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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Assessing the economic and financial knowledge of adults , pp 148-162 Downloads
Kenneth C. Rebeck and William B. Walstad
Assessing the Economic Worth of Public–Private Partnerships Downloads
Anthony Boardman and Aidan Vining
Assessing the economics of fuel for food: Approaches to assessment of time allocations for household chores and roles , pp 194-203 Downloads
S.N. Gajanan and Suresh C. Babu
Assessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law Downloads
Andrea K. Bjorklund
Assessing the effects of international research collaboration on the invention process: some evidence from triadic patent data , pp 159-179 Downloads
Sadao Nagaoka and Tsukada Naotoshi
Assessing the efficiency of economic instruments: reforming the French Agences de l'Eau , pp 215-230 Downloads
Bernard Barraqué
Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education: A Methodology and Three Experiments from French Engineering Schools Downloads
Alain Fayolle and Benoît Gailly
Assessing the impact of inequality on food security , pp 260-267 Downloads
Wegayehu Fitawek and Sheryl L. Hendriks
Assessing the impact of natural disasters on industry gross domestic product in the United States , pp 193-207 Downloads
Monica Escaleras, Anand Jha and Christopher Boudreaux
Assessing the impact of social innovation , pp 197-219 Downloads
Frank Moulaert and Diana MacCallum
Assessing the Impacts of Carbon Emission Reduction Policies on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Economy: A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis , pp 530-546 Downloads
Assessing the impacts of the integration of the ICT investments of Taiwan and China upon economic growth in Taiwan , pp 56-80 Downloads
Winston T. Lin
Assessing the Implications of the Lisbon Treaty for the Lisbon Agenda Downloads
Mario Telò
Assessing the new "integrated policy framework": a counterfactual analysis of the case of Argentina , pp 2-15 Downloads
Sebastián Valdecantos
Assessing the Options for the Canberra Water Supply: an Application of Choice Modelling , pp 73-92 Downloads
Jenny Gordon, Ross Chapman and Russell Blamey
Assessing the perceived value of information in an information immersive world , pp 364-378 Downloads
Daphne R. Raban and Niv Ahituv
Assessing the risks in global fixed interest portfolios Downloads
Geoffrey Brianton
Assessing the role of entropy on economic complexity in Italian regions , pp 133-156 Downloads
Roberto Antonietti and Chiara Burlina
Assessing the scale of women’s informal work: An industry outlook for 14 developing countries , pp 91-112 Downloads
Maarten van Klaveren and Kea Tijdens
Assessing the Sustainability of External Positions in New EU Member States Downloads
Enrique Alberola and José María Serena
Assessing the Sustainability of the Sloping Land Conversion Programme: A Choice Experiment Approach Downloads
Pauline Grosjean, Andreas Kontoleon and Shiqiu Zhang
Assessing the transfer method , pp 210-218 Downloads
Assessing the validity of stated preference data using follow-up questions , pp 252-269 Downloads
Kelley Myers, Doug MacNair, Ted Tomasi and Jude Schneider
Assessing the Welfare of Migrant and Non-migrant Households in Four Indonesian Cities: Some Demographic, Social and Employment Characteristics Downloads
Tadjuddin Noer Effendi, . Mujiyani, Fina Itriyati, Danang Arif Darmawan and Derajad S. Widhyharto
Assessing transport equity through a cumulative accessibility measure and Google Maps: a case study for healthcare in Metro Manila , pp 136-146 Downloads
Neil Stephen Lopez and Jose Bienvenido Manuel Biona
Assessing Unilateral Merger Effects in the Dutch Daily Newspaper Market Downloads
Lapo Filistrucchi, Tobias Klein and Thomas O. Michielsen
Assessing utility, feasibility and equity with competence-based multi criteria analysis , pp 240-254 Downloads
Geert te Boveldt, Imre Keseru and Cathy Macharis
Assessment of infrastructure investments using agent-based accessibility , pp 54-70 Downloads
Christ of Zöllig and Kay W. Axhausen
Assessment of innovative city logistics solutions , pp 267-286 Downloads
Paolo Delle Site
Assessment of microfinance institutions and their impact: evidence from a scientometric study , pp 41-65 Downloads
Bego-a Gutiérrez-Nieto and Carlos Serrano-Cinca
Assessment of outcome mapping as a tool for evaluating and monitoring support to civil society organizations , pp 215-232 Downloads
Steve Powell, Joakim Molander and Ivona Ƒåelebiƒçiƒá
Assessment of Policy Instruments and Electricity Generation Technologies Downloads
Gesine Bökenkamp, Danae Diakoulaki, Olav Hohmeyer and Christos Tourkolias
Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Allocation, Water Quality and Salmon Production in the San Joaquin River Basin Downloads
H. Hidalgo, L. Brekke, N. Miller, N. Quinn, J. Keyantash and J. Dracup
Assessment of the orthodox interpretation , pp 146-173 Downloads
Assessment of value in heritage regulation , pp i-i Downloads
David Throsby
Asset accumulation and retirement income under individual retirement accounts: evidence from five countries Downloads
Gary Burtless
Asset allocation and the green bond market , pp 314-332 Downloads
K. Thomas Liaw
Asset composition , pp 97-117 Downloads
Woods Bowman, Thad Calabrese and Elizabeth Searing
Asset Composition Downloads
Woods Bowman
Asset market experiments with diverse information , pp 323-346 Downloads
Dominik Schmidt and Thomas Stöckl
Asset Price Behavior In Complex Environments , pp 363-401 Downloads
William A. Brock
Asset Prices in a Production Economy , pp 85-127 Downloads
William A. Brock
Asset recovery in the African context , pp 180-197 Downloads
Asset Specificity and Holdups Downloads
Benjamin Klein
Asset specificity, work organization and mode of command: first insights from the automotive industry Downloads
Didier Chabaud
Asset-backed Securitization, Collateralized Loan Obligations and Credit Derivatives Downloads
Warrick Ward and Simon Wolfe
Asset-based flows from a generational perspective Downloads
Andrew Mason, Naohiro Ogawa, Amontheo Chawla and Rikiya Matsukura
Asset-based valuation: a modified discounted cash flow approach , pp 70-82 Downloads
Rafael Yanushevsky, Daniel Yanushevsky and Camilla Yanushevsky
Asset-price inflation , pp 48-53 Downloads
Assets, liabilities and resilience , pp 45-58 Downloads
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