From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Art Prices

- Dominuque Sagot-Duvauroux
- Art, excellence, market , pp 31-50

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- Art, truth, reconciliation and resistance: Reaching out in Sierra Leone and Canada , pp 231-247

- Rachel Kerr
- Art: Theoretician, Consumer and Patron of the Arts

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- Arthur Cecil Pigou , pp 593-597

- David A. Collard
- Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877–1959)

- Hansjörg Klausinger
- Arthur Spiethoff (1873–1957)

- David Haas
- Article 192(1) TFEU vs Article 192(2) TFEU , pp 96-117

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- Article 22 of the EC Merger Regulation – national and European control: energy sector , pp 278-297

- Michał Krzykowski
- Articulating the social role of the economist: a synthesis of Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of education and John Maynard Keynes's economics , pp 113-128

- Dennis Badeen
- Articulation, Accuracy and Effectiveness of Mathematical Models: A Review of Freshwater Wetland Applications , pp 225-248

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- Artificial Intelligence

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- Artificial intelligence and conduct in wholesale markets , pp 137-143

- Mark Yallop
- Artificial intelligence and cultural creation , pp 198-203

- Joëlle Farchy and Juliette Denis
- Artificial intelligence and data analytics: Ethical implications for accounting , pp 168-179

- Emilio Boulianne, Mélissa Fortin and Annie Lecompte
- Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies: exploring opportunities through smart specialisation , pp 237-253

- Ruslan Rakhmatullin and Fatime Barbara Hegyi
- Artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship: some thoughts for entrepreneurship researchers , pp 197-207

- Sameeksha Desai
- Artificial intelligence and EU design law , pp 612-650

- Mikko Antikainen and Heidi Härkönen
- Artificial Intelligence and international human rights law: implications for humans and technology in the 21st century and beyond , pp 430-455

- Joshua C. Gellers and David J. Gunkel
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in freight transport , pp 285-322

- Yijie Su, Hadi Ghaderi and Hussein Dia
- Artificial Intelligence and robots: a threat or an opportunity for SMEs and entrepreneurship? , pp 104-121

- Emanuela Carbonara and Enrico Santarelli
- Artificial Intelligence and the Economics of Technological Change , pp 117-130

- Paul Stoneman
- Artificial intelligence as a colleague: towards the workplace coexistence of people and artificial intelligence , pp 224-237

- Violetta Khoreva and Katja Einola
- Artificial intelligence as a mechanism of algorithmic isomorphism , pp 342-358

- Camille G. Endacott and Paul M. Leonardi
- Artificial intelligence for long-term care in later life , pp 488-503

- Barbara Barbosa Neves and Maho Omori
- Artificial intelligence for professional learning , pp 191-211

- Wayne Holmes and Allison Littlejohn
- Artificial intelligence in an emerging portfolio manager: the case of Evovest , pp 523-537

- Sylvie St-Onge, Catherine Vincent and Michel Magnan
- Artificial intelligence in financial decision-making , pp 315-335

- Allen H. Huang and Haifeng You
- Artificial intelligence in public sector services: ethical issues , pp 266-282

- Anastasia Sofia Alexiadou
- Artificial intelligence in railway traffic planning and management Taxonomy, a systematic review of the state-of-the-art of AI, and transferability analysis , pp 222-248

- Ruifan Tang, Zhiyuan Lin, Ronghui Liu, Rob M.P. Goverde and Nikola Beä°inoviƒá
- Artificial intelligence in railways: current applications, challenges, and ongoing research , pp 249-283

- Lorenzo De Donato, Ruifan Tang, Nikola Bes̆inović, Francesco Flammini, Rob M.P. Goverde, Zhiyuan Lin, Ronghui Liu and Valeria Vittorini
- Artificial intelligence in service: a bibliometric literature review , pp 14-29

- Marco Smacchia and Stefano Za
- Artificial intelligence in services: state of the art and future directions , pp 2-13

- Ada Scupola, Jon Sundbo, Lars Fuglsang and Anders Henten
- Artificial intelligence in the energy sector , pp 173-187

- Alina Cherepovitsyna
- Artificial intelligence solutions for environmental and social impact assessments , pp 163-177

- Atiyah Curmally, Blaise W. Sandwidi and Aditi Jagtiani
- Artificial intelligence to support public sector decision-making: the emergence of entangled accountability , pp 266-281

- Francesco Gualdi and Antonio Cordella
- Artificial intelligence: a paradigm shift in international law and politics? Autonomous weapon systems as a case study1 , pp 89-107

- Luigi Martino and Federica Merenda
- Artificial-Intelligence Models of Complex Economic Systems , pp 25-42

- Scott Moss
- Artistic Freedom

- Michael Rushton
- Artistic freedom

- Michael Rushton
- Artistic strategies by and about the International Criminal Court , pp 267-281

- Alessandro Chechi
- Artists earnings and labour markets1 , pp 106-114

- Trine Bille
- Artists' rights

- Michael Rushton
- Artists, Authors’ Rights and Copyright , pp 274-283

- KristÌn AtladottÌr, Martin Kretschmer and Ruth Towse
- Artists’ labour markets

- Françoise Benhamou
- Artists’ Labour Markets

- Françoise Benhamou
- Artists’ Rights

- Michael Rushton
- Arts , pp 174-186

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- Arts in IP law programmes: employing arts study, practice and pedagogy in law programmes - when students become creators , pp 128-145

- Andrea Wallace
- Arts spaces, new urban landscapes and global cultural cities , pp 1-28

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