From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Aid, financial decentralization and accumulation under economic reforms: theoretical reflections on the Tanzanian experience , pp 122-146

- Marc Wuyts
- AIDS, TRIPS and ‘TRIPS Plus’. The Case for Developing and Less Developed Countries

- Fabienne Orsi, Mamadou Camara and Benjamin Coriat
- Aims and Scope of Competition Policy , pp 1-46

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- Ain't Misbehavin' - Capricious Consumption or Permanent Income? , pp 77-113

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- Air defence identification zones: implications for freedom of overflight and maritime disputes , pp 156-170

- Robert Beckman and Phan Duy Hao
- Air pollution prevention law , pp 48-69

- Yu Wenxuan and Chen Shiyin
- Air transport , pp 36-60

- Javier Campos
- Air transport development: a comparative analysis of China and India , pp 112-137

- Yahua Zhang and Anming Zhang
- Air transport in Africa , pp 185-202

- Gianmaria Martini and Davide Scotti
- Air transport liberalization: the case of Ireland , pp 69-91

- Sean Barrett
- Airline Alliances and Tourism

- Clive L. Morley
- Airline deregulation in Canada and the sustainability of competition , pp 27-50

- David Gillen and William G. Morrison
- Airline Industry Responses to September 11th

- Jody Hoffer Gittell, Kim Cameron, Sandy Lim and Victor Rivas
- Airline liberalization in networks , pp 133-145

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- Airline liberalization in the US , pp 7-26

- James Peoples
- Airline Mergers – Second-best Results in a Changed Environment

- Peter C. Carstensen
- Airport Governance and Regulation: Three Decades of Aviation System Reform

- David Gillen
- Airport Security: Time for a New Model

- Robert W. Poole
- Airports: From Flying Fields to Twenty-first Century Aerocities

- Lucy C.S. Budd
- Akamatsu’s Flying-Geese Theory – in the Rough

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- Al-iqtisad al-wasati: a finance vision for the ummah , pp 9-35

- Mohamed Aslam Haneef and Riasat Amin Imon
- Alain Parguez’s contribution to political economy , pp 1-8

- Louis-Philippe Rochon and Mario Seccareccia
- Albania: decentralization and local government finance - key successes and future challenges , pp 26-49

- Juliana H. Pigey, Artan Hoxha and Sabina Ymeri
- Albert Aftalion (1874–1956)

- Muriel Dal Pont Legrand
- Albert O. Hirschman , pp 456-474

- Michele Alacevich
- Albert Rees

- Orley Ashenfelter and John Pencavel
- Albert the Great: Commentary on Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics (c. 1262) , pp 14-20

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- Albert the Great: Commentary on Aristotles Politics (c. 1263) , pp 21-28

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- Alcohol and drug use: risk factors for unintended pregnancy , pp 203-238

- Robert Kaestner and Theodore Joyce
- Alcohol regulation and violence on college campuses , pp 257-290

- Michael Grossman and Sara Markowitz
- Alertness: an Aristotelian approach , pp 39-63

- Frederic Sautet
- Alfred Kähler: a pioneer of input-output analysis , pp 137-166

- Christian Gehrke
- Alfred Marshall (1842–1924)

- Tiziano Raffaelli
- Alfred Marshall and Economic Theory in Holland

- Arnold Heertje
- Alfred Marshall and Herbert Somerton Foxwell: a tale of two libraries , pp 364-377

- Peter Groenewegen
- Alfred Marshall and the Development of Monetary Economics , pp 76-110

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- Alfred Marshall and the Historico-Ethical Approach

- Tamotsu Nishizawa
- Alfred Marshall and the Marshallian Theory of the Firm

- Jacques-Laurent Ravix
- Alfred Marshall on Homo æconomicus: Evolution versus Utilitarianism? , pp 114-133

- Peter Groenewegen
- Alfred Marshall’s Ideas in China

- Paul B. Trescott
- Alfred Marshall’s Place in the History of Economic Thought: The ‘Conventional’ Interpretation

- Anthony Brewer
- Algorithmic discrimination, the role of GPS, and the limited scope of EU non-discrimination law , pp 53-72

- Elena Gramano and Miriam Kullmann
- Algorithmic management from a 'fault line' to a frontline opportunity for trade unions through organizational learning pragmatist take , pp 74-92

- Pierrette Howayeck
- Algorithmic trading in experimental markets with human traders: A literature survey , pp 302-322

- Te Bao, Elizaveta Nekrasova, Tibor Neugebauer and Yohanes Riyanto
- Algorithms and global diversity management , pp 148-163

- Olivia Kyriakidou
- Algorithms, performance measurement, and management control , pp 29-47

- Wai Fong Chua and Martin Messner
- Aliada and Alia: Contrasting for-profit and non-profit platforms for domestic work in Mexico and the United States , pp 242-257

- Andrea Santiago Páramo and Carlos Piñeyro Nelson
- Aligning Institutional Vision with Policymakers’ and the Public’s Interest

- Patrick M. Callan
- Aligning international environmental governance with the ‘Aarhus principles’ and participatory human rights , pp 333-352

- Ulrich Beyerlin
- Aligning MNEs with SDGs: peace, justice, and strong institutions , pp 131-150

- Duane Windsor
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