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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Growth Prospects in the EU-10 Members States After the Crisis Downloads
Dariusz K Rosati
Growth Resurgence, Productivity Catching-up and Labour Demand in Central and Eastern European Countries Downloads
Peter Havlik, Sebastian Leitner and Robert Stehrer
Growth strategies and consumption patterns in transition: From Fordism to finance-driven capitalism , pp 35-49 Downloads
Max Koch
Growth Theory in the History of Thought Downloads
Growth theory: old and ‘new’ , pp 12-33 Downloads
Growth trajectories, life-cycle issues, survival and the region , pp 86-113 Downloads
Growth with inequality? The local consequences of innovation and creativity , pp 419-431 Downloads
Neil Lee
Growth, Age and Location in Spanish Hotels , pp 141-160 Downloads
Mercedes Teruel-Carrizosa and Agustí Segarra-Blasco
Growth, Competition and Welfare , pp 227-248 Downloads
Sjak Smulders
Growth, competitiveness and the EU budget , pp 145-162 Downloads
Luca Zamparini
Growth, development and learning to live in a finite world , pp 17-37 Downloads
Peter Timmerman
Growth, Development and Structural Change of Innovator Networks: The Case of Jena Downloads
Uwe Cantner and Holger Graf
Growth, employment, and employability in India: a gendered outlook , pp 231-249 Downloads
Mona Khare and Sonam Arora
Growth, history and institutions , pp 331-349 Downloads
Graziella Bertocchi
Growth, income distribution and age heterogeneity in the neoclassical economy: a potential conflict between dynamic efficiency and equity , pp 101-126 Downloads
Luciano Fanti and Piero Manfredi
Growth, Instability and Cycles: Harrodian and Kaleckian Models of Accumulation and Income Distribution Downloads
Peter Skott
Growth, Limits to Downloads
Growth, Productivity and Information and Communications Technologies in Latin America, 1950–2005 Downloads
Claudio Aravena, Marc Badia-Miró, André A. Hofman, José Jofré González and Christian Hurtado
Growth, Security and the Transformation of Economic Systems Over Time , pp 161-193 Downloads
Growth, Unemployment and Deindustrialization: An Introduction , pp 1-36 Downloads
Growth, unemployment and wages: disequilibrium models with increasing returns , pp 227-242 Downloads
Luciano Boggio
Growth-oriented Economic Policies and their Environmental Impact Downloads
M. Munasinghe
Growth-oriented Legal Reforms Downloads
Robert Cooter and Hans-Bernd Schäfer
Gruchy, Allan Garfield Downloads
Guangzhou's Municipal Leadership and Development Strategy in the 1990s , pp 122-139 Downloads
Peter Cheung
Guanxi and Taipans: Market Power and the East Asian Model of Competition Downloads
Raul Fabella
Guanxi as the Chinese Norm for Personalized Social Capital: Toward an Integrated Duality Framework of Informal Exchange Downloads
Peter Ping Li
Guaranteed annuity conversion options and their valuation , pp 168-199 Downloads
Laura Ballotta and Steven Haberman
Guaranteed jobs through a public service employment programme for the United States , pp 253-275 Downloads
L. Randall Wray, Flavia Dantas, Scott Fullwiler, Pavlina Tcherneva and Stephanie Kelton
Guatemala: Privatization in a Captured State , pp 38-81 Downloads
Guessing Who Wins or Predicting the Exact Score: Does it Make Any Difference in Terms of the Demand for Football Pools? Downloads
Jaume Garcia Villar, Levi Pérez and Plácido Rodríguez
Guest editing journal special issues: triumphs, tribulations and tips to maximise the former and minimise the latter , pp 47-58 Downloads
Matthew W. Rofe and Michael Ripmeester
Guidelines on teaching online classes , pp 7-36 Downloads
Guides, interviews, ethics: conducting fieldwork with Islamist extremists in Indonesia , pp 119-129 Downloads
Julie Chernov Hwang
Guiding principles for sustainable development in the developing countries , pp 33-60 Downloads
Ferenc Juhasz
Guiding the transition: design challenges in decarbonising electricity markets , pp 179-204 Downloads
Timo Gerres, José Pablo Chaves, Francisco Martín, Michel Rivier, Álvaro Sánchez and Tomás Gómez
Guimarães 2030: pioneering a circular economy for climate neutrality , pp 218-236 Downloads
Alona Perebynos, Dalila Sepúlveda, Isabel Loureiro and Carlos A. Ribeiro
Gulf monarchies' role in the new MENA region , pp 17-34 Downloads
Valeria Talbot
Gunnar Myrdal (1898–1987) Downloads
Hans-Michael Trautwein
Gunnar Myrdal’s New Deal , pp 28-44 Downloads
Alice O’Connor
Gustaf Steffen , pp 263-282 Downloads
Johan Lönnroth
Gustav Cassel (1866–1945) Downloads
Hans-Michael Trautwein
Gustav Friedrich von Schmoller (1838–1917) Downloads
Johannes Glaeser
Gustav Schmoller: an evolutionary economist Downloads
Simon Duindam and Bernard Verstegen
Gustav von Schmoller (1838–1917) Downloads
Helge Peukert
Gustave de Molinari (1819–1912) Downloads
Alain Beraud
Gustavo Del Vecchio: critical conscience of the Italian neoclassical school , pp 37-58 Downloads
Riccardo Realfonzo
Gut feelings: biases, heuristics and Covid-19 , pp 24-53 Downloads
GVCs and development: policy formulation for economic and social upgrading , pp 466-482 Downloads
Penny Bamber and Karina Fernandez-Stark
Gypsy, Traveller and Roma students in UK higher education: an ethic of engagement through the student lifecycle , pp 255-270 Downloads
Emily Danvers and Natalie Forster
Page updated 2025-03-28
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