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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Wages Downloads
Wages and Aggregate Demand: An Empirical Investigation for France Downloads
Stefan Eger and Engelbert Stockhammer
Wages, transfers and the variation of team performance in the English Premier League , pp 53-62 Downloads
Stefan Szymanski
Wages: functions, types, inequalities , pp 116-127 Downloads
Maarten van Klaveren
Wagner’s Hypothesis: New Evidence from the US Using the Bounds Testing Approach Downloads
James Payne, Bradley Ewing and Hassan Mohammadi
Wagner’s Law of Increasing Expansion of Public Activities Downloads
Alan Peacock
Wairas, Uon Downloads
Waiting for ‘Rowland Hill’ – Elements of Reform of Postal Services in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
José Ansón and Joëlle Toledano
Waiting Times and Waiting Lists Downloads
Luigi Siciliani and Tor Iversen
Wake up and smell the coffee: Innovation in the coffee shop experience , pp 284-300 Downloads
Ian Miles, Ming-Fei Lee and Kantima Sawatwarakul
Walking a Feasible Path, not Heading for the Stars , pp 61-98 Downloads
Walking the Financial Tightrope: Balancing Costs and Revenues with Commitment to Mission Downloads
Robert L. Clark and Madeleine B. d’Ambrosio
Walking tourism on a spiritual trail: competing needs from the sacred landscapes , pp 131-146 Downloads
Sabrina Meneghello
Walras' law and the IS–LM model: a tale of progress and regress Downloads
Hansjörg Klausinger
Walras's program and the neowalrasian diversion , pp 15-32 Downloads
Walras, the shift to neo-Walrasian equilibria, and some confusions , pp 136-205 Downloads
Walter Adams and James W. Brock's The Tobacco Wars: The Final Shot of a Warrior for Competitive Markets and Responsible Government , pp 141-150 Downloads
Walter Bagehot (1826–1877) Downloads
Jérôme de Boyer des Roches
Walter Eltis (b. 1933) , pp 296-324 Downloads
Walter Eucken (1891–1950) Downloads
Hauke Janssen
Walter Eucken (1891–1950) Downloads
Leland B. Yeager
Walter Thomas Layton , pp 602-606 Downloads
Carlo Cristiano
Want to facilitate FDI? Be SIMPLE and SPECIAL , pp 8-27 Downloads
Matthew Stephenson
Wants and activities , pp 288-292 Downloads
Bradley W. Bateman
Waqf contributions to sectors , pp 35-56 Downloads
Waqf development in Malaysia , pp 76-104 Downloads
Waqf for small and medium enterprises , pp 105-133 Downloads
Waqf in Shariah: basic rules and applications , pp 311-319 Downloads
Mazen El Khatib
War and Peace Downloads
Robert Aumann
War and Peace: From the Boer War to Versailles Downloads
War and taxation: the father of all things or rather an obsession? , pp 32-46 Downloads
Patrick Emmenegger and André Walter
War and the location of firms , pp 224-228 Downloads
War crimes, genocide and the value of a social harm approach in a post accountability world , pp 66-77 Downloads
Daniel Mitchell
War is a racket: In memory of Smedley Butler , pp 1-10 Downloads
War of maneuver and war of position: Gramsci and the dialectic of revolution , pp 189-203 Downloads
Daniel Egan
War on war! Artful weapons in times of war and conflict , pp 165-187 Downloads
Bernadette Buckley
War profiteering, the military-industrial complex and the deep state , pp 106-131 Downloads
War versus peace: The outcome of a binary process , pp 34-54 Downloads
War, terrorism and criminal justice , pp 47-65 Downloads
John Lea
Warranted Growth and the Role of the State Downloads
Warranties Downloads
Klaus Wehrt
Warren Mosler , pp 165-172 Downloads
Wars of aggression and false flags , pp 88-105 Downloads
Was IMF-Imposed Economic Regime Change in South Korea Justified: The Political Economy of the IMF , pp 387-412 Downloads
Was Keynes a Corporatist?: Keynes’s Radical Views on Industrial Policy and Macro Policy in the 1920s , pp 307-328 Downloads
Was Sozialforschung an Aesopian Term? Marxism as a Link between Japan and the West Downloads
Kiichiro Yagi
Washing away energy security: the vulnerability of energy infrastructure to environmental change , pp 386-401 Downloads
Cleo Paskal
Washington Consensus Downloads
Washington, DC: the capital of the free world , pp 128-159 Downloads
Wassily W. Leontief (1905–1999) Downloads
Olav Bjerkholt
Page updated 2025-03-28
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