From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- EIA process recipes , pp 78-175

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- EIA teaching principles: content , pp 39-51

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- EIA teaching principles: pedagogy , pp 52-64

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- EIA teaching principles: skills , pp 65-75

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- Eight misconceptions about nudges , pp 319-328

- Cass R. Sunstein
- Eighteenth century , pp 254-264

- Megan Gallagher
- Eisner’s Radical Approach to Social Security – Tell the Truth!

- Stephanie Kelton
- Elaborating on integration of environmental legislation: the case of Indonesialaborating on integration of

- Marjan Peeters
- Elaborating the cultural political economy research agenda: selectivities, dispositives and the production of (counter-) hegemonies , pp 196-230

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- Elder abuse , pp 109-125

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- Elderly people and the Internet: a demographic reconsideration , pp 431-444

- Huan Wu
- Elderly poverty and its measurement , pp 307-315

- Yoko Niimi and Charles Yuji Horioka
- Electoral systems and the personal vote , pp 135-151

- Jorge M. Fernandes, Yael Shomer and Matthew S. Shugart
- Electoral uncertainty and the multinational corporation: a conceptualization, firm-level effects and strategies , pp 62-79

- Jonas Puck, Jakob Muellner and Hubertus Reinprecht
- Electric energy utilities , pp 69-88

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- Electric Power , pp 49-64

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- Electric power crisis and crisis response after the Great East Japan Earthquake , pp 67-84

- Toshihiro Matsumura
- Electric vehicles, taxes and public policies in Brazil , pp 113-129

- José Marcos Domingues and Luiz Artur Pecorelli- Peres
- Electric vehicles: a socio-technical scenario study

- René Kemp and Benoît Simon
- Electric vehicles: plugging into the US tax code , pp 97-112

- Janet E. Milne
- Electric vehicles: will consumers purchase them? , pp 157-172

- Henry Lee and Grant Lovellette
- Electricity and gas regulation in Great Britain: the end of an era

- Eileen Marshall
- Electricity in England and Wales: Efficiency and Equity

- Gordon MacKerron
- Electricity Investment: Rewarding the Past, Discounting the Future

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- Electricity provisioning under the Green New Deal: a Modern Monetary Theory approach , pp 399-410

- Avraham I. Baranes and Mitchell R. Green
- Electricity reform: changing the consensus , pp 12-49

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- Electricity Regulation

- Adrien de Hauteclocque and Yannick Perez
- Electricity Retail Competition and Pricing: An International Review

- Seth Blumsack and Dmitri Perekhodtsev
- Electricity Scenarios in EU Countries

- Houda Allal, Ole Løfsnes, Thomas Niesor, Matteo Urbani and Berit Tennbakk
- Electricity Sector Reforms and the Tariff Review Process in Brazil

- Cláudio de Araújo Wanderley, John Cullen and Mathew Tsamenyi
- Electricity Sector Restructuring in Belgium

- Aviel Verbruggen and Erwin Vanderstappen
- Electricity Supply Externalities: Energy Security

- Steven Arnold, Arno Behrens, Christian Egenhofer, Alistair Hunt, Anil Markandya and Adriaan van der Welle
- Electricity: regulatory developments around the world , pp 61-90

- Stephen Littlechild
- Electrification of residential and commercial heating , pp 506-539

- Mathilde Fajardy and David Reiner
- Electrifying transport: issues and opportunities , pp 463-505

- Bentley C. Clinton, Christopher R. Knittel and Konstantinos Metaxoglou
- Electronic authentication of products , pp 290-314

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- Electronic Commerce and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in East Asia , pp 190-208

- Boon-Chye Lee
- Electronic grade silicon (EGS) for semiconductors , pp 180-204

- Paolo Frankl, Howard Lee and Nichole Wolfgang
- Electronic service , pp 177-190

- Apostolos Anthimos
- Electronic substitution and postal price elasticities: a customer market approach , pp 226-240

- Leticia Veruete-McKay, Robert Sheldon, Peter Burge and Alison Lawrence
- Electronic substitution and USO scope definition , pp 179-193

- Marcello Cuomo, Tommaso Nardone, Alberto Rovero and Gennaro Scarfiglieri
- Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) in the Dulles Corridor , pp 47-72

- Roberto Mazzoleni
- Elementary tools for dynamics , pp 36-48

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- Elements and Determinants of Economic Growth – Lessons and Policy Implications for the European Knowledge Society and Innovation System

- Peter Nijkamp
- Elements for the analysis of economic decisions , pp 67-151

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- Elements of a Knowledge Network Learning Model

- Kingsley E. Haynes and Hiroyuki Shibusawa
- Elements of a Monetary Theory of Production

- Trevor Evans, Michael Heine and Hansjorg Herr
- Elements of statutory protection , pp 33-103

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- Elephant ivory and tropical timber: the role of trade interventions in sustainable management , pp 397-426

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- Elias, Organised Violence and Terrorism

- Tony Ward and Peter Young
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