From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The superpower that wasn't , pp 109-129

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- The supervision of banking groups/financial conglomerates

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- The supplier–retailer relationship in contemporary food markets , pp 23-46

- Alessandro Bonanno and Metin Çakır
- The supply and use framework of national accounts , pp 41-132

- Joerg Beutel
- The supply chain: produce or outsource? , pp 248-284

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- The supply chain: the European food packaging industries, food processors and food retailing industries , pp 53-93

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- The Supply of Functions by Homogeneous Area Using Cluster Analysis

- Paola De Agostini, Veronica Cicogna and Federico Perali
- The Supply Side of Democratic Government: A Brief Survey

- Thomas Borcherding and Dong (Dan) Lee
- The supply side of the SM model: the warranted rate of growth , pp 23-37

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- The supply-side revolution and challenges in taxing the rich , pp 47-64

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- The support system for Indonesian elders: moving toward a sustainable national pension system

- Maliki .
- The surge in digitalization: new challenges for team member collaboration , pp 257-277

- Thomas Hardwig and Margarete Boos
- The surge in US imports, 1995 - 2001

- Mordechai Kreinin
- The surprising rise of libertarianism and the libertarian response: starring Murray Rothbard (1926-1995) - What Has Government Done to Our Money? , pp 142-170

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- The surrogate model of cluster creation: The case of Mubadala in Abu Dhabi , pp 276-296

- Sami Mahroum and Yasser Al-Saleh
- The Survival of Firms

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- The sustainability governance of global supply chains: transnational approaches and the neglect of local development agendas , pp 281-295

- Almut Schilling-Vacaflor
- The sustainability of academic entrepreneurial ecosystems , pp 339-351

- Alice Civera, Michele Meoli and Silvio Vismara
- The Sustainability of Digital Data: Tension Between the Dynamics and Longevity of Standards , pp 15-27

- Kees van der Meer
- The Sustainability of Knowledge-related Policies in Technology-based Cities in the Netherlands

- Ana María Fernández-Maldonado and Arie Romein
- The sustainability of the catching-up process – a multidimensional take , pp 177-186

- Frank Moss
- The Sustainability of the Entrepreneurial Orientation–Performance Relationship

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- The sustainability of value in highly competitive industries , pp 163-183

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- The sustainability solution in MNEs: understanding the impediments to its implementation , pp 79-99

- Luis F. Escobar
- The Sustainable Economic Development of Traditional Peoples

- James Kahn and Alexandre Rivas
- The Sustainable Peace Roles of International Extractive Industries

- Duane Windsor
- The sustainable water campus in Leeuwarden: towards an anchoring milieu or a ‘hollow term’? , pp 103-124

- Miranda Ebbekink and Arnoud Lagendijk
- The Swedish e-krona: a means of guaranteeing the possibility of making payments for all , pp 187-208

- Eva Julin
- The Swedish Green Tax Commission , pp 23-32

- Runar Brønnlund
- The Swedish Model of Restructuring

- Ola Bergström and Andreas Diedrich
- The Swedish Paradox Revisited , pp 49-76

- Olof Ejermo and Astrid Kander
- The Swiss banking experience and lessons learned for emerging markets: the roles of digitalization and sustainability , pp 597-618

- Carlo Raimondo and Patrick Coggi
- The Swiss electricity industry and the regulation of distribution prices

- Massimo Filippini and Jörg Wild
- The Swiss Pension System and Social Inclusion

- Fabio Bertozzi and Giuliano Bonoli
- The symbiosis between corporate governance and international law , pp 251-269

- Kish Parella
- The Symbiotic Theory of Innovation: Knowledge Creation and the Evolution of the Capitalist System

- Martin Fransman
- The symbolic dimension of space and artefacts in a bookstore: leadership without a leader? , pp 147-162

- Kaisa Greenlees
- The system of public control in Spain

- Milagros García Crespo
- The system of the cities , pp 88-100

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- The systemic failure of economic methodologists , pp 33-45

- David Colander
- The tale of Hayek , pp 99-130

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- The tale of Keynes , pp 45-98

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- The tale of Marx , pp 1-44

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- The tariff question, the labor question, and Henry Georges triangulation , pp 191-206

- Stephen Meardon
- The tax exemption of municipal debt , pp 24-38

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- The Tax System and Its Reform , pp 133-156

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- The Taxation of External Costs

- Yew-Kwang Ng
- The taxation of nonprofit organizations: academic research and the unrelated business income tax , pp 231-247

- Robert J. Yetman
- The TBT Agreement and developing countries , pp 358-390

- Graham Mayeda
- The TBT Agreement and private standards , pp 485-524

- Alessandra Arcuri
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