee and internal audit function on board decision-making during an extreme financial crisis , pp 337-365

- Khairul Ayuni Mohd Kharuddin and Ilias G. Basioudis
- The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on stress: a cross-national analysis of economic and public health policies and individual characteristics , pp 218-232

- James M. Ragsdale, Megan E. LaMotte and Marta Elliott
- The impact of the Covid-19 global pandemic upon the entrepreneurial financial resilience of SMEs , pp 21-34

- Harry Matlay
- The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on sustainable and innovative last-mile deliveries in the e-commerce market: lessons learned from Brazil and Poland , pp 123-140

- Maja Kiba-Janiak, Katarzyna Cheba, Jakub Marcinkowski and Leise Kelli de Oliveira
- The Impact of the Electoral System and of Other Political Institutions on Public Debt and Government Finances in Italy

- Silvia Fedeli and Francesco Forte
- The impact of the Eurasian Customs Union on EU–Russia relations , pp 163-178

- Hiski Haukkala
- The Impact of the Euro on Investment: Sectoral Evidence

- Tomas Dvorak
- The impact of the financial and economic crises on European Union member states , pp 299-320

- Carlos Carrasco, Jesus Ferreiro, Catalina Gálvez, Carmen Gomez and Ana González Flores
- The Impact of the Financial Crisis on China’s Housing Market

- Jianping Ye and Chao Sun
- The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Factory Asia

- Kazunobu Hayakawa
- The impact of the financial crisis on intergovernmental financial relations in South Africa , pp 314-340

- Ramos Mabugu
- The impact of the First World War on Japan

- Kenneth D. Brown
- The impact of The General Theory on Economic Theory and the Development of Public Policies: A Nested Vision of Keynes’s Ideas with the Classical Vision through a Panoramic View of his Works

- Lall Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg
- The impact of the gig-economy on occupational health and safety: Just an occupation hazard? , pp 33-52

- Aude Cefaliello and Cristina Inversi
- The impact of the global financial crisis on Islamic banking , pp 275-305

- Faisal Alqahtani and David Mayes
- The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Taiwanese Economy and its Industrial Policy in Response

- Jiann-Chyuan Wang and Chia-Hui Lin
- The impact of the home environment on children’s health and cognitive and social development , pp 79-94

- Sir Harry Burns
- The Impact of the Lengths of Estimation Periods and Hedging Horizons on the Effectiveness of a Hedge: Evidence from Foreign Currency Futures , pp 257-275

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- The Impact of the Millennials on Higher Education

- Donald W. Harward
- The Impact of the New Deal on American Federalism , pp 325-350

- John Joseph Wallis, Wallace E. Oates, John Joseph Wallis and Wallace E. Oates
- The impact of the New Regulatory Wisdom on banking, credit and money: good or bad? , pp 137-154

- Adam Ridley
- The impact of the open eco-innovation mode on employment: the case of Italian network business agreements , pp 67-83

- Andrea Fabrizi, Giulio Guarini and Valentina Meliciani
- The Impact of the RMB Revaluation on China and the World Economy

- James Xiaohe Zhang
- The Impact of the Shadow Economy on the Country Risk Index

- Miroslava Kostova Karaboytcheva and Luis Rubio Andrada
- The Impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on State and Local Fiscal Behavior , pp 232-264

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- The impact of the Uruguay Round on the agro-food sector and the rural environment in Italy , pp 170-184

- Margaret Loseby
- The Impact of the WTO Negotiating Modalities on Developing Countries , pp 298-323

- Daneswar Poonyth and Ramesh Sharma
- The Impact of Trade Integration on FDI Flows: Evidence from the EU and ASEAN+3 , pp 277-296

- Seyed Komail Tayebi and Amir Hortamani
- The impact of trade liberalization on alcohol consumption in Taiwan , pp 413-432

- Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Mau-Shan Shi and Chien-Fu Jeff Lin
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