From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The FESTA project: doing gender equality work in STEM faculties in Europe , pp 90-105

- Minna Salminen-Karlsson
- The fictitious commodity care and the reciprocity of caring: a Polanyian and neo-institutionalist perspective on the brokering of 24-hour care , pp 245-260

- Brigitte Aulenbacher and Michael Leiblfinger
- The fight against money laundering: a public task? , pp 37-47

- Joras Ferwerda
- The Fight Against Piracy: Working Within the Administrative Enforcement System in China

- Kristie Thomas
- The figure of the intermediary: brokers, merchant manufacturers and guilds , pp 68-94

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- The final death and next life of Maynard Keynes , pp 30-39

- James Galbraith
- The Finance Motive, Keynes and Post Keynesians , pp 78-90

- Stephen Rousseas
- The finance–growth nexus: evidence from ten new EU members , pp 217-234

- Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Christophe Rault, Anamaria Sova and Robert Sova
- The financial and political crisis of Spanish federalism: transformation or erosion? , pp 198-223

- César Colino and EloÃsa del Pino
- The financial aspects of the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil: a Minskyan approach , pp 209-227

- Norberto Montani Martins, Ernani Teixeira Torres Filho and Luiz Macahyba
- The Financial Collateral Directive , pp 50-59

- Reinout Wibier
- The financial crisis and the challenge of fiscal federalism in China: the 2008 stimulus and the limits of China’s intergovernmental system , pp 249-270

- Christine Wong
- The financial crisis and the future of federalism in Canada , pp 73-94

- Douglas M. Brown
- The Financial Crisis and the History of Money

- Keith Hart
- The financial crisis and the politics of international tax cooperation , pp 81-110

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- The Financial Crisis, Rethinking of the Global Financial Architecture, and the Trilemma

- Joshua Aizenman, Menzie Chinn and Hiro Ito
- The Financial Crisis: A Wake-up Call for Strengthening Regional Monitoring of Financial Markets and Regional Coordination of Financial Sector Policies?

- Adalbert Winkler
- The financial cycle and macroeconomics: what have we learned and what are the policy implications? , pp 10-35

- Claudio Borio
- The financial instability hypothesis, income distribution and complex dynamics , pp 200-218

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- The financial integration of banks: a survey , pp 372-387

- Destan Kirimhan and James Payne
- The financial legacy of pension fund capitalism , pp 348-374

- Gordon L. Clark
- The financial remedy application and beyond: To what extent is the victim-survivor protected from further abuse? , pp 202-222

- Kayliegh Richardson and Amanda Newby
- The financial side: endogenous money and the supermultipliercum-finance , pp 67-92

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- The financial structure of Commercial Revolution: financing long-distance trade in Venice 1190–1220 and Venetian Crete 1278–1400 , pp 166-220

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- The financial system and roots of crisis , pp 1-16

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- The financial system and roots of crisis , pp 1-16

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- The Financial System of the EU-25

- Franklin Allen, Laura Bartiloro and Oskar Kowalewski
- The financialisation of food and farming , pp 309-327

- Geoffrey Lawrence, Sarah Ruth Sippel and David Burch
- The financialization and governance of infrastructure , pp 223-252

- Peter O’Brien and Andy Pike
- The financialization of agricultural commodities: implications for food security , pp 202-214

- S. Ryan Isakson, Jennifer Clapp and Phoebe Stephens
- The financialization of food commodity markets , pp 122-148

- Christopher L. Gilbert and Simone Pfuderer
- The financialization of working life , pp 161-200

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- The financier state: infrastructure planning and asset recycling in New South Wales, Australia , pp 246-264

- Caroline Nowacki
- The financing and governance of new technologies

- Colin Mayer
- The financing of research and development

- Bronwyn Hall
- The financing of subnational governments , pp iii-iii

- Juan Carlos Gómez Sabaini and Juan Pablo Jiménez
- The Financing System of Spanish Regions: Main Features, Weak Points and Possible Reforms

- Núria Bosch and Jose M. Duran-Cabre
- The Finnish approach to innovation strategy and indicators , pp 320-332

- Esko Aho, Mikko Alkio and Ilkka Lakaniemi
- The fintech hype , pp 197-209

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- The fireman and the architect , pp 8-32

- Xavier Timbeau
- The firm and its discontents , pp 93-148

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- The firm as a coalition , pp 180-203

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- The Firm as a Nexus of Product Cycles: Organizing Intrapreneurship in the Innovative Firm

- Atle Midttun and Nils-Otto Ørjasæter
- The Firm as a ‘Platform of Communities': A Contribution to the Knowledge-based Approach of the Firm

- Ash Amin and Patrick Cohendet
- The firm as an institution , pp 99-117

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- The Firm is Dead; Long Live the Firm: A Review of Oliver E. Williamson's The Economic Institutions of Capitalism , pp 206-220

- Armen Alchian and Susan Woodward
- The Firm's Investment Decision , pp 72-87

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- The firm, its procedures and win-win environmental regulations

- H. Landis Gabel and Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné
- The firms , pp 111-149

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- The first half of the 20th century , pp 74-99

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