From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The beginning , pp 1-4

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- The beginning of monetary cooperation in East Asia and the Chiang Mai Initiative , pp iii-iii

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- The Beginning of the End of the Western-dominated World Order? On the Dynamics of the Rise of China and India

- Dirk Messner
- The beginnings, history and structure , pp 14-33

- Lena Peters
- The Behavior of Bureaucrats and the Choice between Single-Purpose and Multi-Purpose Authorities , pp 375-393

- Lars-Erik Borge
- The behavior of the peasants and their households: the logical starting point for the study of the puzzle in Chinese economic history , pp 51-82

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- The behavior of UK annuity prices from 1972 to 2002 , pp 200-220

- Edmund Cannon and Ian Tonks
- The Behavioral Basis of Non-Market Valuation , pp 1-32

- Nancy E. Bockstael and Kenneth E. McConnell
- The Behaviour Change Wheel approach , pp 168-214

- Danielle D’Lima, Fabiana Lorencatto and Susan Michie
- The Behaviour of Firms

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- The Behaviour of Petroleum Markets: Fundamentals and Psychologicals in Price Discovery and Formation

- Dalton Garis
- The behavioural impact of pandemics: Incomplete markets and the supply chain , pp 285-305

- David A. Savage and Derek Friday
- The Belgian construction sector: growing practices of digitalization and the challenge of relevant social dialogue practices , pp 49-65

- Frédéric Naedenoen and Marine Franssen
- The Belt and Road Initiative and global governance: by way of introduction , pp 1-19

- Maria Adele Carrai, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Jan Wouters
- The Belt and Road Initiative and the overcapacity connection , pp 120-138

- Duncan Freeman
- The Belt and Road Initiative, the economic integration of the Eurasian continent and the international division of labour , pp 34-75

- Jean-Christophe Defraigne
- The Belt and Road Initiative: an interface with multilateral development banks on international cooperation and global governance , pp 96-118

- Suresh Nanwani
- The benefits and costs of fintech , pp 81-104

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- The benefits and detriments of global accounting convergence , pp 5-23

- Madeline Trimble and Xiaoxiao Song
- The benefits and perils of digital and automated technologies: impact assessment methods in the fourth industrial revolution , pp 126-145

- Alberto Fonseca
- The benefits of marketing analytics and challenges , pp 52-71

- Madiha Farooqui
- The benefits of negative thinking: strategic foresight in military planning , pp 429-438

- Olaf Theiler
- The best of both worlds? Impact investors and their role in the financial versus social performance debate , pp 99-125

- Sergio G. Lazzarini, Sandro Cabral, Leandro S. Pongeluppe, Luciana C. de M. Ferreira and Angelica Rotondaro
- The Beveridge retort: Beveridge’s response to the Keynesian challenge , pp 221-240

- Robert W. Dimand and Robert W. Dimand
- The big bang as a motivating device , pp 50-63

- Michael Keren
- The Big Pattern of Democracy: A Study of the Gastil Index

- Martin Paldam
- The Big Shock , pp 187-205

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- The Big Smoke: Congestion Charging and the Environment

- David Banister
- The Biodiversity Convention and biodiversity loss in Sub-Saharan Africa , pp 1-46

- Charles Perrings and Charles Perrings
- The bioeconomy: a new productive and economic model for Latin America and the Caribbean , pp 107-139

- Elizabeth Hodson de Jaramillo and Adrián Rodríguez
- The biographies of ministerial advisers: why and how gender and career trajectories matter , pp 390-404

- Maria Maley
- The Biomedical Workforce in the US: An Example of Positive Feedbacks

- Paula E. Stephan
- The Biophysical Basis of Environmental Sustainability

- R. Goodland
- The Birth of Socio-Technical Frames

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- The bitter and the sweet revisited: religious resources, spiritual struggles, and psychological distress , pp 306-324

- Christopher G. Ellison and Kevin J. Flannelly
- The black market and the silver screen: economics in The Third Man , pp 140-147

- Michael R. Hammock and Art Carden
- The Blessing and the Curse of Oil

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- The blessings of destruction , pp 185-187

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- The bloc bourgeois in France and Italy , pp 177-216

- Bruno Amable and Stefano Palombarini
- The Bloomsbury SET: science, economics, technology (BSET) , pp 88-100

- Aygen Kurt-Dickson
- The blurring lines between private and public ownership , pp 479-510

- Michelle Lowry
- The Body in the Library

- Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz
- The Bologna Process: From the National to the Regional to the Global, and Back

- Jürgen Enders and Don F. Westerheijden
- The born global phenomenon: a review of process research , pp 15-54

- Stine Øyna
- The Bosman Case and European Football

- Stefan Kesenne
- The Boundaries between Economy and Society in European Cities

- Luigi Burroni
- The Boundaries of Firms: A Global Systems Perspective

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- The boundaries of the firm

- Richard Langlois
- The Boundaries of Welfare Economics: Transport Appraisal in the UK

- Roger Vickerman
- The Boundary Problems in Financial Regulation

- Charles A.E. Goodhart and Rosa M. Lastra
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