From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Measuring the Impact of Direct Mail on the Brand , pp 327-342

- Joanne McNeish
- Measuring the impact of life on land on food system productivity and sustainability , pp 365-375

- Pamela Madududu and Yetunde Olugbade
- Measuring the impact of vulnerability on the number of poor: a new methodology with empirical illustrations , pp 84-117

- Satya Chakravarty, Nachiketa Chattopadhyay, Jacques Silber and Guanghua Wan
- Measuring the Internationalisation of Industrial Districts

- Stefano Menghinello
- Measuring the Knowledge Base of an Economy in Terms of Triple-Helix Relations

- Loet Leydesdorff, Wilfred Dolfsma and Gerben Van der Panne
- Measuring the platform economy: Different approaches to estimating the size of the online platform workforce , pp 66-80

- Agnieszka Piasna
- Measuring the spatial equity of transport systems: emerging data opportunities , pp 31-46

- Elizabeth Delmelle
- Measuring the success of postal regulators: best practice in postal regulation

- Ian Senior
- Measuring the use of design thinking and co-creation for innovation , pp 342-362

- Anne Jørgensen Nordli and Stefanie Gesierich
- Measuring the wellbeing and health impacts of sewage odour , pp 225-244

- Daniel Fujiwara, Iulian Gramatki and Kieran Keohane
- Measuring travel behavior , pp 168-190

- Catherine Morency and Hubert Verreault
- Measuring tribes , pp 179-196

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- Measuring unidimensional poverty: a review of the inference literature , pp 106-117

- Chiara Gigliarano and Pietro Muliere
- Measuring urban competitiveness in Europe , pp 463-498

- LucÃa Sáez and Iñaki Periáñez
- Measuring urban financial resilience: a resource flow perspective , pp 433-452

- Christine R. Martell and Temirlan T. Moldogaziev
- Measuring utilities in cost–utility analysis , pp 247-280

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- Measuring volunteer inputs: telling the whole story , pp 133-153

- Laurie Mook
- Measuring vulnerability to poverty: a unified framework , pp 523-534

- Indranil Dutta and Ajit Mishra
- Measuring World-class Excellence and the Global Obsession with Rankings

- Ellen Hazelkorn
- Measuring, reporting and facilitating a sustainable future in business , pp 19-38

- Catalina Spataru
- Measuring: Indicators – Scales – Indices – Interpretations

- Wolfgang Meyer
- Mechanical grievability: urban graves for the solo dead in Japan , pp 145-161

- Anne Allison
- Mechanics of Growth: The Singaporean Experience , pp 160-184

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- Mechanism and performance of the high-growth-period economic system , pp 220-261

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- Mechanism and performance of the Meiji-Taishô economic system , pp 90-120

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- Mechanism Choice

- Jonathan B. Wiener and Barak D. Richman
- Mechanism to apply the minimum tax , pp 194-227

- Giovanni Rolle
- Mechanisms for Addressing Third-Party Impacts Resulting From Voluntary Water Transfers

- James Murphy, Ariel Dinar, Richard E. Howitt, Erin Mastrangelo, Stephen Rassenti and Vernon L. Smith
- Mechanisms for the Optimal Expansion of Electricity Transmission Networks

- Juan Rosellon
- Mechanisms of accountability and governance: audit, assurance, and internal control , pp 144-167

- Nieves Carrera, Marco Trombetta and Amanda Wilford
- Mechanisms of accountability and governance: management accounting and control , pp 119-143

- Maria Major, Ana Conceição and Stewart Clegg
- Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change in Economic Governance: Interaction, Interpretation and Bricolage , pp 10-32

- John L. Campbell
- Mechanisms of financial stabilisation , pp 81-106

- Tomi Tuominen
- Mechanisms to encourage price competition in the pharmaceutical market and their effects on efficiency and welfare

- J. Rovira Forns and J. Darbà Coll
- Media accountability and ethics in Africa , pp 274-284

- Herman Wasserman
- Media Clusters: Development Paths and Core Issues

- Leona Achtenhagen and Robert G. Picard
- Media Clusters: What Makes them Unique?

- Charlie Karlsson and Robert G. Picard
- Media Communications and Development

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- Media convergence , pp 123-133

- Michael Latzer
- Media coverage and pay in women’s basketball and netball in Australia , pp 410-426

- Ross Booth
- Media discourses of public participation , pp 301-316

- Jan Chovanec
- Media economics

- Robert G. Picard
- Media Economics and Regulation

- Gillian Doyle
- Media economics research: a history of the field , pp 1-12

- Alan Albarran
- Media Framing of Public Discourse on Climate Change and Sea-level Rise: Social Amplification of Global Warming versus Climate Justice for Global Warming Impacts

- Harun Rashid
- Media Industry Clustering in South Africa: Prospects for Economic Development and Spatial Reconfiguration

- Harry Dugmore and Johanna Mavhungu
- Media Industry Clusters and Public Policy

- Charles H. Davis
- Media literacy governance , pp 430-443

- Joyce Vissenberg and Leen d’Haenens
- Media power and ownership concentration , pp 458-471

- Natascha Just, Alena Birrer and Danya He
- Media, Governance and the Public Interest

- J. Robert Branston and James Wilson
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