From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Care as relational practice: Filipino migrant workers creating communities of care under COVID-19 , pp 141-153

- Valerie Francisco-Menchavez, Tanya Yared, Edwin Carlos and Maria Renee Zapata
- Care homes in crisis: promising ways forward , pp 1-18

- Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley
- Care Politics for Fathers in a Flexible Time Culture

- Berit Brandth and Elin Kvande
- Care robots as enabling assistive technology: implications for quality of life and disability policy , pp 615-631

- Naonori Kodate, Hasheem Mannan, Sarah Donnelly, Yurie Maeda and Diarmuid O’Shea
- Career and organizational identification: extending the expanded model of identification , pp 99-115

- Nikolai Egold and Rolf Van Dick
- Career capital acquisition through corporate volunteering , pp 83-98

- Chen Fleisher, Svetlana N. Khapova and Mette M. Schipper
- Career change: the role of transition narratives in alternative identity constructions , pp 239-262

- Patrizia Hoyer
- Career continuance and transfer of competencies after job transitions: insights from a Swedish study , pp 381-397

- Claudia Bernhard-Oettel and Katharina Näswall
- Career control , pp 205-222

- David E. Guest and Ricardo Rodrigues
- Career implications of job performance: persistence of OCB and CWB behaviors across domains , pp 398-414

- Thomas H. Stone and I.M. Jawahar
- Career options and necessary technical skills in AI , pp 350-366

- Evangelia Krassadaki and Nikolaos Matsatsinis
- Careers, citations, bibliometrics, and impact: perspectives of new and emerging researchers , pp 211-238

- Bailey Ashton Adie, Alberto Amore, Richard S. Aquino, Tim Baird, Dorothee Bohn, C. Michael Hall, Fahimeh Hateftabar and Chris Zhu
- Carers, Gender and Employment Discrimination: What Does EU Law Offer Europe’s Carers?

- Lisa Waddington
- Caribbean Geopolitical Imperatives and Citizenship in American Immigration Policy and Practice , pp 202-226

- Anthony P. Maingot
- Caring labour: redistributing care work , pp 154-162

- Kelly Dombroski
- Carl Dietzel (1829-1884): a pioneering and unorthodox thinker on public debt and fiscal policy , pp 81-104

- Rolf Glaeser
- Carl Menger (1840–1921)

- Richard E. Wagner
- Carl Menger (1840–1921)

- Gilles Campagnolo
- Carl Menger - an unwitting revolutionary? , pp 42-77

- Witold Kwa_nicki
- Carl Menger and Friedrich von Wieser on the Role of Knowledge and Beliefs in the Emergence and Evolution of Institutions

- Agnès Festré
- Carl Menger and his philosophical influences , pp 1-20

- Krzysztof Turowski
- Carl Mengers contribution to capital theory , pp 118-140

- Eduard Braun
- Carl Menger’s seminal subjectivist legacy , pp 50-90

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- Carrying capacity reconsidered: from Malthus' population theory to cultural carrying capacity , pp 192-206

- Irmi Seidl and Clement Tisdell
- Cart before the horse: National versus international integration

- J. Mohan Rao
- Cartel and Monopoly Policy

- Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas and Frédéric Marty
- Cartel Penalties and Damages in Ireland: Criminalization and the Case for Custodial Sentences

- Terry Calvani
- Cartels , pp 217-241

- Andreas Stephan
- Cartels and leniency: Taking stock of what we learnt , pp 57-90

- Catarina Marvao and Giancarlo Spagnolo
- Cartels: A United States Story, and a Research Program for the World

- Eleanor M. Fox
- Cartesianism in Economics

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- Cartography and constructing the atlas , pp 55-61

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- Cascading compliance to achieve improved GVC sustainability: what is it and why does it fail? , pp 127-137

- Anthony Goerzen and Ari Van Assche
- Case 1: Office of the Sheriff , pp 126-136

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- Case 2: Pelham property fraud , pp 137-147

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- Case 3: Nigeria petroleum fraud , pp 148-157

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- Case 4: Toshiba accounting misconduct , pp 158-167

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- Case 5: Wells Fargo sales misconduct , pp 168-178

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- Case 6: Fuji Xerox customer fraud , pp 179-188

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- Case 7: Olympus accounting misconduct , pp 189-198

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- Case 8: BP claims attorney misconduct , pp 199-208

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- Case law of the European Court of Human Rights on international child abduction , pp 149-162

- Thalia Kruger and Sara Lembrechts
- Case studies - building a research career , pp 67-148

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- Case Studies in Biopharmaceutical Business Models

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- Case studies in development politics: psychoanalytic inflections , pp 82-110

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- Case studies in financialization , pp 114-161

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- Case studies in the classroom: Lessons learned , pp 223-231

- Stuart Shapiro
- Case studies of cross-border insider trading and market manipulation , pp 153-183

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- Case Studies of Water Valuation in Namibia's Commercial Farming Areas

- Glenn-Marie Lange
- Case Studies: Uses of Green Accounting , pp 183-205

- Glenn-Marie Lange
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